KILL! The Urien SFV thread!

Oh yea it can only single hit ones though

I’m really confused about the use of Urien’s V-skill. Does the armor only cover him when he has a move out? It seems like he just gets hit like normal when I use it.

The armour is only on all Special Moves except the fireball.

Ran some sets with a buddy yesterday who plays Karin. Disappointed that he’s still outpoked by her sometimes because of her speed and the fact that many of Urien’s buttons, while really good in terms of range, are quite easily counter-poked (proof is in HawkinsT’s hit/hurtbox videos). Got crush countered often, especially with her damn sweep being so good. Urien feels a whole lot more sluggish in his current iteration compared to 3S, that’s for sure. He’s also -sorely- lacking in the anti-air department—in a game where jump-ins are relatively low risk, high reward, you need solid AA to mount a proper defensive game, and Urien doesn’t really have this. Anyone else feel the same way?

Also, when in doubt, EX Headbutt. It saves lives.

edit: disregard. I just need to git gud.

The armour only activates on the first active frame, not startup. So you can’t use it as a reversal out of frame traps.
You can however use the tackle as an AA (if you don’t leave it too late) , or to go through normals to special cancels that aren’t blockstring or tight. eg Ryu’s to fireball.
Not sure what has less startup (headbutt or tackle) but I would choose the quicker one unless they’re crouching which will cause the non ex headbutt to whiff.
At certain ranges, light and medium tackle are less negative on block so you could just throw out a tackle at that range and at best go through a normal and hit them, and at worst be -2 or maybe even 0 on block (unless you screw up the distance and do it too close then eat a punish)
At the very start of the round, it seems that medium tackle and knee are safe if the opponent stands still and blocks it. Bit of a scrubby opener but its a good baseline to train your distancing.

For all you air to airers , leaves them in a juggle state so you can follow up with a special move or normal.
Downside is that the hurtbox is right next to him so range is limited and there isn’t much float (so to combo after, you have to hit them at the apex or on the way down). This is quite limited as most air to air exchanges happen on the way up or at the apex of the reactor. Its still a tool to keep handy in your arsenal.

I haven’t really gotten to use Urien, but to those of you who mess with him in training mode: How effective are invincible reversals and V-Reversals against Aegis Reflector?

Speaking for V-reversals at least, they are extremely effective at blowing up setups that involve a meaty Aegis. LI Joe seems to think that they’re going to be a huge problem for Urien as well. However, in theory, if we can establish the threat of Aegis, i.e. use it to get a reset for huge damage, then the opponent will have to make the decision as to what to do with their V-gauge. They can either risk using their V-trigger to maybe close out the round against Urien, but no longer have access to a V-reversal as a ‘get out of jail free’ card against Aegis setups, OR they can use V-reversal but prolong their access to V-trigger in doing so, especially for characters like Urien that need 3 bars. I guess that’s part of the mind games that Urien and Aegis bring to the table.

The only v reversals i am worried about are the escape ones not the hit ones. With the proper setup the hit ones are easily punished but the escape ones require a harder read

whats the highest damage combo? iam experimenting and i have CC 558 Damage and without 541 Damage

i totally agree with you regarding the matchup. it’s aweful. THOUGH, regarding the AA. i am a dhalsim player. my best options for AA is either cr.MP long arms which is just a range advantage, and a quick standing LP as a quick reset.

Urein is very similar. infact his AA upclose is very strong and leads to a ground reset. AA’s are either standing HK, or cr.HP against distance jump in. other than that, can literally stuff anything safley! and the range of the hitbox is very large on the attack

Yeah, I’ve since learned to use st.HK to cover the jump-in angles (usually against characters like Karin that can cross up with j.MK) that standing jab or st.MP can’t. It’s one of those rare AA moves that can cover the area directly above a character’s head. f.MP is insanely good too, and I think it’s more reliable than st.MP.

You know what’d be cool? If they made it so that if you activate CA while your in VTrigger you throw out a much more durable Aegis.

So what are the confirmed meaty setups for mk.chariot after knockdown. I’ve been testing it and it seems rather inconsistent when it comes to this particular string
CC.b.Hk, c.MK, Hk.Chariot.

Does anyone know on what frame of his V-skill that the armored status is applied on his specials?

Urein been giving me troubles fully utilizing him. i think by far he is ofcourse the most demanding in all SF5 cast. i think the problem is he is VERY situational character. highly dependant on confirms and reads(and can most of the time 50/50 read…and even punishable in some states without Aegis reclector).

his meaties…best i can find are as follows and they ARE very situational. i shall also upload other video today hopefully with some of the stuff i didnt include previously.

-lk or Mk Charging chariot Meaty: works after ending anything with HK chariot charge. though LK wont reach back roll recovery midscreen, thus only need to be in corner. as well as MK. CC has different timing to be a meaty when done in corner, excluding it from the equation in that case. so the meaty in general i would say MK CC mid screen, and in corner LK CC.

-LK drop knee: yup! great meaty i will show it in a vid today hopefully. if DRop knee LK done correctly, on block it’s+ and on hit will reset to either combos or Reflector setups. problem is only in corner or mid screen against quick recovery only.
so basically after any HK CC combo, simply LK.drop knee

-Charged standing HK, or b+HK. those are also good meaties. try doin the previous mentioned above first, if the opponent didnt fast recovery, quickly dash in and either st.HK or b+HK

i also found you can mp headbutt…anyways. quick sample if you want.

sorry if i was repetitive or gave pointless info, hope i helped as well in any case lol

Nice, I’ve been trying to figure out what meaties I could setup after a cc.b.HK at differnt ranges. I found :
-At max range you can follow with either a tackle or another b.HK, the b.HK allows you to do a meaty
-At mid-range you can do c.Mk, h.tackle, the issue I’m finding with this is that it’s rather inconsistent on normal recovery for what meaty should be used. on back recovery though uriens knee has been the best bet
-up close c.hp ender has been fine with the timing

I think he’s one of the more “honest” characters, in that he really doesn’t have any gimmicks about him until he gets Aegis. He gets very good damage and stun off whiff punishes and crush counters, but other than that, he’s just a solid defensive character with not much else going for him until he gets meter. If you lose to Urien, it probably means you were just straight up outplayed.

Still trying to wrap my head around his neutral game, which… So far isn’t terribly exciting to play or watch, haha. I find myself just sitting back most of the time and throwing out pokes (including safe fireballs) and anti-airs, trying to score counter hits. I hardly ever jump because his aerial approach is very predictable. If you see Urien jump, you just KNOW he’s going for a j.HK, and he doesn’t have any moves that can cross up. In general, you really gotta make your opponent respect your buttons.


PSA: don’t end your confirm combos (usually crouching jab stuff) with M Tackle. You’re negative ON HIT. Use L Tackle instead, which is 0 on hit, for the same amount of stun and only a negligible difference in damage.

Actually, against characters with 4f moves yeah, go for the L Tackle and get that trade afterwards.
But against characters with 3f… being 0 or -2 doesn’t really change the fact that you must block afterwards so you might as well use MK Tacke.

But if we get a jab confirm while meterless I really think that we’re note going to use L/M Tackles anyway, specially against say, Laura/Mika/Necalli etc. Being negative on their faces its probably gonna be how you lose, in the end people will rather not get the dmg and stay confy on their feet than risk getting thrown and lose the match.

That’s true, and I agree. Against characters with 3f though, I’ll still probably just go with LK tackle just so I don’t have to make that extra mental adjustment anymore (i.e. from “use LK” to “use MK”) for consistency’s sake. And what are you using for your safe blockstrings, btw? You’ve been playing Urien longer than I have and I could really use some help in this area to improve my neutral game.