Ken General Thread: Go with the Flow


Grandpa Ken looks like Jetstream Sam with blonde hair.

Holy fuck.

Iā€™m glad Ken is back. :slight_smile:
Used him a lot in SFIV.I think iā€™ll invest more time on him this time around. :slight_smile:
His moves look really cool! Iā€™m pumped! :smiley:

Also,itā€™s refreshing to see him changing appearance. But whatā€™s with that hairā€¦Oh well iā€™ll live with it. :slight_smile:

Many people were mad when I said if Akuma and/or Ken are in they need to be very different. Now that the different and kickass Ken appeared who isnā€™t 95% Ryu has appeared, everyone loves him. If Akuma makes it in he also needs a dramatic rework. Ryu deluxe edition would be lame.

PLEASE dude, I hope they bring bring back the Purple Gi in one of his alternates. I want my favourite colour to be available for Ken again! The blue colour looks nice too though, that what Iā€™m rocking in SFIV.

That step kick fake looks ridiculously quick.

how will quick step kick being a v-skill affect kara throws, if at all?

Iā€™d like it if they made the comparisons to a demon a lot more clear in both his moveset and design, they seem to have hit the nail on the head with the Ken design with the Japanese Gi with the more western thermal for a chest piece.

No idea how youā€™d make the comparison to a demon happen, but itā€™d be nice to see that contained and perfectly controlled rage and lust for battle Akuma has all manifested into his design.

Step kick could be still be a command normal, all ComboFiend said was that you could cancel into it through his V-Skill.

Like the redesign. But his hair looks like Trixie Kong from DKC3

Glad he have the Run he deserves it.

I hope they make it the Roll for V-skill. :frowning:

Making him evasive and fast.

and I thought he would have V-trigger like Nash.

I hoped they change his LK Tatsu to something different. But keeping his MK the same

I hoped they would change his crouching normals Kicks act differently:**
[] like making crouching MK similar to a crouching HK but faster and shorter range. same with wolverine in MSH.
] like making his crouching HK like an anti-air.
[*] Maybe its time to change his HP not as Uppercut.

That would be awesome evolution. THAT WOULD BE A REALLY DIFFERENT. Special Moves is done very good.

**I liked this costume alt karate Gi **

or somewher near SFEXā€™s Allen Snider **

I think its time for Ken to have shoes.

Great moves, disgusting face.

The greatest bringer of Hatred and Salt has returned. Our savior Ken Masters. I like the costume a lot. I like the even more relaxed active stance. I like Shoryu Reppa being the EX SRK. The hair looks ridiculous and his face is odd but not surprising after what they did to Ryu. I noticed the KD on tatsu now. Nice.

Iā€™d want his air throw back but I didnā€™t see Cammy or Chun Li with theirs.

iā€™m just happy he looks nothing like this :

I canā€™t explain my joy about him finally having brown eyes again, that severely annoyed me about SFIV and I still donā€™t know why they did it.

Yeah, this is exactly the kind of Ken I hoped to see. Slightly redesigned and clearly differentiated from Ryu, especially in terms of his design, but in ways that make sense for his character. They also seemed to keep all the cool things SF4-Ken has while adding in a bunch of new ideas and good stuff from older versions. His hair is fugly, but I can live with that.

He also seems to have both okay walkspeed, good normals, a possible kara throw and interesting mixups. I might just decide to play this guy.

Also, his EX air-tatsu seems to function the same way as Cammys EX divekicks, as they seem to launch on hit. Or, when I think about it, kind of the way his 3S EX air-tatsu worked =V
Point is, it functions as a mobility tool, and it gives a combo on hit, but it doesnā€™t give a full jump-in combo, rather just a quick juggle. Interesting design choice if they decided to do that with both Ken and Cammy.

So what exactly is the command for his run? Is it a v-skill? Because I think they said his quick step is his v-skill.

I think all V-Skills are just MP+MK arenā€™t they?

He looks much more offense oriented than before. Iā€™m liking everything Capcom has done with the character. Cosmetic and mechanical.

As for the design, Iā€™m getting a Paul Phoenix vibe circa Tekken 4 and Eric Robertsā€™ character from Best of the Best. Iā€™ll get some pics for reference.

Note the shirt and gi hanging off. However, Ken looks like he has instep tape on his feet.

As for the Eric Roberts/Alex Grady reference, easily the hairstyle.

With his v-skill it says he can input attacks after the run,so he can do specials or use other normals?

I hope they Just make his V-skill a ROLL like abelā€™s roll and make him RUN instead of Dashing. THAT WOULD BE REALLY DIFFERENT AND ENTIRELY VERY VERY INTERESTING.

I believe itā€™s normals, but hopefully someone at SDCC can verify.