KILL! The Urien SFV thread!

Naked Urien and Aegis Reflector. And I’m back into SFV

His and Juri’s character models are some of the best so far IMO. There’s a rumour they’ve fixed Ken a little bit too but I dunno if that’s true or not.

he’s charge Urien story mode, putting it in vid thread

Holy shit Urien has all of his moves


Speculation from looking at his move list im guessing his V skill stores one charge move.

That would be awesome

V-Skill apparently gives his specials 1 hit of armor.

I’m blown away!!! I can’t wait for Urien.

Taken from neogaf.

Also, Urien’s SFIII look is something you can change into mid-match. Garrett Hawke found this in Urien’s model. Basically it’s his SFIII look under his suit. Necalli also has this for his V-Trigger transformation, thus pointing towards Urien ripping off his suit mid-match.

Looks like Urien rips his clothes off in V-trigger mode.

Is Aegys Reflector a special move, a V-Skill, or a V-Trigger?


I keep telling niggas everytime to look at Alex for move retention and I swear some niggas are just stupid.

Others say it’s his V-Skill and his V-Trigger has him ripping his clothes off. Kind of confused here.

Well you will find out late tonight or tomorrow. Lol

All of his normals look the same from the stream and he has all his pecial moves. V-Skill is activate an Aegis and press it again for another one.

I haven’t played SFV yet but I was wondering about something. Does it feel unique? If not, what Street Fighter would you compare it to?

i think the clothes ripping is probably his taunt.