Depending on range - I’m a big fan of resetting with f.MP or knocking them down with st.HP.
If you’re too far away I would personally just go for Tackle but when I get a chance, I’ll see what I can find.
Had 5 minutes spare so just tested this.
Standing Chun Li - st.HK, st.LK does not work.
Crouching Chun Li - st.HK, st.LK does work.
It doesn’t matter if it’s an overhead or not, st.HK uncharged will still hit crouchers.
Plus the test I did it only hit once unless I charged it.
Your version is bugged, I just tested it on crouching Chun and it doesn’t hit crouchers unless I charge it, in which case it hits 2 times. I’m using a character swap in Cheat Engine and everything about my character is working perfectly including VT.
Well it’s not hitting twice. It is one hit that hits for the correct amount of damage and stun and much lower hit stun than the charged version.
I am not saying you are wrong, just that it seems weird for everything else about the normal to be ok but it randomly bugs out when hitting crouchers. (Btw, I can’t connect any mediums after it so it becomes +5 when hitting crouchers as opposed to +4)
Juri had a similar bug that made her do her charged VS all the time if you did it once. Maybe it is behaving the same way for Urien too. The way it is working for me seems much more logical - they won’t give any character a 10f overhead with 5f advantage on hit.
You mean against PS4? I only tested with a friend on PC but I’m 100% sure that my version is the right one since everything else works as intended and it just makes more sense.
to a question about aas earlier, most reliable to me seem to be and cr.hp has the most reward, and ex headbutt is invincible. Overall, his aa game seems relatively strong, which is good.
This is the thing - It’s not an overhead. Setting the AI to block all/crouch and they don’t stand up to block it unless I charge it and get the two hits.
Also, this was straight going in dry on training mode. I literally opened Training, picked Urien/Chun, tried on standing and then tried on crouching so nothing had been used before (Including st.HK).
Again, I’m not saying you’re wrong, just giving you the information I’ve got. 1 hit, non-overhead, normal damage/stun values, doesn’t combo in to st.LK when standing but does when crouching. I figure if it’s a bug it’s due to the hitbox being messed up and it makes it hit late enough in the active frames to give that extra frame to work with.
His st.LP and st.HP are also usable as anti-airs but you’re correct that f.MP and st.HK seem to be the go to buttons at the moment.
…I’m an idiot. I only tested crouch blocking, not just pure crouching.
You’re both correct, it gets +5 against crouchers. My apologies, I’ll edit my post with this new information.
From what i gather here about Urien is basically…the buttons of birdie…slow long range yet powerful(?). the mixups of mika when v-trigger…the slash elbows of alex with v-skill… a invincible ex shoryken and the zoning of charlie…with good aa buttons and aa jab?
Sounds great to be honest. Hope they dont nerf his “tools” and remove invincible headbutt (damage adjustments are fine)… with the exception of rashid everyone with an escape srk style invincible move is top tier. Crush counter is not a trade off to moves like that when “other” characters escape tools obv the armor moves have armor that starts on 1-3 frame which means grabs/meaties/jabs will always beat it, and it’s still heavily punishable by medium and heavy attacks on block. So “crush” counter for a measily 30 extra damage…vs the mind games of trying to bait the wakeup dp of losing momentum etc… is not justified…while a character armor moves = who cares. just rush down and beat it out every time.
Ah cool. I think it may be a bit strong and will be removed by the time he drops but we’ll see. I’m assuming then that it is that the hitbox connects later, giving more frame advantage.
The only way I’ve been able to combo after a Tackle is if you hit with the last active frame. The best I could manage was max-range LK-Tackle, st.LP, LK-Tackle. After that you’re too close to combo after.
Wait, are you talking about tackle or headbutts? Tackle is done with kicks, not punches, and you can’t link even on CH, which suggests that they are less than +2 on hit, probably +1 for light tackle and 0 for medium one.
This way it works yeah. Point blank they’re 0 or +1 at best. I can’t seem to get more than +5 though when hit on last frame though.
As a followup, LK xx EX fireball or tc1 xx MP/EX fireball works.
You can also do the old stuff:
LP/MP tackle (last frames), LP > MP xx EX fireball xx VT.
Extension/juggles: on neutral VT activation, MP, cr. HP xx slightly charged HP fireball, EX headbutt. Works in the corner.