KILL! The Urien SFV thread!

hahaha people complain about mikas fun house of corner, wait till dis boi urien comes out and kills you after a single 50/50

man i reaaaally need to get out of the habit of that scrubby anti-air jab bs Iā€™m used to. urienā€™s is ass for that, rightfully so lol.

I labbed a bit, but this time I did AGAINST Urien and god dammit. He does have a gigantic hurtbox, gets hit by some hard hitting combos from pretty far away.
Defense is what going to keep Urien superb neutral and oki at bay.

what would we say are urienā€™s best anti-airs? I feel itā€™s a tough area for him, especially deep jump ins. Forward medium punch works ok from afar and forward hk is ok I suppose.

st. HK is best, Forward MP for further away, st. MP if i need fast AA and cr. HP for combos

As knowyourplace said. and have hitboxes that extend outside of their hurtboxes, making them the best. Iā€™m not convinced c.hp is an effective consistent aa as its hurtbox extends before its hitbox and then itā€™s active only briefly (4 frames), but it does work and is the only option that leads to combos.

I havenā€™t tested his jumping aaā€™s, but looking at the hitboxes from memory lk might be the best as the hitbox surrounds the hurtbox meaning itā€™s unlikely to trade.

For some reason embedding takes 10 seconds off the timestamp. Weird.

Iā€™m not worried about people jumping at me trying to read a fireball since his fMP will work pretty well from there, the problem is when poeple jump from closer, almost AND crossup range. You have to use a 10f AA and that is not goodā€¦ just ask Bison players what is to life with a 10f AA, people will be jumping on you forever. Blocked a crossup? Neutral jump to bait a tech and otherwise continue the pressure againā€¦ That is going to be a problem. V-Skill might help since LK Tackle as AA will be pretty nice, but I donā€™t think we will be able to find the time to use V-Skill.

Urien still safe to use in training mode?, I wanna get some footage done

I love this forum

sup Jetty. lol. when we doing those lord urien mirror matches??

that st.hp aegis mixup is cool except i tend to never use any setup that relies on the opponent not quick-rising since most opponents seem to quick rise a vast majority of the time they can. if they do then you basically just wasted an aegis (and the better one you can easily combo)

Obligatory reminder that Urienā€™s properties will probably be changed up by the time he releases. Seems like niggas getting too attached to the current form.

the cries over the ā€˜nerfedā€™ Urien upon release day shall echo through all of this forumā€¦

Capcom said on multiple occasions that these characters arent finished but I will guarantee you that people will complain about the slightest nerf/ adjustment

It would have to be after I get back from Vegas

Anyone figure out any anti-V-reversal strategies for opponents recovering into a meaty Aegis? Neutral jump j.HK into whatever upon reaction to the flash seems to work, though Iā€™m hoping there are more reliable ways to get past V-reversal. Gonna try to experiment with armored specials via V-skill, though I doubt theyā€™ll work. Pretty sure V-reversal will still be a problem for Urien players going for Aegis mixups into stun even after heā€™s officially released, so I guess this is worth talking about now, no?

edit: EX headbutt goes through V-reversal but I really donā€™t know if itā€™s worth spending the bar.

urien is hella fun and no reasonable nerf can change that. it doesnā€™t matter if he turns out to be a shit tier character(rather unlikely), i will still play him because heā€™s the most fun character ive played yet

Urien is the first charge character i am actually trying to learn, i find him very fun. I have a few questions if you guys donā€™t mind me asking :o

1 - Is it possible to connect a normal shoulder charge from a EX headbutt ? I only manage to connect a ex shoulder
2 - Why the hell can i make charge moves much easier if iā€™m at the right side of the screen ? xD
3 - Is it possible to connect normal shoulder from EX fireball juggle ? Again ,i can only connect ex shoulder
4 - Any possible way to combo into his knee drop, except cr hp juggle ?

V reversal wonā€™t be that big of a deal IMO. Aegis isnā€™t good if you place it on them because it only has 3 hits which is why you place it in the ā€œsweet spotā€ right infront of them.