Ken Matchmaking Thread: Find your Kenmates here!

Please try to leave your information in this format:

Systems: X360/PS3/PS4/PC
Name: Your username or real name if you want
Tag: Your GT or PSN or Steam ID
Area: The area where you live
Alts: Other characters you use


Playstation 3 PS4 Below This List

Name: Lilsicx66
Tag: Lilsicx66
Area: Norcal 916
Alts: ryu

Name: Apallo
Tag: StrifeBurn
Area: western canada (great connection to western US)
Alts: none

Name: Koudo
Tag: koudo-
Area: Central Canada
Alts: Ryu/Akuma

Name: Spycarnegy
Tag: Spycarnegy
Area: Chicago,IL,773
Alts: None

Name: JoontheBaboon
Tag: JoontheBaboon
Area: (310) Torrance, SoCal
Alts: None

Name: Strikeshell
Tag: Strikeshell
Area: NY 11752
Alts: Abel, C. Viper

Name: Jtwelve
Tag: J12
Area: California, LA
Alts: Rufus, Balrog

Name: Cocota_sama
Tag: cocota_sama
Area: France, Lyon
Alts: Sakura, Chun li. plan to add Fei long Cammy and Ryu in last position.

Name: Montrell274
Tag: losevolution
Area: USA, Mississippi
Alts: None

Name: JetEnduro
Tag: JetEnduro
Area: Connecticut (203)
Alts: None

Name: cynistar
Tag: cynistar
Area: Socal, 805
Alts: Ryu, Abel, Honda

Name: Optimus124
Area: Columbia, South Carolina
Alts: Bison, Rose, Dan

Name: Gone2far
Tag: Digital-01
Area: London, UK

Name: D0p3
Tag: D0p3Ad1c7
Area: Alberta, Canada

Name: chulo313
Tag: thanos313
Area: charlotte, NC
Alts: seth, fei, abel

Name: CCiNO
Tag: CCiNOone
Area: NY, NY
Alts: Bison (Dic), Honda, Guile

Name: khayri
Tag: khayri
Area: DC
Alts: Ryu, Akuma

Name: chihaoo
Tag: chihaoo
Area: Chicago, IL
Alts: Cammy mostly.

Name: JD717
Area: Lanchaster PA
Tag: Komosutro
Alt- Viper, Balrog, Bison

Tag: SSJMike
Area: Corvallis, Oregon
Alts: Shotos

Name: Dutty
Tag: Dutty2zero1(PS3)
Area: Jersey City, New Jersey
Alt: Ryu, Chun li, and Abel

Name: Seismic_Hadou
PSN: Creature_Goon
Area: London
Alts: Fei Long

Area: bay area/davis
Alt: everyone but viper (this doesn’t really tell the other player much >.<)

Tag: wolfrain102
area: detroit, MI
alts: shotos, Boxer, and Chun lizzy

Name: Kav
Tag: kavmaestro
Area: London, UK
Alt: El Fuerte

Name: arapozo
Tag: GambitK
area: ???
alts: ???

Name: Noritzu
Tag: Noritzu
Area: Michigan
Alt: Zangief

Name: vannuge
Tag: vannuge
Area: Gainesville, FL
Secondary char’s: Ryu, Ibuki (learning)

Name: Noobtorious
Tag: pholmes01
Area: Bay Area, CA. (510)
Secondary Char’s: Rufus, Ibuki

Name: Shinebox
Tag: Hi_piggy
Area: Los Angeles, CA (213)
Alt: Chun Li, Guile, Rose, Cammy, Ryu

Name: Lee
Tag: GetEveryone
Area: UK
Alts: ???

Name: Alpizar
Tag: HeavyCura
Area: Daytona FL
Alt: Chun-Li

Name: BlessMeUltima
Tag: BlessMeUltima
Area: Milton Keynes/Kingston London, UK
Alt: Guile, Akuma.

Name: Mark
Tag: Karb
Area: Europe, London UK
Alt: Ryu occasionally

Name: Higashibashi
Tag: HigashiFighter
Area: Tokyo Japan
Alt: Ryu

PSN name : W0RLD___WARRl0R
Are: ???
Alt: ???

Name: Tiger Engine
Tag: chicken kids
Are: ???
Alt: Bison

Name : Ryuken9
Tag : MoroccanJack
Area : Quebec, Canada
Alts : Sagat, Seth

Name : HECZ
Tag : xHECZx
Area : Trujillo alto, Puerto Rico
Alts : KEN, ken, Ken

Alts:Just Ken.

Name: darktown
Tag: darkTown2
Area: MA
Alts: Ryu, Cody, Guy, Fei Long, Akuma

Name: James
Tag: Lickupon
Area: Western Pennsylvania
Alts: Guile

Name: Smoove187
Tag: Smoove187
Area: Jacksonville, FL
Alts: Fei Long, Yun, Cody

Name: maikeru671
Tag: THE END tm
Area: ???
Alts: no alts at the moment

Name: Mayho
Tag: Zelphan
Area: Georgia, US
Alts: Gen

Name: Foolinfection
Tag: Hackie32
Area: KY
Alts: Fei Long, Guy, Guile

Name: vannuge
Tag: vannuge
Area: Gainesville, FL
Alt: Adon, Ryu

Name: Fr0zen
Tag: Fr0zen-Kold
Area: South of Buffalo NY
Alts: Ryu, Akuma

Name: Vt4eva (Alex)
Tag: Vt4eva
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Alts: None

Name: Slade23 (Karl)
PSN: toolegit777
Area: Ohio
Alts: Oni, Ryu

Name: Psyco
Tag: Psycobomb
Area: Sharon, PA
Alt: Guy, Akuma, Ryu, Dudley.

[LEFT]Name: James[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Tag: Lickupon[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Area: Punxsutawney, PA[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Alt: Guile, Dudley[/LEFT]
[LEFT]gamer tag : takamura360/takamura13[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Area : holland[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Main : ken[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Alts : ryu gouki evil ryu guy cody[/LEFT]

Name: Beatz040
Area:The Netherlands, Eindhoven
PSN: WeekendWarriors_
Alt: Guy, Fei Long

psn id…BIGZEO154
Area: pomona cali (909)
main… ken
alts…evil ryu, oni, sakura, akuma, dudley, adon, cammy, juri

Name: Josh
Tag: Ska_Daddy
Area: Europe, UK
Alts: Akuma (shared account will be 50/50 between Ken and Akuma usually)

Name: dayvon
Tag: D_dollars
Area: brooklyn,nyc
Alts: none

Name: Touchdown
Tag: Proverbs21
Area: Los Angeles, CA
Alts: Cody

name: Connor D
online ID/tag: caunyd
location: Los Angeles, CA
main character: Ken
no alternates

Name: Terry
Tag: TeePeedajedi
Area: Shreveport, LA
Alts: Guile, Cammy, Guy

Tag: Ichigo334

Area:Harvey Louisana
Alts:Cody I need help learning footsies. Im in school so i’ll be on in the afternoon

Name: Katarn
Tag: Deltron_Desert
Area: Utah
Alts: I’ve played a lil Chun and Guile.

Name: Justin, JDE
Area: Chattanooga, Tennessee
Alts: Chun Li, Cammy, Ryu (I started with him before ultimately deciding to main Ken so I kept him as a sub)

Playstation 4


Name: Koudo
Tag: k0udo
Area: Central Canada
Alts: Ryu/Akuma

Name: Maleko
Tag: Exoteric1
Area: Oahu, Hawaii
Alts: Chun-Li

Name: Dawhiteshadow88
Tag: DawhiteShadow88
Area: Norcal, 530
Alts: Ryu, Fei Long, Akuma

Name: Prorook
Tag: downrite fierce / prorook
Area: NE Ohio
Alt: Balrog

Area: Los Angeles, CA (909)
Alts: Ryu, Cammy, Chun Li, Guile

Name: tarik
Tag: tariikz
Steam: tata533
Area: Germany
Alts: Cammy, Ibuki, Yun, Ryu

Name: Katarn
Tag: Deltron_Desert
Area: Utah
Alts: I’ve played a lil Chun and Guile.

Name: ArtVandelay
Steam ID:
Tag: Naughty Senpai
Area: Germany/Europe
Alts: A shitty Ryu

my bad my info was:

Name: kstoute
Tag: kstoute
Area: Toronto,canada
Alt: Sagat, Dhalsim

im on xbox

System: 360
Name: shurf
Tag: shurf211
Area: northern New Jersey
Alts: Sakura, Ryu, Guile

Curquan(lol)or Curtis

System: 360
Name: PaTXiNaKi
Tag: Perdici0n
Area: Granada, Spain
Alts: Akuma

System : PS3
Name : Ryuken9
Tag : MoroccanJack
Area : Quebec, Canada
Alts : Sagat, Seth

System : PS3
Name : HECZ
Tag : xHECZx
Area : Trujillo alto, Puerto Rico
Alts : KEN, ken, Ken

Systems: X360
Name: J.D
Area: Texas
Alts: Non, Ken only

Alts:Just Ken.

So last night i Joined my first tourney with ken And OMG Nerves kicked my ass. My first match was against Floe. If you dont kno who he is Youtube him hes very respectable. I got my ass handed to me. Then i fought A scrubby adon. after i whooped him i wasnt satisfied by my performance by a long shot. Then i fought james chen Cammy He beat the pants off me NP. But i noticed my biggest enemy was My nerves. I was dropping some of the simplest combos. Combos i can do with my eyes close. So my question is how do you get pass your nerves? I felt like a zombie. You know how A zombie is reanimated he comes back with the basics. So i felt that only thing that I had going for me is my basic footsie skills everything else was up in smoke. One time during the adon fight i completely went blank. I Landed X-up Short standing jab ??? I did nothing i completely forgot my combo’s, straight up. Any help would be great thanks in advance.

Aside from just playing more offline in a crowd more, just try to stay calm and take deep breathes. Even if they’re on the offense you just need to keep a clear head. Live in the moment and just try to have fun. Listening to music helps also.

Co-sign on the music part. Playing in groups of people helps as well. But that is clearly tournament nerves. I’ve been entering tournaments for over a year now and I still get it sorta. But it’s fading away slowly but surely. Use base logic like “It’s just a game” or “He’s just another person” and that might calm you down some. If you lose a match don’t hit rematch, go back to character select screen and collect yourself. Then do work!

I started out just like u except I lost my matches just due to nerves, it was so frustrating. I use music, it helps me zone out everything but imo the best thing is just to play in more tourneys And if u could play more casuals against great people, after playing more casuals wit the best in AZ and gettin my ass beat, and winning some. The nerves aren’t there as much as before.

In a tournament, you need to care less about competing.

Regardless of what anyone says, comfort only comes from experience.

You’re testing yourself on material that you’ve studied and memorized. Yet students who know a text book from front to back can still fail an exam.

You shouldn’t fear losing, and just accept that you will ace your test from the beginning.

This so much! I’ve known a lot of good online players over the years that want to wait until they feel good enough to win a tournament until they go to them. They almost never do as good as they should at their first tournament. Like anything else, it takes time to get comfortable in a tournament setting (on or offline, but especially offline). So join as many as you can. Besides, they’re good times!

^ This, the more you play offline and with others and tourneys you attend you get more comfortable , as they said , being comfortable is a key, your skill will play in after comfort

i felt the same way but i came dead last lol but i was also around some known players and was scared as fuck

thanks guys i appreciate the input. Ill let you kno how my next tournement go.