I am going to get this out of the way early before his new model gets revealed next week. Judging by the Street Fighter III characters getting new designs and no classic look trend in this game.
yup, with Ibukis Battle Costume revealed we can pretty much confirm that the hammock is gone… or Urien does not yet have it…? Because technically it’s before SF3…?
Maybe the story mode ends with Urien finding his hammock
Absolute blasphemy if it turns out to be true. I will write letters, express disappointment and despair in comments sections all over the internet, and finally camp outside Capcom HQ with signs that read stuff like “URIEN TROUBLE!”, “FREE THE THONG!”, and “DIE!”. I might also consider using verbal threats to random Capcom employees that have nothing to do with this (COMBOFIEND?! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!).
The problem I have with this is that neither Alex or Ibuki’s fighting style is actually tied to their appearance like Urien’s. Urien literally becomes metallic for a fight, that is his superpower, and will likely want to show off his body ala Zangief as a form of intimidation.
For how i see it, Urien’s SF3 “costume” as much peoples don’t like it is perfect for his ancient greek pankration archetype, in the same way Ryu has a karate gi or Rog got boxing gloves
Never been a fan of SF get KoF style casual clothes, starting from iconic SF2 way SF design is ever been about characters have a design that work as “uniform” for some tradition archetype
What i was saying is that Alex/Ibuki (and Urien artwork) seem to indicate that Capcom is purposely avoid original design for SF3rs to be able to sell it later, they even said something similar iirc
Imho at some point they will sell as dlc:
-SF3rs original costume
-Juri (maybe Abel/C,Viper too in S2) SF4 costume
-Claw, Sim, Cammy SF2 costume
-Bison, Chun, Birdie, Karin and maybe Mika’s SFA costume
Watching Guile, Rog still have chances to get his original as story alt… if not SF2 for him too
Again though, Karate users and Boxers still wear Gis and use Boxing gloves today. But Pankration users DON’T still dress like ancient Greco-Roman wrestlers.
The problem I have is that that argument applies to Gill more than Urien. Gill’s red and blue skin is even more important to his design than Urien’s metallic skin.
Ultimately, Urien’s old look was just a lazy knockoff of Gill’s look. And since Capcom is making a concerted effort to make sure that no characters are just palette swaps of each other anymore, if only one of them gets to keep that look, it should be Gill, since he had it first.