KILL! The Urien SFV thread!

What’s his health/stun? If he has 1,000 health then he won’t have that big of a deal with getting V Trigger especially with having what seems like 2 of the better crush counters in the game. Ibuki has a 3 bar trigger with only 900 health so unless you’re really good with her V Skill and CC’s you lose most of your life before you get her bombs.

Problem with Urien is that like Juri and Ibuki, he’s a really open ended character for this game so a lot of people are going to struggle and cry until higher skilled players really flesh him out.

Me too. I liked the added depth of that mechanic. So is partitioning gone entirely in 5?

Reliable AAs: fMP at a distance, sHK for closer jump ins/crossups
With meter, EX Headbutt ofc

I feel just like maziodyne… his offense seems much better after you get used to his buttons. Oki without reflector is kinda good too after you learn what to do, but I really wanted headbutts to not whiff on crouching lol
Corner damage w/o meter feels underwhelming without the tackle loops :frowning:

Charge times are still really short in this game and characters like Chun Li have a lot of ways to buffer charges to do combos off standing buttons and such.

Headbutts whiffing on crouching characters + non-cancellable low short make me so salty even until now lol.

In the corner, the best you could probably do (meterless) for combos is just cr.HP, H fireball (slightly charged), LK Tackle. I really miss TTH and charge partitioning.

@“DevilJin 01” just tested to make sure, Urien does have at least 1,000 health and stun. Is there a way for me to find the exact value in training mode?

Headbutts whiff on crouchers in 3s though. The main use of the move is to hop over lows then go for a throw

Figured I’d post this here as well:

Yeah, you’re right. I booted up 3S just now and messed around in training mode. Apologies, my scubby '09er is showing. Haha.

With him being released in Sept instead of august I have a bad feeling he will be nerfed to the ground even though he is already a fair character…


Or maybe he’ll get buffed. Who knows. I’m still gonna be playing him either way for sure. Dude’s just too much fun especially since I just learned to start pressuring with st.MP blockstrings to setup frame traps.

edit: Just read somewhere that Urien has 1000 health and 1050 stun. Can anyone confirm this?

Ill play him as well regardless Im just super sad since I dont have sfv for pc so the wait is pretty bad…

I never really played 3S Urien like that but V Urien feels good to me as a zoner in V. st.MK is THAT BUTTON and he probably has the best fireball in the game considering how much you can vary the timing and speed of the protectile. Being able to charge it means they always have to come to you so he dominates mid and long range IMO.

Here’s the tech I’ve found so far:

After either throw, b+HK hits meaty on quick rise, crush counters mashers. You don’t have enough time to dash up throw after his throw without being jabbed but you can blow them up for trying with this.

You can combo off either lk or mk tackle if spaced out to max distance. Tackle > cr.lp cr.lp > tackle works. HK tackle is plus if you hit with the later active frames. Difficult to space though.

EX headbutt has a really short charge time compared to similar moves like EX SBK for Chun for some reason. Easier to clutch it out in pressure situations without a charge already stored.

After EX headbutt you get either: LK tackle for damage, f+MP for the air reset, or st.HP for the knockdown

f+MP is by far his best anti air. You can cancel into LP fireball and charge it for a short amount of time to make the fireball hit meaty as they land. Allows frame traps off of the blocked fireball. st.HK is also a good anti air for when they’re right on top of you. LP headbutt is good too or EX if you absolutely have to beat what their doing IE vega’s EX wall dive.

For meaties, f+MP seems to have the most active frames and leaves you plus if you time it right, allowing combos / pressure.

Charged st.HK is overhead and plus on block, you can combo cr.MP after.

st.MK max range into aegis allows bounce combos and is your best pressure starter with vtrigger. If blocked you can go for f+MP into either the followup for overhead or cr.LK for a low, either one pushes them into the reflector to continue combos. If blocked you have enough hits left on reflector to go for one more mixup usually.

st.MK > Aegis > st.HP > st.MK > cr.HP HP Fireball > HK tackle seems to be his best meterless combo that I can find with trigger.

f+MP, HP target combo is overhead and cancels into reflector. If you space it right you can get aegis combos off the reflector

He has a pressure loop off of hit confirms into LK tackle. If you’re spaced out with the tackle you’re + enough to either do cr.LK cr.LP cr.LP LK tackle leading into the same scenario or go for a throw.

cr.LK cr.LP spaces you out to get the safe LK knee dive if you’re up close.

I’m at work right now so I can’t test this out atm—would it be possible to get a video of this? Does it work on specific characters only, or all characters?

bHK doesn’t beat wake up 3f after f grab. Not sure about 4f, but 3f it does not.

If Urien comes out in his current state he’s going to be pretty bad.

For what reason?

This is probably what he means.

Is this his current frame data?

tbh I think he’ll be good. not top tier but high/mid. i’ve had pretty good success in long sets with plat/diamond players.

also, since it hasn’t been announced, hopefully this is Urien’s SF5 theme. that 1:29 chorus lol