Keiko Fuji, Mother of Utada Hikaru, Falls to Death

It’s not because the number is inherently unlucky (for the US at least). It’s because Utada’s Hikaru’s most well known work is providing the theme songs for a RPG Series that IS COMPLETELY SURROUNDED BY THE NUMBER 13.

Cuz they’re drama queens. Can’t do it at home where no one will find you, gotta make sure to ruin some poor fools day in the act.

We really need a “Boo this man!” button.
But in the absence of one, I’ll click lol.

I feel sorry for the dude who was asleep. He probably woke up regretting banging an old chick with a nasty hangover, then has all this shit to deal with.

I used to live on the 4th floor of a high rise apartment in Japan. Elevator stopped at #4, all the apartment rooms were numbered 401 402 403 etc. I signed the lease with a typically superstitious Japanese gf, but she didn’t bat an eye at picking a room on the 4th floor. Japan just tries to avoid saying “shi” in favor of “yon” when referring to the number “4”… most of the time.

Shin was… a Prisoner of Love!

it was a joke…

I stand corrected, then. I guess that superstition’s no longer universal there.

OMG…you are going under the Hell for that one and since I found that hilarious I will probably be one level above.

OD on sleeping pills. Carbon Monoxide poisoning.

Youre not going to just die instantly by jumping out a tall building unless you make an effort to really land on your head, and even still. Why…

Ugh im not getting into this. Suicide that involves a traumatic end is really ridiculous imo.