KILL! The Urien SFV thread!

I want to see Urien in action against a real opponent. Not just combo and tech videos. Has LI Joe plays Javits yet? I’m sure LI Joe Urien and Javit’s Balrog have had enough time with their characters to go against each other.

Well you have to think that at the moment, you can’t play Urien on PS4.
Add to that the fact that most ways of playing Urien right now have bugs with them, it makes playing an actual set nigh impossible.

I’ve got an offline session coming up soon and if my friend doesn’t mind, I’ll record a couple of sets against one of my friends. Hopefully there’s a fully functioning mod by then.

EDIT - May as well post this I made. You could add (jump in, heavy normal xx VTC, 2/3 buttons to bounce them off of the Aegis, another Aegis) but since I can’t VTC at the moment, I’ve only recorded this part.

[quote=“Zachara, post:702, topic:177214”]

Well you have to think that at the moment, you can’t play Urien on PS4.
Add to that the fact that most ways of playing Urien right now have bugs with them, it makes playing an actual set nigh impossible.

I’ve got an offline session coming up soon and if my friend doesn’t mind, I’ll record a couple of sets against one of my friends. Hopefully there’s a fully functioning mod by then.

EDIT - May as well post this I made. You could add (jump in, heavy normal xx VTC, 2/3 buttons to bounce them off of the Aegis, another Aegis) but since I can’t VTC at the moment, I’ve only recorded this part.


Javits was chilling with LI joe in person when he unlocked Urien. They are local to each other it seems.

Also… Urien now 110% working online with PS4 users along side with Juri.

[quote=“twocoins, post:703, topic:177214”]

Really? I had no idea he was playable.
I saw Joe playing Urien in story mode but that’s it.

is there an update to the mod that I didn’t see? Currently Urien doesn’t do the freeze during V-trigger activation so I can’t practice a lot of those combos. Juri also seems completely jacked up; her ‘charge’ fireballs/moves just charge and don’t do the move.

Also, is ex headbutt having a juggle intentional yall think? I mean i dont see how it could be by accident but seems strange. i guess since the headbutt doesnt do too much damage by itself, it works out.

I have the same mod. Some people seem to have a mod that allows them to use V-Trigger/Skill the way it’s meant to be or they did their combo’s in the story mode fight where it’s obviously working correctly.

Ex-Headbutt was an important part of his juggle game in 3S. My most reliable Unblockable setup came from the Ex-Headbutt juggle. (I could never reliably charge partition)

“As you can see he has no infinite v trigger and he goes black when he does the v-skill, just like in story mode. He even says aegis reflector so 110% complete :p.”

The Cheat Engine trick works perfectly, I’ve done rounds all afternoon against both PC and PS4 players. The only bug is that if the opponent plays Alex the game will freeze completely because the hack makes Urien replace him in the selection screen.

I now have Urien’s frame data. Only thing I’m missing, aside from the active/invincibility frames, is the frame data for the initial V-trigger activation since I was using the bugged mod.

MKII Shao Kahn looks more badass naked with armor, you don’t realize he’s only wearing wrestling tights…

@LordWilliam1234 Are you sure about the st. LP being +5 on hit? It doesn’t looked like you could link a st. MP on CH to me.
Same for cr. LP and LK. Technically speaking I think they cancel and not link into each other.
And cr. MK is way more than -4 on block, I got punished with Chun’s sweep for using it point blank.

You can link into on hit, which is 5 frames. St.lp links into F + MP on counter-hit.

Cr.lp and link into on counter-hit.

Dunno what you were doing but is -4 on block. Urien can punish it with his jab but cannot punish it with

Hmm, you’re right about everything. I think I didn’t test the counter-hits enough and I accidentally forgot to block that cr. HK.

If you use cheat engine is it permanent or do you need to have cheat engine up every time you play?

You need to run it and set it up every time you play. I think you may be able to make it permanent BUT I wouldn’t recommend to do so.
I hope that someone creates a script that makes you avoid to repeat all the required steps each time you wanna play the characters.

Damn, that was sweet!
And aside from that I think that the frame adv that we get on knockdowns is missing. That is pretty useful to set up meaty timings.

so we all know urien’s got dope combos and aegis mixups but trying to come up with actual neutral game stuff now.

been working on consistent strings that lead into a +on block lk knee strike (the kind that lands instantly after guard). strangely enough off a forward dash is the most consistent, whether you dash in from point blank or from a distance the knee strike always lands at the right distance after cr.lp,, string. st.lp instead of crouching works too, but not quite as consistently. the previous one pretty much gave me the +knee 95-100% of the time whereas starting with st.lp worked about 80-90%

off a jump in, doing cr.lp, cr.lp, very consistently gave me +block knee. if you want to go for the whiff into some sort of mixup like whiff knee grab, substituting one of those cr.lp with almost guarantees you’ll land right infront of them instead.

i dont know how valuable being able to land that +knee will actually be but considering you can do any of those into whiff headbutt for very quick mixups, hopefully it will be at least worth something.

So, I found some more tech since their is a proper working urien mod. If you do, cr.hp, hp.sphere, aeigs, then headbut, you won’t hit them with headbutt, but if timed correctly you’ll push their body back into aegis, you might be able to do some more stuff after but I haven’t tried

Tried looking for some auto RPS on KD, but if they exist, they’re hard to find.

All I could find that was consistent was xx hp Headbutt, slight walk forward, if they normal quick rise

Throw - unblockable
Shimmy - obvious is obvious
st mp - links into itself on counter
cr mp - links into itself on counter
cr HP - launcher, but very unsafe
f hp - overhead but does not convert to super. cancels into vt with you at +>=3 which might be really good cause of positioning
st lk - meh
block delay tech - you gonna have block and tech a throw sometimes

I have some stuff for back tech but I cannot figure out how to threaten a throw.

“auto RPS on KD” ? What you you mean by that?

Btw, counterhit stMP stMP xx HK Tackle is way easier to do than counter hit stMP crMP xx HK Tackle… which is quite odd.
And against crouching characters you can use 3 (three!) stMPs to pressure them. Keep in mind that stMP stMP is a 3f frame trap (+3 on block - 6f startup). So its kinda easy to beat button mashers.
After two stMPs you can fMP xx fHP (4f gap) to make a really well spaced TC2, after this “string” you’re so far away that you can’t even reach them with your stMK.

But I really want something to combo/frame trap into HK Tackle without the need to counter hit. TC1 is not really hit confirmable so it doesn’t work…