I’m confused.
If you’re doing a kara focus, immediately dash cancelled, then this is as old as SF4 itself.
If you’re saying you are just doing f+mk and f,f, I didn’t think this was even possible.
Can you describe your inputs please…
I’m confused.
If you’re doing a kara focus, immediately dash cancelled, then this is as old as SF4 itself.
If you’re saying you are just doing f+mk and f,f, I didn’t think this was even possible.
Can you describe your inputs please…
I accidently did it trying to kara srks. The input is like trying to do a kara mp.srk. I do F,D,F+MK and then quickly press MP and it makes ken cancel the start up of step kick into a whole dash,extending the dash range. He doesn’t go into a focus attack at all. Hold on and I’ll post a vid if needed. I was kinda surprised by it because it’s weird how it gets a dash.
EDIT: here’s video. Can’t embed on my mobile right now.
As soon as you mentioned that you’re pressing MP I’m 99% sure that you’re just doing a kara focus and then cancelling it so quickly that it looks like the focus isn’t happening.
In fact, unless you can replicate it without pressing MP, then it’s almost certainly just a very fast kara focus.
Did you watch the video though? Ken clearly does a dash. I don’t even do a dash input when I do it. If I hold down mp+mk he doesn’t focus. Kara focus or not it still gives his dash extended range. Which is something I haven’t seen or read anywhere before. I’m aware I could be wrong though.
Your just canceling a kara focus on the first frame into a dash. I use this ocassionaly when it try to dash up kara throw. It can be pretty deceptive when i grab you from 1/2 - 3/4 of a screen away.
Is this the best Ken combo from mid-screen with three bars? s.hk, fierce punch shoryuken FADC (First hit), c.lp, c.hp ex tatsu 400dmg. I’ve never seen it done in matches, they usually follow with c.lk, s.lp fierce punch shoryuken after the fadc. They could do c.lp c.hp fierce punch shoryu for less scaling.
Yes I watched the video and it looks exactly like a very fast kara focus - dash cancel. It is very well known I’m afraid. It’s very old and this is probably why you can’t find much stuff about it.
If you’re doing the movement extremely fast (which you must be) the 2 forward inputs in your attempted kara DP will act as the input for the dash.
Alright guys. Thanks. I’ve been on here since vanilla came out and I don’t ever remember seeing anything about this. Thanks though.
Kara focus is mentioned multiple times throughout the forum.
I doubt anyone has gone into as much detail as yourself as it’s very hard to cancel the kara focus as quickly as you seem to have managed.
You may have stumbled across a nifty shortcut for inputting it quicker, but in most high level Ken vids, you can see people kara focus dash cancelling all the time.
It’s actually quite easy to do and doesn’t require any exceptional execution to pull off. I’m not sure how everyone else is doing Kara Focus’s regularly, but I found that F.MK ~ MP xx Dash to be the most efficient method of preforming a Kara Focus. Since Focus Attacks have some of, if not the highest, input priority in the game, as soon as the MP is pressed the game will automatically cancel the start-up frames of the F.MK into a Focus Attack. Then it’s just a simple matter of whether you hold it momentarily for the Armour or cancel it immediately (As soon as Ken Moves forward, or immediately after imputing the Kara Focus, start buffering dash for an immediate cancel).
I’ve used it once or twice, but it is sorta counter intuitive. By canceling it so quickly you get none of the Hyper Armour, a key reason why Kara Focus is so good, and the additional added frames from the F.MK and Focus Attack slow it down and don’t give much benefit over simply doing two normal dashes forward.
Kara Focus to Forward Dash: hold Forward > Plink MK~MP (hold MK+MP and release Forward) > Double-Tap Forward
The way I was doing it I didn’t have to do a dash command. Just a quick srk motion while plinking mk~mp. So,I guess I am doing a shortcut according to G.
It is quicker then two consecutive dashes, but since it lacks the Hyper Armour of a the focus attack, it also provides a larger window where you cannot block and can be hit out of your dash. There just isn’t much application for this in competitive play.
In that case I guess it’s more situational. But,you’re right.
Definitely, It’s not a bad technique to have in your back pocket to surprise you opponent. Just not something that can be abused on a regular basis. I can see it having some use after a max range sweep in footsies, especially if you condition the to think you will go for an Ex.Tatsu to cross-up or a safe jump to force them to block on wake-up.
theres no need to double tap forward since the first forward counts.
Ken’s too rich too steal from people. He probably paid King Cobra big bucks for them too the point where he says: “Fuck this Street Fighter tournament, I’m already swimmin’ in Mr. Masters ca$h!”
I haven’t played 4’s since Super and I’m just getting back into AE with Ken.
Simple question: What is** THE DP** to use for Anti-Air?