Ken Q&A Thread: Got questions? Ask/search here before making a thread!

Well that’s wonderful.
Did third strike ex moves leave you plus on block?? Just doesn’t seem right

what are ken’s standard oki timings off of his most common knockdowns?
combo enders h. tatsu/srk/ex srk
throw (front and back)

Trying to get the 2nd srk down after any hit confirm into vtrigger srk but i keep wiffing or getting turned around :frowning: Any help?

examples of what im trying to do.
mk,hk srk vtrigger, srk/ex srk
b+mp, hp srk vtrigger, srk/ex srk

You’re lucky you just take a DP, the ex.tatsu allows for a frame trap with his which is the first move of his target combo 2. And this is because you have a 3 frame normal else it frame traps with his crush counter st.hp.

This is one of this move you have to AA before it hits you, like the Nash moonsault, Cammy ex.dive, Chun legs, etc…

Gotchu. Thanks for the info.

Can someone please tell me what each wakeup shoryu vers (lp, mp, hp, ex) is on block when it is vtrigger canceled? I heard -5, but I am not sure if that is just one version and not all.

It’s same for all of them -5.


Ex dragon isnt if you do it after the 2nd hit

Just leaving this as a thought. to is really good. V-skill if they block it, v-trig if it hits. Secondly, in v-trig you can link light tatsu after which also makes this really useful.

I disagree on this one, I feel like xx vskill is one of the worst vskill usage for Ken. is slow so they have time to see and they plan to press a button after they’ve blocked it anyways, with you’re quite far if done at the proper distance and you’re punishable if done too close. Except if you somehow conditioned them to press nothing I don’t feel it works.

At least in my games, it never works. Multiple time I did it by accident or because I felt like it and I got jabbed out of it or worse.

Imo the ones that work well are the ones where you run after a hit that is + on block and they don’t originaly plan to press a button.

What is the frame data for blocking ken’s non-ex tatsu? Seems like i can’t punish shit (ryu). S lp no dice. Critical art no dice. Throws always tech.

lk -8.
mk -9.

hk -2 if you block it standing.
hk -1 if you block it crouching.

hk in vtrigger -2 no matter what.

That’s what the prima guide says.

F**k. So basically AA or v-reversal?

You are still plus unless he DPs straight after so you can throw an MP string out

Does anyone have tips for reliably hitting cc cr.hp? specifically on a jump in?
I use cr.hp for anti air often because of vskill, and sometimes i will score a cc (lucky?) but the timing seems capricious.

is there any reason not to use antiair cr.hp > v.skill > throw mixup?


No reason to not use it but you can do shoryu too which is just as good imo. You also get in a good situation and whatnot.

This could be not so smart of a question but I found myself wondering when I do a HP.shoryu and it trades with somewhere else and leaves the opponent burning but still standing and doesn’t let me complete the est of the animation are we both reset or do I have a slight advantage because they are in the burning state for the split second? I hope that makes sense if it doesn’t I can comb thru some video’s to find a clip of it happening. Also if we are at a advantage what’s the best followup after that??

Question about into into shoryu, I just can’t do it at all. I understand that I have to buffer the shoryu motion then press then punch, but just can’t do it when I start with the
Any tips?

Grind it. You don’t have to start buffering until you hit it’s ideal to only go into when you confirm that the hits too. Grind, no easy way around it