KILL! The Urien SFV thread!

Cool combos

So too early to say, but it seems like Urien will be a character who is very meter dependent and V-trigger dependent.

Without them, he may be underwhelming, but once he gets his momentum going, heā€™s nigh unstoppable. Thatā€™s how I see the character being played anyways.

His V-skill looks pretty strong and will mitigate his reliance on meter. Honestly, he looks top tier if he stays as he is.

Biggest problem might be his lack of defensive options.

I donā€™t think heā€™d be top tier as is, but heā€™s definitely high tier with those tools. His AA game is the best in the cast

we shouldnt get too excited just yet, both juri and urien are technically NOT FINISHED (in terms of balancing).

We better expect some nerfs, they will come.

So none of this will matter when he comes out, but right now from what Iā€™ve found:

Punishable/safe stuff:

-Light attacks FEEL like 4 frames, and are all + some amount as you might expect
-Cr. mk is AT LEAST -3 on block (cancelable), but this move feels fast and has a lot of range, cannot be late canceled late like Cammyā€™s for negative edge confirms into tackle :(.
-cr. mp is neutral or -1 on block (neutral if he has a 4-frame jab which is what it feels like)
-St. mp is AT LEAST +2 on block
-F. HP is -4 on block, 5 frame moves donā€™t seem to punish it (This is really good for an overhead, the range is insane so it can easily be made safe)
-St. hp is VERY slow. You have to get a deep jump in to combo, however, the setup for a 3 frame crush counter on a blocked jump in is perfect (50/50 between throw and Crush Counter)

-St. Hk can be charged to get better frame advantage and makes it overhead, youā€™ll know if you did it right because it will hit twice.
This has so much frame advantage at full charge you can link into cr. HP, and at the closest range you can get the juggle.

-St. HP can ALSO be charged to get better frame advantage, this makes it PLUS on block by at least +2. Links into cr. hp on hit but it pushes back too far to get the juggle.
Charged or not the crush counter is the same on counter.

Crush Counters:

-B. HK and St. HP have two different types of crush counter

-B.HK has the crumple Crush Counter ala SFIV focus attack, you canā€™t get a cr. hp at max range (But you can at most mid-ranges),
you should be able to get a cr. mk, unless itā€™s the MAX MAX range and the character is small.

-st. HP has the ā€˜twist backā€™ crush counter, you can always dash up and cr. hp no matter what

-Headbutts are all safe on block (except EX) but AT LEAST -2, whiffs on crouching opponents, recovers very fast and can catch your opponent off guard for a throw.
-Ex Headbutt is AT LEAST -4 on block and you get a counter hit on punish (probably will have if it already doesnt have invincibility)

-Ex. tackle is safe on block but negative, AT MOST -2
-Any normal tackle is at least -6 on block

-regular knee drop is definitely negative, looks weird to punish like Rashidā€™s dive kicks.
-Ex. knee drop is very + on block, cr. mp and st. mp beats 3 frame jabs.

Charged fireballs are safe on block.

Interesting notes:
-You can cancel any special move from st. mp, including down-up charge moves ala 3rd strike style.
-Ex headbutt will not whiff on crouching opponents like the other headbutts

I can update this with more later.

Ex headbutt is fully invincible plus he has amazing normals/fireball/anti airs. His defense is amazing

I keep saying this. Iā€™ll be there to collect the tears.

I didnā€™t realize ex head butt had full invincibility? I was thinking without a reversal and 3F jab, heā€™ll struggle after a knockdown.

Iā€™m so jelly of all you motherfuckers who have him in training mode right now.

I donā€™t get too worried about the balancing because he will have double aegis one way or another. It doesnā€™t do over the top damage anyways.

What is his vskill exactly?

Iā€™ve heard it gives specials armor and gives you v-gauge on hit for those specials. It sounds like if you can do it safely you should.

I got bored so I put together a quick video going through the simple stuff like which normals can be cancelled.
Obviously this could all change but I thought it might help out anyone without access to training mode Urien. There is also a chance that some of this is wrong being a mod (The reason I didnā€™t include the V-Skill/Trigger. Both are bugged in the mod)

Ok guys i need one of you to test something for me since i will be away from my sfv for a few days. Can you do the f mp f hp target combo on whiff? And if so can it be canceled into aegis if you only hit with the overhead?

I remember testing this. You canā€™t do the target combo on whiff. But you can cancel either hit of the target combo into aegis. Seems like almost anything cancels into aegis.

by redwolfx

They need to release this character soon! Iā€™m way too hype. And letā€™s be honest, changes will be extremely limited. Chances are him and Juri will be almost identical with a couple bug fixes.

[quote=ā€œLiangHuBBB, post:615, topic:177214ā€]

by redwolfx


Sweet jesus urien look fucking incredible. Awesome looking juggles on day 0; I can only imagine the stuff people will come up with later on.

Not sure if I should put this in the video thread or not but I came up with a combo into various mixups.
Itā€™s really inefficient at the moment but I like it.
Oh yeah and apparently cr.LK, cr.LP, st.LP xx LP-Headbutt is a thingā€¦

EDIT - I know itā€™s not as flashy as a lot of the things that have been flying around but playing Urien on a 360 pad is frustration incarnate.

One thing is for sure, heā€™s going to be a high execution character. A lot of these juggles and mixups so far have pretty strict timing, and unless you get a crush counter, hit confirming is going to be a skill in its own right since tackles are very unsafe and headbutts whiff on crouching opponents.

Man Iā€™ve never had that creativity to come up with this stuff off of one match in story mode lol