doing low cc, close reflector, ex knee drop when your opponent is near the corner is pretty dirty. Since knee drop can’t cross up. you just slip right on in and push your opponent into the reflector.
From what I’ve gathered from the SF subreddit, not really that different from story mode. A couple of changes made to her frame data here and there maybe, but nothing too drastic. I’m expecting Urien to be more or less the same when he officially releases, unless Capcom decides to surprise us all (either to our pleasure or displeasure).
I thought Urien was looking pretty subpar right now. No strong offense/bad frame data. He only becomes scary when he has V-trigger, but a 3 bar V-trigger is just way too hard to get in this game.
Expect Urien in SF5 to be quite similar to how he was in 3rd Strike. However, until he gets Aegis late into the round, it’ll feel like he’s stuck using SA1 or SA2. Even then, getting Aegis doesn’t feel as rewarding or threatening for the opponent.
Slower, shorter dashes (especially backdash)
Charge partitioning is gone, therefore no more tackle-tackle-headbutt (weakening his damage/stun output especially in the corner) or dash up Headbutt
Tackles don’t even juggle anymore; only the H versions of Headbutt and Tackle can knockdown
Aegis severely nerfed. Urien will most likely be <40% life before he finally gets it, it’s only 3 hits per Reflector, scales combos HARD, no more unblockables
System-wide nerf: more universal overhead, can no longer whiff normals for meter
cr.MP and cr.MK can now be canceled into specials (so you can do the shoto crouch MP xx fireball in blockstring, dunno yet if useful)
st.MP, st.MK, f.MP are still VERY good pokes. cr.MP buffed and can be used as a poke as well.
Has 3 crush counter moves: st.HP is quickest and leads to a full cr.HP combo, cr.HK has ridiculous range for a sweep and leads to meaty setups… b.HK I’m sure has some use in neutral but I honestly don’t use it very much. At least it’s there lol.
He actually has a fireball game now since only Ryu, Alex, and Dictator can parry
Knee Drop isn’t completely free to parries anymore and can even be useful to get around fireballs in neutral
Very good anti-air game; has several buttons that cover a bunch of different angles; cr.HP AA can still convert into combos
Invincible reversal in EX Headbutt
V-skill gives him armor on frame 1 (although I seldom have the opportunity to even get this off during a match)
CA adds good damage in combos and can be used as an anti-air
Aegis still gives him good oki and is easy to cancel into from pretty much anything, although generally hard to get
In this iteration, it seems like he has better defense than offense. I agree, a 3-bar V-trigger is way too hard to get, even if you’re using his V-Skill. His offense got nerfed HARD in the transition from SF3 to SF5, but got a slew of defensive tools to make up for it. It’s like the devs wanted you to really rely on his buttons and play defensively, taking advantage of his long range normals.
The corner carry on his tackles is very good, and I think it’ll be one of our goals to somehow combo into H Tackle for the corner carry and knockdown. Driving opponents to the corner will allow you to pester them with his pokes to score counter hits, and leads to corner setups like EX fireball -> b.HK side switch.
V-Skill doesn’t give armor on frame 1.
He only has good AA for people jumping from very far away (from where his fMP will work). Otherwise his AA sucks since they have at least 10f of startup.
Wait, what? It’s NOT on frame 1? Unless you’re referring to the activation of V-skill itself, in which case yeah, it’s not. But I mean frame 1 of tackle/headbutt/knee drop, and I guess I should’ve clarified that. Sorry for the ambiguity. So do you mean Urien DOESN’T get armor on frame 1 of tackle/headbutt/knee drop upon successful activation of V-skill?
It’s strange to me how you say his AA sucks. Isn’t st.HK 7f startup according to the frame data posted here? That covers short distance jump-ins for crossups and the like, and covers the area around Urien’s head, no?
edit: just checked, you’re right. St.HK is 9f startup.
Urien in 3rd strike was mostly offensive with meter but without meter a fairly defensive/turtling mix. I’m curious to how the corner mixups are gonna work with Aegis in this game if it takes a while to get meter. How is the partitioning timing in this game?
You’ll generally wanna use st.MK at max range because it’s -2 on block (cr.MK is also negative). It’s a good button, but you can’t abuse it. All the other buttons above are either neutral or + on block. cr.LK doesn’t cancel into specials but can be useful for spacing purposes, to get max range on st.MK or even L Knee Drop to make it safe on block, or just to pester opponents as a quick poke because it hits low and has 4f startup. St.MP I think is his best tool for blockstrings and frame traps because it’s actually +3 on block, which is quite ridiculous, and is pretty fast at 6f startup.
I’m sure there’s a few more I still don’t know about yet. I’ll have to try mixing in safe knee drops to see what I can get.
Yeah, I think I get what you mean. I used to main Nash before jumping on the Urien train, and he felt pretty slow to me at first. But I feel like my Urien gets faster and offensively stronger the more I play him. I’ve improved a lot since understanding the function of each of his buttons, their frame data, and what to use in a blockstring to apply pressure. Just stick with it. You’ll learn to appreciate how good his buttons are.
It is too early to tell as he might be adjusted in his final release, but for the people using him online where do you place urien tier wise. I’m thinking he might be near gief and Bison right now
Kinda bummed to hear that there’s no more charge partitioning. But totally up for the challenge of playing a different type of Urien.
For those who play him right now, what would his most reliable AA be? Or is he kind of like Nash (most of the cast?) where his AAs are very situational.