KILL! The Urien SFV thread!

I already explained.
If you have a setup in which ONLY the LAST active frame of fMP hits the BACKrise it means that the FIRST active will hit the 3rd frame of QUICKrise, so it will beat 3f jabs via priority system.

But what if they block? You can only make crHP safe if you go for EX Fireball, right? Idk if its worth it, if you have a strong 50/50 where the opponent might not know where you are then yeah… but for standart pressure frame trap/shimmy/grab its quite bad

My perpective on shimmy was that it was an end game late mid game tactic where your resources are heavy and your opponent is conditioned.

Thats the risk you have to accept. Urien does not get safe big damage like Ryu as of right now unless we or someone comes up with something. Again why I like st hp, low risk with very high reward.

Some notes from today’s grind:

fMP is actually AMAZING to whiff punish standing buttons, the range is retarded and its pretty fast at 7f. The benefit of whiff punishing with that move is that you can cancel into fHP and if you have V-Trigger you can go for Aegis crMP stHP crHP xx HP whatever. Best punish for whiffed things like Necalli’s stHK that I found so far.

Oh, and fMP xx CA is actually pretty good too. The CA may whiff if you hit with fMP from way too far away, but since he lunges himself forward its reliable to get the cancel. If your opponent is crouching then crMP is your best bet for super cancel. I made a quick video showcasing these stuff, don’t mind the 20fps since my potato can’t do better than that:

Things that I have to test tomorrow:
Is fMP fHP super cancellable? Really… if it is then the fMP xx CA as whiff punish is more reliable than I thought.

Oh, and btw, not sure if its common knowledge, but bHK actually can juggle after EX Headbutt. Well, not after a grounded one since bHK is too slow, but you can crHP xx HP Sphere EX Headbutt bHK. I think its the most damaging combo that you can do after crHP while wasting only 1 bar.

Some dude discovered you can land into meaty mp headbutt in a combo after a crush counter. Leads to some pretty interesting comboes.
Similarly he can combo off crush counter into meaty chariot tackle.

made some viable vids for 50/50 resets and some stun

Oh, you can hitconfirm Tackle xx CA from the Tackle alone, just like Karin’s Orochi xx CA.
Sure, not the kind of thing to throw in the neutral game… but if its really well spaced and the situation calls for it its good to have in the pocket to steal that round.

so after landing a hk tackle, you can do an immediate mp headbutt to land infront with advantage to meaty, or hp headbutt to land behind still with advantage albeit a bit less. not exactly unseeable mixup but still pretty quick and gives good help timing certain meaties

if you land a hp headbutt, you can do the same mixup but actually faster/harder to see, just do lp headbutt for front and mp headbutt for behind instead.

That is pretty cool.
In the 50/50 subject: After successfully tricking your opponent into thinking that you’re in the other side. Which hit confirm are we going to use? Is jab jab LK/MK/EX Tackle all we got? Its quite bad since its very little dmg for a bar and if you are meterless you’re going to be at disavantage on hit with LK/MK Tackle. Jab TC1 requires you to be at absolutely point blank and it may whiff if the opponent wakes up with a standing button.

Am I missing something or Urien is missing confirms without counter hit like the vanilla good ol crMP crMP xx special ?

I just tested that vs ryu haztlan. after hp headbutt to knockdown and mp headbutt to crossup, you’re +1. jab trades with other reversal 3 frame jabs, but beats anything slower. You can do cr.lp, target combo into hk tackle or whatever very consistently, at least against ryu.

as far as the lp headbutt to land in front, you got enough frame advantage to at the very least meaty counterhit even 3 frame moves. i’m gonna test right now to see if anything heavier can do the trick.

Can always just use raw cr. Hp and cancel into heavy knee drop on block and scoot to the other side of the screen, I probably wouldn’t punish that the first few times I saw it.

I also just tested the cr.hp xx hp fireball, hk tackle into the +frame lk. knee setup vs Ryu dp.

lk and mk knees obviously get blown up but if you do HK knee thinking their reactions/defense is on point, at best they will autocorrect whiff dp right infront of you as you get on the otherside leading to a punish.

EX DP will beat it, although if you time hk knee as early as possible it seems like they cant autocorrect the EX and will just a get a normal. regular fortunately will always autocorrect and whiff though, dont know why lol.

Ryu is fine, the problem lies with Necali, Rashid, Ibuki, Alex etc. Try to meaty jab into TC on a Necalli waking up with stLP. Urien’s stMP will whiff.

yeah, it doesnt work on necalli. just another reason to hate that whack ass char and this scrubby ass game lol. at least urien is dope and easily the most technical character so far.

I think that at least half the cast have buttons that don’t let you combo them properly if they wake up with them.

But anyways, crHP xx EX Fireball bHK in the corner is borderline disgusting since you can stay where you are and hit them from the front or walk a pixel and hit them from behind. Truly a 50/50 (and they can’t quick or backrise since its an air hit).
If you choose to stay in front you have enough f adv to meaty a stMP. Which means that stMP stMP is a combo that works without counter hit.
If you walk a couple of frames to land behind you can crLP TC1 xx whatever, but some chars can wake up with stuff so that your confirm whiffs… and that suck, but yeah, its quite strong. You can also just 50/50 a meaty crHP and roll that dice.
Not to mention that this “reset” is also the most dmg you can do off of a crHP in the corner with one bar IIRC.

And yes, I never played 3S and I’ve never really liked Urien’s character that much. But god damn, he is the most fun character in the game by far. His design is amazing!
But I think that he will suffer against some characters since his mid and close range AA are quite slow. If Urien goes for a grab and the opponent neutral jumps I don’t think he can do anything about it, he just gotta hold that. But goddamn, he is fun!

i think his anti-airs are actually really good, but I also played Gouken (his basically the same for crossups/neutral jumps) and Abel (cr.hp almost identical with juggle) so I’m used to them lol.

What do you mean by cr.hp, ex fireball mixup? maybe i dont understand cause i tried to do that in the corner and didnt get jack shit lol.

also, any of yall actually tried that crushcounter st.hp, xx mp headbutt, cr.lp xx hp headbutt combo? either the spacing is very strict/situational or the timing is very strict, which i dont know how thats possible in sfv lol. i’m also very used to playing 1 frame characters/high execution shit, not trying to boast but my success rate with that combo has been very low.

His juggles are insane. In the corner if you land an AA fireball you can dash up cr hp into another anti air fireball into ex headbutt into st hp. Its very height dependent but wholy moly the swag!

You have to delay the crMK since you need to give time to the opponent to travel far enough so that MP Headbutt hits meaty, it took a while to me figure out what was going on.

About the crHP xx EX Sphere bHK stuff, that is what it does:


Dear god Im just hoping they tune that 8frame buffer when urien hits…
it feels so unresponsive and delayed that I just cant enjoy it anymore. Shifted to using lp anti airs only right now because it’s quick enough after reaction+buffer+startup.
I dont see myself consistently AAing with or cr.hp…

I thought he only lost armor if he got hit during the v-skill activation? At least, that’s what it looked like.