KILL! The Urien SFV thread!

yes, light can connect after ex headbutt

just hold down back for an easy charge for all 3

you can connect heavy shoulder from a normal hp fireball juggle, I haven’t been able to from ex

not that I know of, no but there’s probably some silly aegis setup that allows you to

Oh, I was referring to Aegis (or “vortex”, if you like the term) setups such as cr.FP, H Sphere, then EX Headbutt into f.MP, wherein only the first hit of Aegis hits meaty and you’ll still be able to get a full combo afterwards into another setup if you manage to open the opponent up. The opponent can still V-reversal out of that first meaty Aegis hit. Do you think there are better setups out there that avoid this scenario? I’m very interested to know, seeing as I’m having trouble figuring a way around Nash and Cammy’s V-reversals atm.

Fully charged EX Sphere (properly spaced) into H Knee Drop works post-stun, I guess, and you can still combo into EX Tackle and cancel into Aegis if you still have meter. However, if your intention is just to get a knockdown at the end of the combo without using cr.HP, I’d just use EX Headbutt as it is more reliable. I’ve also tried fully charged L Sphere, H Knee Drop, into super and it whiffs, unfortunately.

It was cool to read that JP watchers were calling LI Joe “Shujinko” this year.

I don’t know, particularly, why they were, but it’ll be cool to see how they react if he performs just as well or better next year … as the villain, Urien.

Can’t get a grasp on urien just passing his fight in story mode, need him to get released soon! Wish they would release him and juri together

It would be pretty sick if when Urien is charging his HP fireball it looked like a normal one instead then he suddenly aimed up and fired. That would make for one really annoying mixup though I dont think they want Urien to be the Gouken of SFV.

I feel like if they released juri and urien together they would make MORE money. Considering that it would cost a lot of FM to get 2 characters as well as all the stages they added so people are more likely to spend real money on them

I was thinking the same thing.

Even though some things are very different, Urien really does remind me of Gouken. Probably one the reasons i enjoy Urien so much, i used to play Gouken a lot in USF4.

I was bored, so I played against the CPU in training mode to learn the spacing of his moves. Really like the range on his buttons, especially st.MK, which will definitely be his best midrange poke. St.HP is still really good as in 3S - good damage, reach, and can crush counter. The range on his sweep is ridiculously good. Generally, Urien seems to best played at a midrange proximity so he can pressure you with his long reaching pokes, while avoiding his weakest range, which is up-close. He doesn’t have any exceptionally good reversals outside of EX headbutt, and while his normals have really good range, they’re rather slow. He has -no- safe blockstrings without using meter (cancelling into EX fireball or Aegis), so we’ll really need to be careful about the range and spacing.

I really like the speed of his M fireball. It seems to be just slightly slower than an H denjin hadouken from Ryu - it’s that fast for a normal projectile. His V-skill can be interrupted mid-animation, but once he successfully charges it, the armor on either his next headbutt OR tackle stays until he uses it up. Really useful for going through fireballs and such. If you can get some considerable space between you and and opponent or make them block an L fireball, you can manage to squeeze in a charge and be safe from a jump-in or whatever.

Really liking this character so far. Having more fun playing him than Nash, who’s another character who excels in medium to long ranges. I’m hoping they make Urien’s backdash faster so that backing off and throwing fireballs to get a V-skill charge will be easier.

His vskill also puts armor on knee drop. Using a move while you have vskill on also builds the vgauge. It’s really worth using vskilI so you can get aegis quicker

I found that vskill headbutt and if it hits opponent builds the most bar

I really wish that the armour didn’t vanish when we used a special move in a combo. One stMP xx HK Tackle in the neutral and the armor is gone. If only the armour lasted until the armor was used…

That’s fine. It’s balanced that way

The thing is I really think that we will pretty much never have the time to develop the V-Skill, regardless of how good it is. Much like Ibukis can’t really refill all of their Kunai just like that.

It will work. There’s gonna be opportunities and we need to capitalize on it. Ibukis kunai is a lot longer than uriens vskill

I generally don’t like or use the knee drop very much since it wasn’t that good either in 3S, so I didn’t realize this. That’s interesting, thanks for this. What do you mean by “using a move while you have v-skill on also builds the v-gauge”?

I think fishing for crush counter sweeps will be absolutely vital to setting up V-skill. It’s an amazing tool for Urien’s already really good footsies game, since he can put on V-skill and/or set up Aegis. b.HK might be usable as well since it puts the opponent in a crumple state, and buys you more time to do what you want than a crush counter st.HP, but it IS rather slow. I’m also itching to play against human players to see if a pseudo-Nash runaway fireball strategy is a viable one to put space in between you and the opponent to activate V-skill and control space, which Urien is really good at.

If you have vskill armor active and do any of his specials that do armor it builds his vgauge. If you hit with that move it grants you more vgauge

If you have v skill up can you do a safe meaty lk tackle? If you space it right you can combo after it

Vskill up doesn’t change frames on moves. Just grants armor. What I usually do after CC sweep is charged l.p. fireball into safe vskill

I got curious and decided to compare the range of Urien and Karin’s st.MK at max distance. Urien’s has significantly greater reach, and his sweep reaches only slightly further than it. The only tradeoff is that according to the frame data I have, Urien’s st.MK is only slightly slower at 8f startup vs. Karin’s 7f.

I took some screenshots in case you guys wanted to see. Pay attention to where Urien’s back foot is in relation to the floor tiles. Here’s the link:

Sorry in advance for the crappy image quality lol (low spec graphics + phone camera ahoy!) but I hope it’s enough for you to get the idea.

Kinda cool how its only 1f slower

I know thats my point, if you have armor could you theoretically make the lk tackle a safe meaty because it would absorb a wakeup dp?