Precisely. The majority of users here are straight male, and this just serves to demonstrate the chauvinist double standard this forum reeks of. We’ve all seen the FGC’s reaction over Mika and Cammy. Reeks I tell ya.
Yeah i was thinking that too, possible alternative
The model swap thing was because doing so clothes -> metal Uriens will each be lighter ingame as polygons if you optimize them instead one Urien being all the time both things (even if invisible)
But yeah, that’s (visible/invisible switch) exactly what they did with Necalli’s transformation
C’mon, man, I wasn’t talking about actual realism. There’s different ways to do the goofy shit SF is good for. Urien’s suit fits V’s way better than a white thong. S’all I was getting at. I see your point about it being a more traditional look, but that’s definitely less of what they’re going with this time around.
Urien isn’t my type actually, suit or no suit. This is really besides the point though.
I am not arguing that Urien looks bad or worse even in the suit. I am saying this is such a departure from one of the fundamental parts of his identity that most here would find it appallingly inexcusable if Urien was a female.
Because having Aegis as V-Trigger seems to be the most logical way to implement it in a way that it’ll work similar to 3rd Strike (can’t make his CA since that would only leave him with 1, can’t make it not-meter dependent since that would either be too good, or Aegis would have to be nerfed hard). At the same time, other people are saying that V-Trigger should be him ripping his clothes off.
The problem with Urien tearing off his clothes is alt costumes. They’ll give him an underwear alt, but they won’t have characters changing their outfit in the middle of a match.
No no no, Urien should rip his clothes off in the beginning of the match ideally. But that would cause problems with future alt costumes (since it would require a lot of new animations for each intro), so just have him naked from the get go.
No, the problem is that they can’t really have alot of alternates for someone ripping his clothes off. you’re basically limited to different forms of underwear, or tight compression clothing.