For how i see it, SF ever allowed anachronistic designs (specially alts), SF history offer many examples of that
Also aside that like some other char, Gill and Urien get more free pass at that, being part of an ancient esotheric cult
Gill dress even more like an ancient character and their whole design take heavy inspiration from classic greco-roman and biblical vibe
Also tbh pankration fighters don’t exist anymore
Modern “pankration” is basically just MMA, wich is far from what Pankration was (spartan rules even allowed eye gouging and biting), specially as spirit
There are many technical similarity, but it’s kinda like compare ancient duelist swordmen and olympic fencers, or samurais and modern kendo guys
Urien is’nt a MMA athlete and don’t seem the type interessed in sport events in some ring, he’s ever being portraied as old ancient school psychopath that will break bones in the sand of the arena or crush somebody’s skull against pillars and marble statues lol
Kinda logical they potraied him fighting in ancient greek style
He’s true pankration rep, portraied in it’s purest form, as ancient western martial art. It was absolute fighting.
I’m also actually ok with the suit costume, as he was designed as a modern man in suit in SF3 too, the ancient greek look in his case was something only reserved for when he fight (wich make him different from Gill who is full-time ancient cosplayer)
It’s fine he get suit as standard, i just hope they remember the greco-roman fighter theme on other two (story/premium)
I really do believe he’ll get an ‘ancient greek’ inspired costume. His (as well as alex’ and ibukis) will probably get released as premium costumes in another season with characters like oro and Q. A third strike costume pack isnt really viable with only 3 true 3S chars
Well in gill’s concept art he looks exactly the same as sf3 which is practically naked meaning capcom has no problem with it. And i feel like alex definetly looks different but guile, ibuki, and balrog all look like they should
but guile, ibuki and balrog all got other outfits… like “alternate” outfits to the ones they were introduced in.
Urien seems to be wearing a suit, which would absolutely follow the path capcom is on right now.
"Not the original costume, but an alternate one, preferably something the audience already knows"
Bison got the cape, guile got his officer outfit, balrog seems to have his cape alternate from sf4. And Urien got the suit.
We see Aegis, all that matters. It seems to hit twice before it breaks, though we don’t know how long it’s been out and all that jazz. Regardless, it seems slick so far. At the least, they’re trying to replicate the unique properties of it that it had in 3S.
Using Ibuki’s V-trigger as a base, can we assume Urien’s Aegis will be similar? One use that pauses time, and one that doesn’t. Difference hopefully being that maaaaybe he can have two out at once? That would be dope.
I’m just glad they’ve nailed the character models for all of the dlc characters (bar Alex). I know Daemos is not happy about the lack of nude Urien but maybe that’s his alt.
If FSE was Juri’s VT, this implies that Aegis is tied to Urien’s VT. Just like I said, it will work like Zangief/Alex/Ibuki’s in giving him temporary access to Aegis as a special.
I dont know how to feel.
Im really excited about Urien and what we’ve seen looks promising, but at the same time it’s really sad that half of this threads posters are dropping him before HE even drops #nohammock#unplayable
Anyone who thought he wouldn’t retain his diagonal fireballs were hella wrong. I keep telling niggas to look at Alex for move retention references and niggas keep not doing that