KILL! The Urien SFV thread!

Is this fanart? Or official?

Official. Capcom just uploaded a new unity blog.

He looks so sick.


Urien make Machete look like a SJW nerd

Also watching the stage seem like Urien took his new menace role seriously lol

Judging by that pic, I wonder if Rolentoā€™s working for Urien now :smiley: I would love to see a cameo.

Official. And damn he looks awesome

The fact is that no other character has suit changes. Itā€™s a matter of consistency.
Also how will they make him dress up again after VT is over? That would be weird. It would make sense only if it was an endless VT like Necalliā€™s.

Naked Urien with a variety of changing skin colors > This SNK look alike. Itā€™s generic as fuck and totally kills his identity. It isnā€™t even his cool 3S lenin paige suite. Iā€™m also totally side eyeing that button down short. WTF.

Seriously, anyone who actually approves of this look as his main look doesnā€™t give a ratā€™s ass about who this character is. How about we get rid of Cammyā€™s leotard and dress her in baggy clothes that completely cover her up while we are at it. Guileā€™s hair? shave it off. Bisonā€™s hat? Who needs it? No buns for our Chun too. Remove Ryuā€™s red headband while weā€™re at it, Iā€™m sure he will be easy to identify.

I donā€™t think Chun fans would oppose that.

Urien can be identified in a suit because itā€™s like his Bison cape. You clearly see it before every match of 3rd Strike and it was most likely meant to show that he does have a business side to his tyranny.

Only difference is heā€™s a bit more casual in this suit with the open shirt. Which inevitably shows some of his nakey pecs which makes him more identifiable. Urien is not too out of place with that suit. Heā€™s still easily seen to be ripped as hell, has the same face and illuminati piece on his forehead and has white hair with sideburns.

KI has pretty much shown that you can rearrange what makes the character identifiable while still making them identifiable. Glacius looks like one of the bugs from District 9 and is wearing an exoskeleton (which is COMPLETELY off base from what he was, a naked humanoid/alien with ice powers), but he still has glowing green spawn eyes, white alien hands and shoots ice stuff.

Yeah Iā€™m sure fans will cheer on as Capcom get rid of Chunā€™s buns. And I mean all 4 of them.

Thatā€™s all fine and dandy but Urien is a Caucasian male with blond hair, and he transforms into a COLOSSUS from X-Men. He is the original iron body of the series. His wearing of a thong with only his metallic body on display is actually the most HYPER masculine no-fucks-given outfit of all (yes, THATā€™S HOW SECURE HE IS WITH HIS MANHOOD!).

Why would you want to go and cover up something so fundamental about the character. The only reason Urien had a suit in SF3, is so that he can fucking tear it off for us.

This, this new suit is just oppressive. Striped and tight as fuck, very little fabric physics from what I can tell, and to top it off, a gay af (Iā€™m allowed to say that) magenta button down shirt. Just no.

Right, but like I said itā€™s far less dramatic than what happened to Glacius in KI and he still can be identified regardless. Itā€™s really not that serious.

Quite a few of the characterā€™s new defaults are somewhat radical in SFV and just like some of the other things in SFV I assume was inspired by KI as well. Giving the character some freshness to their threads make them seem like they are moving into the next chapter and not just stuck with an iconic, stiff look like a Nintendo or Pokemon character. Most of them are essentially human beings or super human beings. As characters, the SF characters are more relateable to real life humans than the creatures or caricatures in a game like Smash.

Urien not being naked is nowhere near as off base as Kirby not being naked and even he has different personas/outfits in some of his games. If Urien actually existed in the real world (to whatever degree he could), he most likely would have some clothes on sometimes. Thatā€™s just what would be realistic and he will obviously have a more retro alt somewhere down the line like DH/IG did for KI.

I prefer this suit over SF3 one

I want them to push the greco-roman look on Urien/Gill and this suit look waaay more a mediterranean look, feel a design that can fit a greek or an italian

Old beige Urien suit was kinda generic at that

I also approve white hair and tan skin as default

@Daemos - With how much trouble Chun caused, I think Capcom want to avoid another Jiggle Physics situation.
Also - I remember him in a suit. Just because he didnā€™t spend much time in it doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not a part of the character. What about if thereā€™s a reason for the lack of banana hammock and itā€™s in the story?
Would I have liked him to be how he was in III, but Iā€™m more than happy if they give him a valid reason to be in his suit now and itā€™s building towards the most naked of men in SF3.

Does he just find a cheap JC Penny suit to tear off or go full Armani.


Iā€™m guessing your not talking about her hair.

The only thing I dont like is his new voice.

yeah they should have kept his old voice actor.

maybe they went in a different direction.

Well on the other hand I can now pretend that Metal Gear and Street Fighter are in the same universe because of Urielā€™s VA