KILL! The Urien SFV thread!

You are living in dreamland if you think so.

I donā€™t think so man. Do you know how much time it takes to make significant balance changes? They may tweak some things around, but big changes wonā€™t be made.

Characters are almost always finished months before release. Iā€™m not saying they will be identical. But they wonā€™t be significantly different.

Honestly Iā€™d say itā€™s more likely youā€™re living in a dreamland where Capcom donā€™t just care about money and havenā€™t finished all season 1 characters before the game even came out. Remember they have a track record of finishing dlc characters months before release (and also lying about it).

High/Low reset + corner mixups.

Urienā€™s full CA has a nice surprise

Well, prepare to be disappointed.

Am I the only one to find his damage pretty weak even with good ressource ?

Bro if you give him more damage hes broken imo

[quote=ā€œLiangHuBBB, post:615, topic:177214ā€]

by redwolfx


LOOOL the SF4 and SF5 newbies are gonna cry nerf and cry for banning Urien. They donā€™t know about that Third Strike

Yeah, I think heā€™s likely to be mid tier as is. He needs lots of meter. That said heā€™s got some pretty solid mixups, so weā€™ll have to see.

Looks Guile tier to me. Godlike in some peopleā€™s hands, trash in everyone elseā€™s.

so Guile tier is on average trash but actually godlike? :pig:

With all this Urien talk did anyone think to test if his VSkill gives him more meter after poping aegis?

In his current form i think he is top 5 for the following reasons. His normals distance (karin is cheap for this reason alone), damage, zoning, high health stun, great mobility, amazing v skill, aegis reflector is amazing, and the main reason is untapped potential. I feel like urien and ibuki have the most potential in the game which you know will lead to some crazy shit. But i do think he will be very hard to use for beginners similar to ibuki

Also he can do great damage without meter even midscreen! He seems reliant on meter but he can do fine without it you just have to find it in new ways

forward mp is ranged AA and Juggle Reset, HP is juggle groundender, close AA is HK, Neutral Air MK for general AA, you can juggle into Super after Air MP

this guy has good footsies and almost guile long combos without the need of a corner 50/50 and fireballs, still donā€™t know what the v-skill does

V-skill gives Urien a hit of armor on his charge moves.

headbutt and shoulder tackle?

also combos

Man the range on Urienā€™s crouching kicks is INSANE. Hope this will teach Karin and Chun to know their place.
Also the more I (re)play him the more I realise how much stuff he has in common with Alex.

Can someone in the lab can share some info like :
-Normal moves damage
-Special moves damage
-Super damages
-Mirroir damages
-Estimated speed of dash/crHP
-Charge partitioning ?