What are Kens pros and cons?
Hey, is anyone else having trouble with the cross-up land in front lk in the corner? In AE, (in the corner) I used to be able to forward throw, immediately step kick, then jumping lk, and it would hit cross up, but land in front. But now, I’m having a hard time doing it in this game. Anyone else have problems with this?
Explosive Damage
Great Mix-ups
Good Ground Game
Excellent Anti-Air Game
Fast Pokes
Can Kara all specials, super, ultra’s and focus attack.
Meh Fireball but has it’s uses
Normals can be easily focused
Slow walk speed and sweep
If anything, the game does feel a bit faster so that could be throwing you off? Maybe it’s rust but does the game feel a bit different to anyone?
Feels exactly the same to me and I’m sure the crossup lk in the corner is character specific. I dont know who it worked on in AE but in 2012 it works on some characters for me and for some it doesn’t and I think the characters it worked on before are the same. Just test it out in training mode. Actually I might test it myself and make a list later if I have time.
i played a pretty strong gouken today and damn that focus of his blew me up you cant do anything to it it avoids c.mk so c.mk xx special is out of the question and its range and speed is exceptional anyone got a good technique to avoid/beat it because i’m lost
tatsu that ish bro!
Don’t always do c.mk FB, just poke with max range step kick and c.mk, empty jump…
Good FA aren’t that big of deal to handle, you just can’t be predicable. Its more about the player reading you than the character having a good tool against you. Play the Gouken more, and see if he does counter on wake up, if he likes to grab etc…Gouken’s after a KD can get serious raped by Ken.
Yeah, what Omni said.
IMHO Gouken’s FA is nothing special. It doesn’t move backwards on wind-up and doesn’t have brilliant range on release.
I’d rate Ryu’s better than Gouken’s any day.
When u see him focus u can focus then backdash out of his range or just focus and absorb his hit then hit him when he dashes out of it. Or u could jump at him when he focuses or c.mk xx ex tatsu or ultra or ex fireball. If he’s close u could kara throw. But I say the safest thing is to just focus then backdash but u have to mix it up tho cuz all these options can be beat if baited so there is still some mind games u can play w/ focus.
thanks for the advice people ill try it out i never thought of using focus and then backdash when i go for backdash i normally do it without focus so it was risky i normally always go for c.mk-lp.srk but it does not work on goukens focus hitbox
Just got bodied by John Choi’s Ken… I don’t think I know how to play this game anymore :eek:
I’m just curious, how many people can use Kens sweep to whiff punish Kens cr.mk consistently?
Choi’s still playing Ken? That’s surprising, thought he would’ve gone back to Ryu.
It was just online so I don’t know.
So where does Ken’s focus attack speed rank?
It feels pretty slow to me, characters like Fei long and Seth’s are faster.
I think that ken focus is one of the best focus in the game due to kara-focus that gives a very good (really good) range, it is not the fastest but it is fast enough and the best feature is that you can adjust the space doing kara-focus or dont do it and that is something that you should appreciate.
I’m gonna have to disagree I’m afraid.
For me it’s not the speed that makes a focus good, rather it’s how far backwards it goes on wind-up and how far forwards it goes on release.
Fei, Ryu, Akuma, Fuerte and Sakura have great movement from their focus attacks and this (imho) makes them good focus attacks.
Ken’s focus goes FORWARD on charge (if kara’d) which, although can be deceiving is the opposite of what is useful.
I wouldn’t say Ken’s focus is the worst in the game, Honda, Gief, Dhalsim and Hawk have pretty lame focus attacks, but combined with Ken’s short forward and backward dashes, I’d say Ken’s focus is a felatively weak tool in his tool set compared to his kara throw and kara shoryuken etc.
I’m trying to learn the timing for Ken’s hadouken in to his special but can’t get it no matter how hard I try. I’ve tried doing QCF, lp. QCF, QCF, lp and nothing comes out after the hadouken. I’ve tried different variations of timing for this like getting the super in before the hadouken lands, just as it lands and just after it lands and still get no success. I’ve also tried QCF, lp, QCF, lp assuming the first QCF buffered for the super and I’ve tried that with different timing variations to. Still no luck.
The only way I’ve managed to pull this off in training mode is by mashing QCF and lp untill it comes it, which isn’t what I want.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
^ It’s just practice and muscle memory yo. Practice doing the super on it’s own first and make sure you can get that down pat (QCF x2). Then after that you just add an extra button press in the middle. Another way you can think of it is just doing two fireballs back to back (if you’re not getting the cancel into super, the 2nd qcf isn’t fast enough or your inputs weren’t clean enough). You only need to do 2 QCF’s, cause the game will read the first QCF from the fireball and use that for the super as well.
Also on that Kara focus talk, don’t forget that Kara’ing the focus will add an extra frame or so before you get to absorb anything so you can and occasionally will get stuffed out of it if you mistime it (especially online).
Thank you very much. I’ll keep on trucking.
Yeah, I do use Ken’s focus attack alot [even during mixups] I like the fact that it charges forward because it promotes for better attacks during mixups. I just thought that Ken’s focus attack speed should be faster, that was one of the things I wanted to improve on.
Thanks for the info G!
I think Ken’s focus is only good because of the ability to kara it. Because you inch closer to the opponent they react with a normal and eat the attack. If Ken’s focus was similar to akuma’s or ryu’s holy shit…
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