Dude you weren’t serious? Oh … my … I seriously though you were gonna find out who I was, find my address, catch a plane to my city, find me and beat the living poop out of me. Such a relief.
I actually got all that info boarding the plane now lol
Dude, do you play on psn? if so what’s your gamertag? Let’s play bro. And I’m not trying to be condescending like “Let’s see who the better man is” type of bullshit. Let’s geuinely haves some fun and play together.
My psn gamertag : Numerical_Method

The above poster is the exact type of person that will lose his shit when SFV Urien isn’t exactly what he was looking for lol
You’re a fuckin idiot for thinking that that I think that Urien is gonna be exactly what YOU THINK THAT I THINK I’m looking for. Of course he’s gonna be different. I’m just happy I got my character back. Way to go to show how fuckin stupid you are you fucking ignoramus. and even if he doesn’t have his unblockables, the game has done a really good job of balancing everything so far so I’m sure that however he plays it’s gonna be good. Fuck you.
Ayo, watch how you talk to devil jin my nigga.
I will really pull up and slap the shit out of you. I don’t care if you live on the other side of the country. I’ll get on my next day air shit if I have to. I ain’t no killer but don’t push me bruh
Ayo, when you say that you’re gonna beat my ass on account of something I said that was directed at deviljin… you give off the impression that Deviljin can’t defend himself. Let him defend himself.
I only physically fight in self defense soooo, illl just leave this as my last response since I am apparently in a situation where I should defend myself from your position.
If you’re going to Evo or some other tournament we can money match FT10 for 100 dollars my Ibuki vs your Urien. If you gotta prove to me that I should put some RESPECK on Uriens name, then we can definitely do that in the game. Hit me up in a PM if you need to discuss this. Otherwise you can continue to argue with whoever is backing me up here
Have a wonderful day and evening

Dude you weren’t serious? Oh … my … I seriously though you were gonna find out who I was, find my address, catch a plane to my city, find me and beat the living poop out of me. Such a relief.

The above poster is the exact type of person that will lose his shit when SFV Urien isn’t exactly what he was looking for lol
You’re a fuckin idiot for thinking that that I think that Urien is gonna be exactly what YOU THINK THAT I THINK I’m looking for. Of course he’s gonna be different. I’m just happy I got my character back. Way to go to show how fuckin stupid you are you fucking ignoramus. and even if he doesn’t have his unblockables, the game has done a really good job of balancing everything so far so I’m sure that however he plays it’s gonna be good. Fuck you.
Ayo, watch how you talk to devil jin my nigga.
I will really pull up and slap the shit out of you. I don’t care if you live on the other side of the country. I’ll get on my next day air shit if I have to. I ain’t no killer but don’t push me bruh
Ayo, when you say that you’re gonna beat my ass on account of something I said that was directed at deviljin… you give off the impression that Deviljin can’t defend himself. Let him defend himself.
I was not serious…at all.
lmfao nobody wants to fight you bro.
Dude, do you play on psn? if so what’s your gamertag? Let’s play bro. And I’m not trying to be condescending like “Let’s see who the better man is” type of bullshit. Let’s geuinely haves some fun and play together.
My psn gamertag : Numerical_Method
CFN: Weedandwater
I’m ass though.

Dude you weren’t serious? Oh … my … I seriously though you were gonna find out who I was, find my address, catch a plane to my city, find me and beat the living poop out of me. Such a relief.
I actually got all that info boarding the plane now lol
Man, you aren’t supposed to do it yourself.
Law 26: Keep your hands clean.
Sorry, but no. The banana hammock was stupid on Gill, and on Urien it was stupid AND lazy.
Let Gill have the thong. He’s stupid looking already. Let Urien look as cool as he acts and plays.

The above poster is the exact type of person that will lose his shit when SFV Urien isn’t exactly what he was looking for lol
You’re a fuckin idiot for thinking that that I think that Urien is gonna be exactly what YOU THINK THAT I THINK I’m looking for. Of course he’s gonna be different. I’m just happy I got my character back. Way to go to show how fuckin stupid you are you fucking ignoramus. and even if he doesn’t have his unblockables, the game has done a really good job of balancing everything so far so I’m sure that however he plays it’s gonna be good. Fuck you.
Ayo, watch how you talk to devil jin my nigga.
I will really pull up and slap the shit out of you. I don’t care if you live on the other side of the country. I’ll get on my next day air shit if I have to. I ain’t no killer but don’t push me bruh
Ayo, when you say that you’re gonna beat my ass on account of something I said that was directed at deviljin… you give off the impression that Deviljin can’t defend himself. Let him defend himself.
I was not serious…at all.
lmfao nobody wants to fight you bro.
Yo dude, do you play on pc or psn? Let’s play together bro. And I’m being completely sincere. none of this lets see who the better man is type Bullshit. Right now I be playing Bison and I think he’s pretty cool.But… I wnat MY URIEN BRO!..
My psn gamertag: Numerical_method
lets play some game brozinski!

The above poster is the exact type of person that will lose his shit when SFV Urien isn’t exactly what he was looking for lol
You’re a fuckin idiot for thinking that that I think that Urien is gonna be exactly what YOU THINK THAT I THINK I’m looking for. Of course he’s gonna be different. I’m just happy I got my character back. Way to go to show how fuckin stupid you are you fucking ignoramus. and even if he doesn’t have his unblockables, the game has done a really good job of balancing everything so far so I’m sure that however he plays it’s gonna be good. Fuck you.
Ayo, watch how you talk to devil jin my nigga.
I will really pull up and slap the shit out of you. I don’t care if you live on the other side of the country. I’ll get on my next day air shit if I have to. I ain’t no killer but don’t push me bruh
Ayo, when you say that you’re gonna beat my ass on account of something I said that was directed at deviljin… you give off the impression that Deviljin can’t defend himself. Let him defend himself.
I was not serious…at all.
lmfao nobody wants to fight you bro.
Yo dude, do you play on pc or psn? Let’s play together bro. And I’m being completely sincere. none of this lets see who the better man is type Bullshit. Right now I be playing Bison and I think he’s pretty cool.But… I wnat MY URIEN BRO!..
My psn gamertag: Numerical_methodlets play some game brozinski!
I already put my PSN/CFN tag above you.
It’s weedandwater (they’re both the same)

The above poster is the exact type of person that will lose his shit when SFV Urien isn’t exactly what he was looking for lol
You’re a fuckin idiot for thinking that that I think that Urien is gonna be exactly what YOU THINK THAT I THINK I’m looking for. Of course he’s gonna be different. I’m just happy I got my character back. Way to go to show how fuckin stupid you are you fucking ignoramus. and even if he doesn’t have his unblockables, the game has done a really good job of balancing everything so far so I’m sure that however he plays it’s gonna be good. Fuck you.
Ayo, watch how you talk to devil jin my nigga.
I will really pull up and slap the shit out of you. I don’t care if you live on the other side of the country. I’ll get on my next day air shit if I have to. I ain’t no killer but don’t push me bruh
Ayo, when you say that you’re gonna beat my ass on account of something I said that was directed at deviljin… you give off the impression that Deviljin can’t defend himself. Let him defend himself.
I was not serious…at all.
lmfao nobody wants to fight you bro.
Yo dude, do you play on pc or psn? Let’s play together bro. And I’m being completely sincere. none of this lets see who the better man is type Bullshit. Right now I be playing Bison and I think he’s pretty cool.But… I wnat MY URIEN BRO!..
My psn gamertag: Numerical_methodlets play some game brozinski!
I already put my PSN/CFN tag above you.
It’s weedandwater (they’re both the same)
omg… Dude… I’m retarded… lol… I’m so high that I didn’t know that a new page began… so I made my post twice… lol…

The above poster is the exact type of person that will lose his shit when SFV Urien isn’t exactly what he was looking for lol
You’re a fuckin idiot for thinking that that I think that Urien is gonna be exactly what YOU THINK THAT I THINK I’m looking for. Of course he’s gonna be different. I’m just happy I got my character back. Way to go to show how fuckin stupid you are you fucking ignoramus. and even if he doesn’t have his unblockables, the game has done a really good job of balancing everything so far so I’m sure that however he plays it’s gonna be good. Fuck you.
Ayo, watch how you talk to devil jin my nigga.
I will really pull up and slap the shit out of you. I don’t care if you live on the other side of the country. I’ll get on my next day air shit if I have to. I ain’t no killer but don’t push me bruh
Ayo, when you say that you’re gonna beat my ass on account of something I said that was directed at deviljin… you give off the impression that Deviljin can’t defend himself. Let him defend himself.
I was not serious…at all.
lmfao nobody wants to fight you bro.
Yo dude, do you play on pc or psn? Let’s play together bro. And I’m being completely sincere. none of this lets see who the better man is type Bullshit. Right now I be playing Bison and I think he’s pretty cool.But… I wnat MY URIEN BRO!..
My psn gamertag: Numerical_methodlets play some game brozinski!
I already put my PSN/CFN tag above you.
It’s weedandwater (they’re both the same)
omg… Dude… I’m retarded… lol… I’m so high that I didn’t know that a new page began… so I made my post twice… lol…
It’s cool bro…lol.
I wish I was high right now but I ain’t got no money till Thursday.
Seriously, they censor R.Mika’s ass slap and everyone goes batshit crazy, but a fully clothed Urien is suddenly okay? Take your double standards and fucking shove them I say.

Seriously, they censor R.Mika’s ass slap and everyone goes batshit crazy, but a fully clothed Urien is suddenly okay? Take your double standards and fucking shove them I say.
Exactly this.

The above poster is the exact type of person that will lose his shit when SFV Urien isn’t exactly what he was looking for lol
You’re a fuckin idiot for thinking that that I think that Urien is gonna be exactly what YOU THINK THAT I THINK I’m looking for. Of course he’s gonna be different. I’m just happy I got my character back. Way to go to show how fuckin stupid you are you fucking ignoramus. and even if he doesn’t have his unblockables, the game has done a really good job of balancing everything so far so I’m sure that however he plays it’s gonna be good. Fuck you.
Ayo, watch how you talk to devil jin my nigga.
I will really pull up and slap the shit out of you. I don’t care if you live on the other side of the country. I’ll get on my next day air shit if I have to. I ain’t no killer but don’t push me bruh
Ayo, when you say that you’re gonna beat my ass on account of something I said that was directed at deviljin… you give off the impression that Deviljin can’t defend himself. Let him defend himself.
I only physically fight in self defense soooo, illl just leave this as my last response since I am apparently in a situation where I should defend myself from your position.
If you’re going to Evo or some other tournament we can money match FT10 for 100 dollars my Ibuki vs your Urien. If you gotta prove to me that I should put some RESPECK on Uriens name, then we can definitely do that in the game. Hit me up in a PM if you need to discuss this. Otherwise you can continue to argue with whoever is backing me up here
Have a wonderful day and evening
ft10 for $100? I would bro… if I was go to evo I sure definitely would bro. In fact I know you dude. Not personally but I do rmembeer you from the 3rd strike days. Back then my gamer tag on xbox was : ourtwoism Does that name ring a bell? Cuz that used to be my gamertag on xbox when I remember playing against your ibuki on 3s FUCK YEAH DUDE… If I rmember correctly also your ibuki was fuckin sick bro. Just off the fucking wall sick man. Maybe through some act of god I could go to evo and get that chance to mm you for $100 on 3s. My Urien vs your Ibuki.
Also, I haven’t played on fightcade in a long while but when I last was my username on their was TommyWiseau. If that rings any bells.
I dunno man, I can just see Urien looking at this dude asking him “Hello Urien, remember me?”
And Urien just be like…

I wonder what Vega’s win quotes to Ibuki and Urien will be.
This thread went full retard for a few moments

Sorry, but no. The banana hammock was stupid on Gill, and on Urien it was stupid AND lazy.
Let Gill have the thong. He’s stupid looking already. Let Urien look as cool as he acts and plays.
What’s stupid about it? It is the olympian athlete look, which implies they’re buff and in shape and also the custom of portraying greek gods naked rather than fully armored which also suggests how they see themselves as gods rather than mere mortals having to hide under plates.
Also, their portrayal was true to form without any kind of juvenile joke or cheesy pose aiming for a cheap laugh that would ruin the effect. Neither dumb jiggling ala Chun Li or Mai Shiraniu, nor unnecessary poses like those of Cammy or Sakura whose only point is to display some goods. Overall, a potentially troubling issue handled with good taste.
Gill is probably never going to be a playable character in SF5 so there is not going to be asset recycling to complain about. The only stupid part is taking seriously the jokes about using a bazillion polygons for the 3D bulge. It’s obvious they were just kidding all along…
…weren’t they?

I dunno man, I can just see Urien looking at this dude asking him “Hello Urien, remember me?”
And Urien just be like…
Oh…I bet you Urien actually DID make that face at me when I said “Hello Urien, remember me?” He probably did… I mean… He’s not known for being the nicest guy in the roster that’s for damn sure. But what I’m saying… Mr DevilJin… is that after I’ve my got my hands on him when he comes out… oooohhhhh boooyyy… We’re gonna be inseparable. And Before you say anything else let me say this: HOWEVER he turns out… he will be my main and we will be one. We will be like Eddie Brock and Venom. We will form a symbiotic relationship in which each co-depends on the other. REGARDLESS of how he turns out - unblockables or no - partition head butts or no… Because through and through I know in my heart I am a 100% character loyalist, and after the months,and months, and months of practicing, and summoning the Aegis… Uriens reaction towards me will be 100% unlike the one in your previous posts’ gif.