KILL! The Urien SFV thread!

how about some comeback ex shoulder charge and Aegis Ping Pong

So Iā€™m trying to get some BnBā€™s to get a feel of the character, so far I got these three which I can pull off easily:

1 - j.HK > cr.HP > Heavy Flying Knee (can use EX here)

2 - j.HK > cr.MP > cr.LP > Medium Chariot Tackle (can use EX here)

3 - j.HK > cr.HP > HP Fireball > Heavy Chariot Tackle (can use EX here) *** does not work on corners *** (can also cancel to CA).

So two questions:

First - Is there any reason to use combo 2 over the first one? Combo 1 does more damage, more stun and is easier to do.

Second - Any standing BnBā€™s? So far most Iā€™ve seen are jump-ins and Iā€™d like to have something for when Iā€™m standing, I guess all crouching combos start with cr.HP too?

Jump combos are not bnbs. In one of the vids

cr mp, cr lp xx ct
cr lk,(chain?) st lp xx ex hb

Something like that would be a bnb.

you answered it yourself, combo 2 is good for resets after ex chariot forward mp and do e.g. st. HP for CC

Does flying knee are safe ?

Normals damage
5LP = 30, 5MP = 60, 5HP = 90, 5LK = 40, 5MK = 70, 5HK = 90, 5HK (charged, 2 hits) = 100
2LP = 30, 2MP = 60, 2HP = 90, 2LK = 20, 2MK = 60, 2HK = 100
6MP = 60, 6HP = 80, 4HK = 80
5LP > 5MP = 75, 6MP > 6HP = 124

Specials damage
Chariot Tackle: L = 70, M = 80, H = 90, EX = 150
Flying Knee: L/M/H = 130, EX = 160
Headbutt: L = 100, M = 110, H = 120, EX = 80
Sphere: uncharged = 60, charged = 90, EX uncharged = 90, EX charged = 120

Reflector does 10 dmg on hit and lasts 3 hits.

No idea about the rest.

Flying Knee is unsafe because he floats in the air on block, however EX version crosses up on block (basically it behaves like Rashidā€™s Eagle Spike).

Other random notes:

  • his CC moves are b+HK (spin in place) and HP (stagger)
  • his normals are globally slow. cr. LK is the fastest one, around 4f I think, and both st. and cr. LP might even be 5f
  • cr. LK is not special cancelable but can be linked with either cr. or st. LP which are cancelable
  • LP, LK and MP (both standing and crouching) are all positive on block
  • both st. and cr. MP can link into themselves on CH and into st./cr. LP in any case
  • st. MP > cr. MP is a frame trap and scores CH even on 3f jabs. I think st. MP might even be around +3 on block.
  • light and medium versions of Tackle and Headbutt make the opponent stand, heavy and EX score K/D. EX Headbutt can be juggled.
  • EX Sphere behaves like L, M or H sphere depending on the button combination (LP+MP= L, LP+HP = M, MP+HP = H), exactly like Ibukiā€™s kunais
  • forward dash seems pretty good, relatively fast and covers a lot of space
  • throw range seems pretty solid
  • he has no cross-up whatsoever

Nevermind his crouching kicks, have you seen his standing medium kick?!!

I freakin love that move, range is insane and it confirms into V-trigger! And it looks pretty boss.

Yeah itā€™s indeed his best poke together with b+HKā€¦ however cr. MK is special cancelable, which I think is pretty new for him.

Whatā€™s the range for cross up knees? Can am 3 cross up at diff ranges?

Range for EX knee is the same as H knee and it either whiffs above the head or lands right next to the opponent (front or back). It is safe though, def -1 or -2.

EX knee Drop is way + on block, itā€™s not negative. Itā€™s + enough to to be a true blockstring to cr. lp.

Something else I found is st. lk on block can immediately go into throw, beats out chun liā€™s 3F jab, can shimmy to get st. mp (Counter hit) -> cr. mp

Youā€™re right, I didnā€™t test it enough.
Anyways itā€™s safe to assume most of his frame data is very unfinished, I can link st. or cr. MP into any other light normal and those jabs really donā€™t seem to be 4f, which means theyā€™re at least +5 on hit atm, which explain why they link into themselves on CH (they seem to be 7f).

This character is weird as all fuck. I cannot figure out if I am supposed to fight from range or in your face. Just gonna practice confirming CCs, in the meantime, since that looks like it wont change. Plus learning how to maintain charge.

the only logical way I see him getting naked is after his CA, other than that I donā€™t see it in mid match unless weā€™ll see him naked as separate DLC costume

It will depend on the matchups but he has good tools to play offense and defense. I am assuming you will be playing a nash hit and run type of style with transitions from zoning to maybe whiffing a headbutt to get close and starting offense going. His v skill and trigger promote offensive play but his fireball and normals promote defense play.

has someone tested what his V-Skill is? is it soft confirmed to give him armor on his charging attacks?

You can use it yourself in story mode.

Ok, I managed to get the frame data for Urienā€™s ground normals and command normals. I marked the data that is missing or incomplete and added notes below.

[edit: updated thanks to LordWilliamā€™s work, hereā€™s the whole data]

5LP (4f): +5 block, +2 hit
5MP (6f): +3 block, +4 hit
5HP (12f): -2 block, +4 on hit
5HP charged (22f): +3 block, +9 hit
5LK (5f): +2 block, +3 hit
5MK (8f): -2 block, +1 hit
5HK (10f): -2 block, +4 hit (+5 on crouchers)
5HK charged (24/26f): 0 block, +8 hit
2LP (4f): +1 block, +4 hit
2MP (6f): 0 block, +5 hit
2HP (8f): -8 block, launches on hit
2LK (4f): +1 block, +4 hit
2MK (9f): -4 block, -1 hit
2HK (11f): -14 block, K/D hit
Command normals
6MP (7f): -2 block, +2 hit
6HP (21f): -4 block, +1 hit
4HK (15f): -2 block, +3 hit
Target combos
5LP > 5MP: -4 block, +1 hit
6MP > 6HP: -6 block, +1 hit

My commentary:

  • cr. HP and cr. MK are obviously the key of all his combos and you need to always cancel them into something because they are EXTREMELY punishable on block
  • st. MK and b+HK are his best pokes, but st. HP seems pretty solid too even if itā€™s not special cancelable and you canā€™t link into anything because of its tremendous pushback. On closer ranges, st. MP is clearly his best button, followed by cr. MP which has a solid range and can help you getting in
  • my guess about him not having any 3f normal and both MPs having the same startup was right, however all his lights are 4 frames except st. LK which is 1f slower
  • his LP > MP target combo is pretty safe thanks to pushback. I canā€™t really test the f+MP into overhead but I guess it will be at least -4 like his overhead.

the big question im asking, and that everyone is asking really, is are fierce fireballs still + on block?

His fierce projectiles shoot into the air?