KILL! The Urien SFV thread!

Can’t wait.

Someone link a video where you hear Urien’s voice?

Well if there is’nt some reason i keep jap voices anyway lol

confirmed greek

You’re right. I don’t give a rat’s ass about his identity as a Gill palette swap. I care about his new identity as an individual and much cooler character.

Dial it back on the fanfiction there, buddy.

Hope they keep his play style the same and not ruin him with a new playstyle.

depends on what you mean with playstyle… unblockable setups all day? Unlikely.
scary highlow mix up game? probably

The new suit look is HELLA slick. I can definitely roll with this

Not that I mind his new look too much but y’all know everyone would be pissed if they had brought back mika or cammy or brought back elena with clothes

You know the banana hammock is gonna be am alt if anything right?

My goodness! He looks sick in that fresh suit!

He looks fresh in that sick suit!

You know, I think there’s also overall style to consider. Hammock-Urien makes sense in 3’s style - there’s a lot of weird characters in that game, even by Street Fighter’s standards. Having a guy just blow off his clothes and fight in a speedo is surreal, but it works in 3 because a lot of characters have an especially odd quality to them. 5 feels a lot more…down to earth, by comparison? Like they’re very clearly trying to balance the fantastical realism out so it’s a hyper-stylized version of reality, as opposed to the more crazy feel 3 seemed to go for.

I think the suit looks sick, personally. Yeah, the speedo had personality, but surely Urien has more personality than being naked, right? It should still show through, I’d reckon.

The irony of this is that it is YOU who totally misses the point of Urien. Dumb nigga is dumb…

I agree. SFV is definitely a more realistic version( It’s not THAT realistic obviously :p) of Street Fighter. I believe that by dressing Urien in this way, they will be opening us up more to his character and the depth of his personality because we’re not just gawking at him like: “Wow that’s a buff dude in a speedo! Is this Street Fighter or the Mr. Olympia contest?!”

Let me try


Crazy Fantastical


I like new design, i like old pankration design, i will like some thisisfuckingSpartAAA ancient greek warrior alt design too

Explanation is easy
-they know 20% understand what the design was supposed to be as character concept while 80% will only see a dude in speedo
-they probably already planned SF3 (and SF2) nostalgia DLC with original designs
-they know new design is cooler in an easy way and so more marketable

ps: the design concept personality was not “being naked” itself, was being the rep of greek pankration while fighting a kung fu fighter in chinese uniform or a karateka in japanese gi
Conceptually is the face-punch version of a greek warrior from 300 having a duel with a japanese samurai, wich in a modern not-soulcalibur way is what SF ever been

its in the balrog trailer, he looks fine I guess, but man his voice is just meh

curious to ear japanese voice

I didn’t mind his voice

Yeah, it’s one of the things about 3 that sucks. No more of that.

Technically, they don’t need to model swap (since that would cost them more anyway). They can just make his suit invisible like Necalli’s hair or Vega’s extra claws.

That said, Aegis as a V-Skill doesn’t make sense if they want to go along the Guile route and keep him similar to how he was before - a free, slow moving multi-hit projectile would be too good. Making it his V-Trigger and allowing him 2 reflectors, similar to Ibuki’s bomb would be closer to how he could use it in 3S.

Remember, it’s Aegis that makes Urien who he is, not the thong.