Ken G'eneral Discussion Thread (Frame Data, Techniques, Combos, and etc.)

I found a sweep combo on Guy, but its difficult to do in a real match.


Can we update the original post to include the characters combo into sweep works on?

Sakura, Makoto, Ibuki, Guy, Cody and Gen I know of so far

I’ve randomly hit the sweep combo on Elf once as well. Must’ve been something to do with his idle animation, cause I couldn’t replicate it from then after. This was at one of the local meet-ups (I was a little early so messed around in training mode till people came) and I don’t have 2012 yet (PC player) so I can really test it some more… =/

thanks man. I took some time off and hit that training room to get the fundamentals back. I’ll upload some of my replays soon.

I know I didn’t do the Ultra 2 too late. This is bizarre and I have no idea how this happened.


look at that guy go, still mashing, never accepting defeat, what a champ!

Hey all.

Just wanted to say sorry for my abscence, I’ve been playing a lot of Halo Reach lately and when I came back to SSF4:AE, it seems there is hardly anyone playing online any more. I had to wait AGES for a match the other day, very unenjoyable.

Needless to say, I’m getting quite hyped for SF x T, ESPECIALLY when I saw the combo vid that went up on SRK earlier on showing that Ken can link into a combo AFTER an EX tatsu!!

I obviously don’t know frame data yet but the vid shows Ken linking into jab AND strong punch after an EX tatsu suggesting it’s at least +3 and maybe +4 or +5 on hit.

Add into this the possible ground bounce mechanic after Ken’s thunder kick and we may actually have a fun character to play in SF x T!!!

I hope we can all agree to meet up in the SF x T forums and represent Ken to the max.

I certainly intend to learn SF x T Ken in the same minute detail as I have done with ssf4 Ken, so I can retain my Master Theory Fighter status ;p



G77 for the SFXT Ken General Discussion Thread :)?

I just hope the people in my local scene play it or I’ll have to rely on online, I’m like one of 4 people that still play 2012, but none of us take the game seriously except maybe for one Yang player. Everyone else is all Marvel :frowning:

I dislike Marvel intently.

I really tried to embrace it, but I felt no love for it what so ever…

I did have a load of matches ready to upload, but then accidentally deleted my user info on SSF4. I lost all my completed trials, colours, taunts, win/loss ratio, saved replays, the lot.

I have a few good matches saved, but I might just wait for SF x T before I start playing again. But if Halo starts annoying me (latency and host cost me 75% of my losses) I may hop back into Street Fighter for a few weeks…



Saw some comments on the sweep combo vid I uploaded back, figured I should follow up. Good look on whoever found out the second active frame was the key to land it. I was able to land a sweep combo on Bison, so chalk another one up to the board. I really should update that video, but my Live expired and my Internet has been shitty as of late. If Google Fiber ever drops I’ll switch to that and see if I can get three bar connections to Japan.

I can rarely get three bar connections to Japan on a T3 (250MB down/ 100MB up) and I am in CA :-/

That’s some fast internet Shinebox, how much does it cost? Sounds like I have some slow ass internet now :(.

I live on a private schools campus, its rediculously fast during the summer because there is only 300 people here at most right now there is 1400 students but that was a speed test on my own machine

I think you will be back playing SSF4 AE because that game will be eternal until SF5 comes out. Games like MvC3 and SFxTK are temporary party games.

Yeah, but Ken in SF x T seems to actually have everything that I’d want from Ken.

He can combo after his EX tatsu and as far as I’m aware he can combo from his Thunder Kick.

Ken currently seems super cool to me right now.

Just remember, I don’t play SF4 because it’s good. I play it because Ken Masters is in it.

I go where Ken goes…

Mr Masters for life!!



From a ken faithful to another…play on playa!!!

See you in Streetfighter x Tekken. who do you guys plan on teaming with ken. im teaming with hwoarang cause i play tekken tooand he kinda has the attitude of ken.

I’ll team Ken with someone that can deal with Dhalsim, hate the Sim vs Shoto match!

I’m either going with:
ken and paul
ken and sim
or ken and akuma/jin/etc