Keiko Fuji, Mother of Utada Hikaru, Falls to Death


This reminds me of Yukiko’s death…Oh Yukiko.

ill probably burn for this but,

I guess you could say she took a Deep Dive…

You’re a horrible person…hits the like button

Guys, let’s keep it clean… Simple and Clean.

Idk who any of these people are, but it’s always sad to see people die, especially accomplished folk. Condolences.

“Mother of that person who did that song for one of the evo videos falls to her death”

I’m sure the SRK enka community is devastated. Do you know who was probably more culturally significant?




She’s a little bit more than just “that girl who did that song for evo”. Hikaru is almost like Japan’s Taylor Swift.

Plus, Bernstein died at 95, who gives a fuck.

Whats with the japanese and their building jumping suicide methods?

I loved Utada in high school BTW.

At least he died. Utada is still alive.
Seriously, who gives a fuck?

A fall from the 13th floor… Fitting floor for a suicide. A Dream Drop Distance.

They have a lot if tall buildings with easy access to higher floors. Guns are hard to get a hold of. Hanging yourself is painful for a bit unless you do a headman drop and break your neck. Building jumping seems like the easiest way

if she had found Sanctuary she would not have done this

…Fuck, it was the 13th floor.

That’s a bad omen.

She was possessed. Get Scooby Doo in on this.

why not spend the money before their death to od? at least they could get high and then die, you know, happilly. at least wed see smiles with every suicide. maybe more people would do it…

Actually, the equivalent of that in East Asia is the 4th Floor, not the 13th.

4 has the same pronunciation as “Death” in Japanese. Shi = Four = Death (Mandarin Chinese has a similar phenomenon).

In both China and Japan, buildings do not have a 4th floor. It goes 1,2,3,5,6,7,etc…

anybody know the name of that song?

At this point, I can never be sure if it’s a joke or not, but Hikaru did NOT sing the song for Evo. :coffee: