KILL! The Urien SFV thread!

I guess he still hasn’t obtained the metallic powers. No metal skin, no metallic voice. :frowning:

Following SFV trend probably we will not get SF3-stupid colors, maybe he will get them in bronze/speedo version if it’s his V-trigger… if not, for the inevitable SF3 DLC

But Suit-Urien will probably get slight variation of white for hairs (like white, gray, blond… maybe dark as 11/15 colors), and various kinda realistic shades for skin (aka from very light to very tan, a la Rashid colors)

…or maybe they will go full Dhalsim, in that case yeah, SF3 colors

He had to, because his hair is white. It was normally blonde without his metallic power.

Also i will not argue against Capcom finding a way to not make #45 SFV char blond

Btw i believe he’s normal full power Urien, he already use Metallic Sphere and Aegis

Probably he will go speedo/metallic skin as V-trigger (and FSE for Juri), this can be his V-trigger animation

I’m gonna say that V-Trigger is not going to involve him ripping his shirt off for the remainder of the fight. Rather, it’s probably something similar Ibuki’s bomb, except with Aegis.

Strong possibility too, but as long i can i will keep hope Aegis to be his V-Skill :smiley:

i dont see aegis NOT being vtrigger…
and if so, we can safely say that he will not rip his suit apart by activation, simply because it is still on in the short clip we’ve seen.

edit: what are the chances for aegis being a tuned down special? like alex’ stungun, too strong?

i wouldnt be surprised if aegis is a v-skill. it looked like it broke after 1 hit. unless that 1 hit does a shitload of damage i don’t think it’s strong enough to warrant being a v-trigger.

In the trailer it breaks after 2 hits, we dont see the first one but the way Balrog bounce forward implies he hit the Aegis beforehand. Also we only see the end of the combo, so for now we can only say that Aegis is 2 hits or more.
No way it’s his vskill, that is his Vtrigger. It could like ibuki’s, multiple uses.
And it would make sense since Juri teaser also shows her vtrigger.

Part me really feels like he’ll remove the suit activating v-trigger still, so maybe it’s just an ex version of a move or super?

I think they are more likely to make the regular story skin be him without the suit.

They won’t make him remove his suit because it would become a hassle to adapt the animation to all other costumes to come. It’s just programmer’s common sense.

Yeah, at most I think you might see it as a cutscene in Story mode. Like how Guile uses both his Main and Story costume in his Story mode, they could do something similar by making Urien’s Story alt the thong, and write it into the story where he’s been fighting in the suit, but then he shreds it to fight in the thong before one of the matches.

But it’s not going to be a thing that happens every match.

I think that’s pretty easy if the suit just ‘explodes’ like in 3s. The torn pieces would be the same no matter what costume he’s wearing and the costume he had would just disappear from the model at that point or the model would be instantly replaced with a suit-less alternative. Definitely not undoable but rather unlikely.

Actually is less complicated than you think, they can do a simple model swap with some effect over it hiding the transition… an explosion of energy, few pieces simulating ripped/burnt pieces of costume and that’s it

It will not be SF3 sprite animation-level but will not be a first time after the 3D passage

Probably on technical level is even more simple than Necalli’s super sayan

Listen to this MGS3 Cutscene with Volgin

Then listen to the Reveal Trailer

It’s Neil Ross!

I like that he has the suit. Hope he rips it off for his CA or v trigger.

Crush! Kill! Destroy!!!