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Just gotta run off your gut feeling, sometimes you’ll run into a DP or two but as long as you can pull the momentum back on your side (V-Reversal is passable for this I think) you should be ok. Just make sure they don’t have a full bar or it’ll be SFIV all over again

I’m confused about Ken’s Vskill. In training mode, I set the vgauge to normal to see how much v bar it builds. Weirdly enough it built 0 lol

the run doesnt build any, only the stepkick will

edit: in conjunction with that:

is it worth it to end TC1 in stepkick instead of hk tatsu, for the v-meter?

I was thinking about that too. I think it really depends on your v-meter situation. Like if you’re half a meter away from the trigger, then it might be worthwhile to finish it off, especially since you can then vtrigger cancel it for more damage.
However, if you get 3 or 4 openings, the HK Tatsu finisher will have likely finished off your opponent, or at least stun them.

Is there anything you can do off a v-reversal?
It almost feels like you can… and after seeing that you can hit SRK after some of the tatsus, I can’t help but wonder if there is something there.

V reversal is +2 on hit, so you can’t combo off of it, but you are at frame advantage. It’s also 0 on block.

Thanks for the info, even if it makes me sad. :slight_smile:

@gigglz Thanks

I find it hard to do, b+mp, b+hp if I jump in but I can do it just fine if I do it from the ground. Is this normal? But I’ve seen it done from a jump in so I know it’s possible.

Well I only use that for post stun combos, for every other scenario it’s too unreliable so I just do regular TC. Just aim the jumping fierce at the head (hit it sooner rather than later) and you should be close enough.

Is MK > HK really -2 on block? Or are people just not punishing it?

I thought Ken’s MP> HP target combo going from 3S to 4 was bad on block this is much worse :frowning:

(Excuse my ignorance I have been maining Necalli and picked up Ken as a sub char)

Frame data I use has it listed as -6 (-2 is the alone), but it’s usually more than that since the whiffs on crouchers

It’s -6, like Otori said the is -2. So make sure it never goes into HK without confirming first. And sadly yeah the HK whiffs on crouch.

any easier way to confirm the MK > HK combo? i just see if MK hits but you have to be pretty fast to get the HK to come out.

Same question for me, the same for b+mp>b+hp. I never realize my reaction is this bad compared to other players who can do this…

for the b+mp > hp i usually link it from standing LP so it gives you a 3 hit confirm.

Just gotta train it, like everyone else has said. It’s you being mentally aware of the situation you’re in, course you won’t get it perfect everytime. You can cancel into ex fireball as a cushion. However, meter is important and you want to be so good at it that you minimize any chance of you spending meter. By mentally aware I mean, knowing the blockstring you’re going to perform and where you want to find that counter hit. Can’t just be throwing it out hoping it’ll hit or you’ll be caught off guard and most likely miss your confirm.

Set dummy on random block and start practicing!

It’ll help you inmensely as Ken is the most reliant on hit confirms, if you can do it with Ken, everyone else is cake.

I have maybe 60%-70% success rate since someone suggested looking at the health bars.

It would be good to know how you’re all doing here Rank LP wise. Perhaps keep an updated Ken Bro rank LP On this board.

With ranked the state it currently is getting consistent matches to gain LP takes the piss, I did a 3 hour session yesterday and went 26-5 but only only managed to get a total gain of 950LP due to how shittily matched I was and how long it took to get the games I did.