KILL! The Urien SFV thread!

Thanks for the links, Zaracha, d3v. I can see how he can be kind of a defensive character until he gets Aegis…no wonder people were wondering about it so much before. It’s really interesting to consider Urien when the two 3S characters so far have gone in really different directions design-wise. Alex got some touching up, and Ibuki got a re-work. I wonder where Urien will fall in there? I mean, his overall playstyle seems pretty hype, building up meter and then going crazy with Aegis. I have to think the devs would want that in-game rather than changing things up too crazily.

Well, whiffing normals for meter build is gone. Urien could play offensive but he wasn’t a rush down character really. He controlled space but so did the entire cast since a lot of that game was whiff punish/hitconfirm/option select in the neutral game, the fact Urien was charge prevented him from being more aggressive since he couldn’t OS a tackle or headbutt off Using V-Skill builds meter so it could potentially be a big part of his game. If he get’s some reworked properties I hope it comes from his worthless That was just awful.

Even without aegis Urien players still played offense but it was a more neutral space control type of offense. There was no actual zoning in sf3 due to parries so pre aegis urien consisted of mainly space control with normals and dash up/whiff headbutt into throw. That doesn’t sound like a very strong character but when you add aegis into the mix that is when it all came together and allowed him to get consistent damage. He was basically a weak character with a very strong ultimate ability that overall made him a strong character. So I am interested if he will still be so relient on the aegis or if they give him more tools to get damage without it.

I’m not a big fan of his new suit. Black suit with stripes and purple shirt is very “yakuza mob”-esque. It’s something we’ve seen so many times in different media, games or animes/mangas. His 3S suit was much better IMO. Classy beige suit, blue shirt with white collar, that’s some executive stuff there.

However, given the fact that SFV happens before SF3, I understand Urien is at this point just an ambitions fella, probably just joined or about to join the Illuminati, hence still hasn’t moved up the ranks and still dressed like a generic mobster. The fact that he hasn’t his metallic voice in the trailer, also indicates that he’s still at the beginning of his rise to the top. (Metallic voice/body could be an option for a V-Trigger, with the ability to absorb hits and keep going + reduced damage and no chip, but I still think Aegis will be his V-Trigger)

Since there’s no parry, will part of his game be like Gouken in SFIV, when he controlled space with hadouken and upwards hadouken?

Will the headbutt be instant airborne? If not, could this derive some decent anti-throw OS by doing headbutt with LP+LK.

What do you think are his potential CCs? f+HP? st HP (then you could have CC st HP --> dash --> LP~MP target --> follow-up) ? cr HP??

If Aegis is his V-skill, will the “Counter sweep > V-Trigger activation” lead to some good set-ups with dash headbutt or violence kneedrop?

Since SFV is slower than 3S, his traditional Aegis high-low mix-ups don’t seem great at this point, as the overhead f+HP is already quite slow. So will he get, like Hugo is SF4, a move that mimics 3S UOHs?

Will st HK still make him move a bit backwards and avoid throws, what will be the +/- on block? (3S throwback, I loved stuffing twins divekicks with this move hehehe)

Since we have established that Aegis has 2 hits minimum, it’s hiiiiiighly unlikely that it’s a V-Skill. So, what could be the V-Skill? Maybe his 3S taunt to gain extra damage on the next hit/combo + the little ground shake.

Finally with regards to SFV juggle system, will it allow as many juggles as 3S. With the absence of air-parry, I don’t think we’ll be able to MP sphere, EX tackle, tackle, tackle, this would do too much damage from a simple punished jump-in.

Also, since the trailer Aegis looks small and one that you could very easily jump over, will he get the PP Aegis again?


I was q

Maybe not ex tackle, tackle, tackle

But maybe ex tackle, tackle B)

New look at urien in story mode in new trailer!!!

People asking questions with literally zero information lol, just be patient.

One thing we do know is that, as of now Urien has a three bar V-trigger and some derivative of Aegis Reflector.
Can’t wait to learn more later tonight
I swear I’ll probably do the Urien fight ten times over

If I was a betting man, I’d say he’ll lose the violent knee drop, and the dangerous headbutt will become more punishable but still whiff on crouchers. And he will probably get a new move

Where where where did you find that video?


Looks more like a taunt

doesnt look like a parry to me. he went into hitstun from that jump-in and recovered normally. maybe some power up vskill animation or something that adds armour to the following movie.

three stock vtrigger rules out 2 bar aegis i guess.

btw ive actually never played this game lol

Apparently this is Urien’s Alt/Premium

I guess no naked Urien

If he’ll be motion, I gonna main him together with Mika, definitely. His polished animations got me.

Urien has some immaculate legs. It’s actually disturbing how amazing his legs are compared to everything.