KILL! The Urien SFV thread!

I’m latino.

Nigga is just a generic word for “SRK user”

Well thats quite sad…?

Deep inside within our souls were all have a little nigga inside of us. Real talk

Yes I’m aware. Of all of it :stuck_out_tongue:
But for real real talk given it’s a bit dead…his model leaves a bit to be desired IMO. Something about his facial expression just doesn’t quite fit the bill. It’ll look fine while playing i’m sure but he’s got a little bit of ken face syndrome going on.

I warned everyone about Urien looking weird. He was never pretty to begin with. He looks like a fucking boss in his art though.


Okay, so his Aegis is confirmed and so is his air fireball… F-U-C-K-I-N-G S-W-E-E-E-E-TTTTT!!! Fuck yeah this is awesome so far… My only caveat… is that in the trailer he says “I’ll kill you easily” in such a pussy way…oh my fucking come the fuck on… Uriens vocabulary consists:
“You DIED”
…come on the fuck on guys… I should hear Urien say "My beatings on you body will be so gratuitous that instead of saying “hitler did nothing wrong” people will say “Urien did nothing wrong.” Uriens voice should be so menacing that I should be on the verge of shitting my of pants out fear when I hear him talk… C’mon guys… C’mong… what the fuck…

Hey, if it’s slow, lemme ask a newb question. Urien looks interesting, but I’m not quite sure what his playstyle is like. All I’m really picking up from videos is “Aegis Reflector is a really good Super”. Can someone explain how he plays? How it might transfer over to V?

Well he was a charge character in 3S that could extend his charge combos with the reflector super… and he had nice fireballs and grabs. Go play some 3s dont make us explain this shit :stuck_out_tongue:

How would I describe Urien’s playstyle…
He played like a zoner with good pokes until he had meters available or managed to juggle/launch someone.
Then shit got real.
As a quick example, watch this -
Granted, that is stuff taken to extreme but it shows the power Urien possessed.

Another example would be
I know the quality is awful but I watch that video every time I’m going to be playing some 3s as it will always get me hype.

Best to watch some of the best players from Japan. Here are some vids of RX.

He says “Don’t worry, I’ll end you quickly”

So while we’re making guesses how bout we guess where his other supers go?

I bet Tyrant Slaughter becomes his EX tackle with the grab follow-up, so it’ll be his best ender. Temporal thunder is gonna be either his super or an EX fireball. Probably his super though and it’ll work like dinjinn where it’s more focused on stun than damage.

It appears aegis has at least 2 hits before it breaks which has me wondering, what happens if they are hit grounded? Will they fly into the air like balrog in the teaser or will they be sent running towards urien kind of like a mika irish whip? If the latter is so, then ping pong combos would be back 0_0

Yoooo we are character thread status now! Let’s go! Was looking for a good while before i noticed lmao

I hope aegis is his v trigger and he has an actual damaging super to juggle toy into aftwr v trigger B)

I hope he retains enough of his overall feel from 3S. I felt Alex made a pretty good transition into V. They just made his stomps less gimmicky and his command grabs inevitably got a bit stronger. He’s still high damage and stun with some strong air and ground normals.

Ibuki has been changed up a lot special move wise, but her normals and walk speed are much more familiar to 3S which is what I wanted. If she had that same lethargic speed from SFIV I was going back to Chun with the quickness. Need to be able to weave in and out of these buttons. Bonshon Kick is nice and quick again like 3S also.

With Ibuki they probably wanted to make her moves fresh since she already retained alot of them in SFIV. If she wasn’t in SFIV it’s possible we’d getting an Ibuki with her 3D moveset.

Anyway, how bout start going all in no backsies on what the Urien changes will be? I’m sticking to my VSkill/VTrigger Aegis, the above for the other supers, and all his 3S moves like Alex.

Alex is awful without a true reversal or a 3 frame normal. He has incredibly hard match ups that basically require v-trigger to win. He feels better overall than 3rd Strike though.

I haven’t played Ibuki and she doesn’t look the same, she looks like she can control spacing extremely well with Kunai which is nothing like 3rd Strike.