KILL! The Urien SFV thread!

Only if you don’t like fun.
I personally enjoy fun and as such always liked how long reflectors lasted.

Maybe I’m just bad but these feel like they run out before I can do anything. Obviously I need to adapt but everything else feels the same with him (I honestly did not expect to see f+MP come back) so the change in the reflectors throws me off.

As a v trigger that’s fair that they don’t last as long

Oh yeah, it’s fair, it’s just going to take me a good while to adjust to it.
I know what will happen. I’ll adjust and then play 3s for an hour or two.
I’m going to mess myself up so bad.

Ive seen images of urien in his hammock so it has to be in somehow

Downloading update now… AHHHHHHH! I can’t wait!

I feel like his v skill is waaay to good atm. His headbutts are safe and are very fast so if you v skill then headbutt there is literally nothing they can do but block or guess with a jump


He isn’t complete.


When’s his clothes going to rip? During V-Trigger I guess?

His current cLK has insane range lol, I doubt they’ll keep it that way for the proper release. All the better if he retains that of course =)

So I don’t know if this has been posted, but he has 1000 health, 1050 stun, and no 3f normal. Also interesting is all his heavy attacks, tackle, aegis, and fb all hit meaty on quick rise off of either throw without needing a setup.

Edit: Also for all those saying he’ll be different in the main game. Going off of Capcom’s track record, he will be exactly the same when released as he is now, unless something broken is found (and maybe still then). It’s pretty typical of Capcom to completely finish characters before a games release, to then just trickle them out months later.

Did a little bit of testing so here’s what I’ve found -
Shoulder and Headbutt both seem to be 0 on hit. (Light and Medium versions. Heavies knock down)
In the corner cr.HP xx HP-Fireball whiffs unless you charge for a few frames.
I’m not sure if it’s bugged in the modded version but both Ex-Tackle and Ex-Fireball can be cancelled into Aegis.

I’m really struggling at the moment due to having to play on a 360 pad. So many Ex-Fireballs when trying to Ex-Headbutt/Knee’s when trying to Tackle.
I should’ve fixed my arcade stick by now but I kept putting it off. Stupid Overwatch.

One last thing - If you’re going to mod Urien in, wait until you’ve finished the story. Confused me when Urien turned up and proceeded to beat the shit out of Ryu in the post credit match.

Anyone know what happens if you try to play online if you and your opponent both have the Urien mod?

When playing him in story mode I found that you can s.HP and HK

I’d like to know as well. Someone here needs to test it. Would be cool to be able to play vs people with him.

I didn’t think I could have multiple simultaneous orgasms before watching those Reflector setups vids

Has anyone found an optimal corner combo yet? Like one that does more damage than midscreen cr hp xx hp sphere xx ex headbutt xx tackle

so how does the vtrigger Reflector work? Can he not get two out like 3S?

he can have two at the same time