The difference being that a lot of people never LIKED Urien’s old outfit. But a lot of them liked Mika’s ass slap.
Censorship is only a problem when you dislike the change.
From 2000 years ago.
Pretty sure Urien isn’t that fucking old.
Olympic wrestlers and pankration users don’t dress that way now. And dressing Urien like that is dumb. Just like putting Guile in a Revolutionary War outfit would be dumb. Just like dressing Cody up in old timey striped prison garb was dumb.
It’s pointlessly anachronistic. Which is fine for an alt costume, but is stupid as shit for a main or story costume.
Urien means “naked” in arabic. He also is supposed to represent a greek god with an inferiority complex which further relates to him not wearing clothes because he wants people to see how superior he is. He has to at least take his shirt off
School girl Sakura is too old for a school girl outfit, that’s the argument against her. Urien’s is the Colossus of the SF universe. His gimmick is that he can become as hard as metal. Him showing off his sculpted hard body falls in line with his ‘superpower’.
SF also should try to offset the fanservice/female nudity quota with more male hotness.
Urien has been too young for that outfit since the beginning; it was always the point of his design: an ancient look in a modern environment. It was already outdated by the time he was introduced with it. Sakura was introduced with her schoolgirl uniform when it made sense but now she’s outgrown in (or should have anyways).
Urien is possibly the only reason why I will play this version of SF
and likely I’ll play it for only a week before I get angry at 8f input lag again
Bad Netcode offline by design, gg capcom.
I srsly dont get the fuss about the whole costume thing…
so far every design change capcom made was relatively well received.
I dont think walking around in a slong is THAT important for Urien. His obsession with his body can easily be displayed through dialogue and maybe an alt
IF ibuki get’s her original costume I wouldnt be too worried as a slong urien fan.
Otherwise, if the lack of nude urien makes it impossible for you to play him, maybe you dont truly like the character himself enough
but people always scream about a suit alternate?
And the pic we got didnt show a hawai short, it looked like a more colourful and “casual worn” shirt + vest
edit: just looked at the big picture again and Im more convinced that he’s wearing a suit:
purple business shirt, open, no tie
light toned (yellow/goldish?) business jacket. Butt we’ll see for sure in a couple of days anyway