KILL! The Urien SFV thread!

Not if the thing he rips off is his suit all the time and whatever’s underneath is what changes (granted, that’s much more limited selection of possible alts).

karin just got a swimsuit costume, there is absolutely no doubt that there will be a hammock alternate at some point.
Especially since the demand for it is so ridiculously high.

Capcom really got a wonky fanbase.
Everyone complains about “always the same outfit” for ryu and chun, now all you see are hot ryus online. So capcom changes the outfits for other characters and people still complain…
but what’s actually hilarious is, if 3S had one alternate for each character, urien with his suit staying on, this whole multiple pages discussion wouldnt even exist.

It doesn’t. Because this** isn’t **about the amount of skin showing. Certainly not the way you are understanding it.

Urien as he appears in Balrog’s story mode appears to be wearing another type of suit. So that’s possibly 2 out of 3 costumes without a metallic body in a thong.

Can’t fucking believe that we’ll get to play as him on friday. With the pc datamining community hard at work I’m 100% certain they’ll manage to extract the character to play in training mode. Just being able to use him in story mode is enough for me.
Maybe if capcom fixes the matchmaking and netcode I’ll actually play this fucking game again. sigh

Even if they exract him all your getting is an idea. Capcom has already said they’ll be unbalanced/missing moves. We’ll be here shitting ourselves wondering why Urien is missing X vital move when it hasn’t even been animated.

Infact quote me on that! Niggas are GOING to bitch about missing/OP/shitty moves when it’s been stated this would be the case.

I could care less about his default outfit at this point because I know that he’s gonna get his original costume as DLC and I actually like the suit, but the hypocrisy is maddening. Let’s be honest, sexuality is biasing people on here. @Daemos prefers the old outfit mainly because he thinks it’s important to the identity of the character, but attraction is very likely, even if it is subconscious, playing a role. A gay guy is probably going to like man butts. It’s totally fine. Everyone else thinks that the old costume is lame, and the fact that straight guys typically don’t wanna see men in thongs is probably a factor. That’s totally fine, too. But can those people just admit that that’s part of the reason why? All these weak “no it’s not” responses to Daemos calling the thong part of his identity are just annoying. Y’all know if a female was designed to have her butt hanging out you guys would be all for it. Oh wait,


numerous pages of srk people discussing that a man should/should not be naked in a fighting game

stay classy srk

Do you know what the difference between Urien and those characters is?

Urien is portrayed sexually, they are. There’s more focus on his face than his crotch or muscles (probably). He just happens to wear his greek shit for fighting. With the above characters what they wear empathises their sexuality with Urien he/his art doesn’t.

Edit: worth noting also that the thong is infact apart of his identity. He bursts out of his suit and beats your ass in it. In terms of visual design it is to Urien as Mika is to her ass (its her whole gimmick), Birdie is to his Chains, Cammy is to that clothing, and Chun is with ber thighs. It’s if you took away that visual aspect you take away a part of that characters identity (visually).

Maybe not to the extremes of those characters, or to something like Ryu without a headband.

If a guy in real life walked around in public dressed like Urien and was as ripped, he’d still probably attract women/gay guys and probably get fined or arrested. He can’t just tell the police officer, “Officer, my eyes are up here! Focus on my face!” It is what it is, and what’s supposed to be the focus isn’t necessarily where the focus goes to. Urien’s nakedness is pretty conspicuous, you know. And regardless, if Urien’s nakedness isn’t for sexualization, then that means that there’s actual inspiration behind his/Gill’s design, unlike the other fan favorites whom you just admitted are only dressed like that for the sake of being sexy. I don’t wanna argue on this too much; like I said, I do like his new design. I’m just annoyed at the hypocrisy.

Only Urien doesn’t walk around like that. He has a suit and “public” appearance with his suit then he has what he looks like when he changes tone and prepares to fight. That thong is a part is a part of his persona when fighting.

This is real nigga shit. Only for the realist niggas

But now he doesn’t even wear the thong when fighting. If his clothes rip off during V-Trigger and Capcom is just hiding that from us until his trailer to keep us hype then I’d be super happy.

Doubt it. It’d probably be a pain in the ass to implement on a by outift basis. It’ll probably be part of the summer outfits or classic outift groups. Right now we’re getting battle outfits for everyone.


Can we PLEASE stop discussing whether or not Urien should be naked…

Chances are he’ll get an alt with his classic costume (or lack thereof), so let’s focus on other aspects of the character.

Has it been confirmed that his aegis reflector will be a part of his V-trigger? What would be wrong with making it a meter-only attack. I never played 3S, but I want to learn as much as I can about the character and his playstyle since I’m pretty excited to pick him up. Would love it if someone could help educate on how his unblockables worked, etc? And the likelihood of them returning.

Probably not. Because his outfit is almost all that’s been revealed so far.

Also, I don’t see any reason why the coversation on SRK should be any different than the one at my dinner table.

I guess I missed the part where they said that. Way to CRUSH and KILL my dreams, nelo :frowning:

And what is this dumb crap about his thong and the moral repercussions of it in the current day. Like…why is this a discussion…

Also that aegis in his teaser was teeny weeny beeny. I’ll just hold on to the assumption that it’ll be v-trigger. I would like to see him be the first non-time based trigger user; as in trigger grants you the chance to use two aegis reflectors but you can pop the 2nd one whenever you feel like it.

We can discuss the possibilities regarding Aegis Reflector. We can discuss his VA. We can discuss the detail on his suit

Yeah that was the first thing I was noticing about Aegis. That shit was oompa loompa sized LOL. You can hop above it long before you get to the top of your jump height. It’s definitely not the OG sized wall.

Gotta keep niggas grounded.