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<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/21511/MascotRay">MascotRay</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>I know everyone does f.mk x3 jet upper off a mid screen tag in. But I’m curious what the highest damage corner tag in we’ve found is?</div>
Well yeah, 'cause s.hk xx command dash s.hk xx 623hp does only +2 dmg than f.mk x 3 xx 623hp. It’s like 317 the 1st and 319 the last, If I recall correctly - those values from a raw launcher.<div><br></div><div>I’ve tagged Duds with Bryan, the damage output is really high :)</div>
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<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/16111/Anthilion">Anthilion</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”><blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/21511/MascotRay">MascotRay</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>I know everyone does f.mk x3 jet upper off a mid screen tag in. But I’m curious what the highest damage corner tag in we’ve found is?</div>
Well yeah, 'cause s.hk xx command dash s.hk xx 623hp does only +2 dmg than f.mk x 3 xx 623hp. It’s like 317 the 1st and 319 the last, If I recall correctly - those values from a raw launcher.<div><br></div><div>I’ve tagged Duds with Bryan, the damage output is really high :)</div></div>
I believe from a launcher in the corner, Duds can always get sHK xx LK SSB, crMP xx MK SSB.If the juggle height is higher depending on the launcher, you might be able to use MK SSB instead of LK SSB, I’ll have to test it out.<br><br>Of tag cancels or EX MGB in the corner with a high juggle you can do sHK xx HK SSB, crMP xx MK SSB<br>
Uuuh, just found something interesting. Don’t know if it’s new, but I haven’t read about it before.
If you connect with a SSB and tag cancel it, your incoming partner can connect with a combo. Even without counterhit.
With Gief I do stMP-stHP-Relaunch-Dud finish with whatever (e.g. fMK x3 - Jet). Does about 500 damage.
Doesn’t seem, to work in the corner or Gief is just too slow
That’s awesome. Makes sense because SSB has a lot of hit-stun, and it also does more damage than MGB, so this is definitely viable! I hope Bryan can combo off this.
So, I spent my evening trying to come up with the most damaging combos based on certain conditions and I wonder…
What is Dudley’s ideal midscreen meterless combo? I know once you get that first bar, he can EX MGB into the 400s, but the highest I got on a Dummy with no meter, no jump in, no counter hit was: st.MK>st.HK>st.HP, f.LP>MP xx HP MGB for 336 damage. It’s pretty rough when your post launch combo is more damaging than your meterless bnb.
Midscreen and meterless Dudley has 4 ways to end a hit confirm Solo Jet, Solo Alt - Partner Assist - Partner Tag in
Solo Jet is the best way Dudley can do damage solo, it’s reallly important that you confirm early so that you’re in range to do his Jet Upper juggles midscreen.
Partner Tag in is the best way to do meterless damage with Dudley. The partner usually stays out unless they can do a full combo into something that lets you tag Dudley back in.
Solo Alt is the least damaging way to end a combo with Dudley. It’s a confirm into either HP MGB/Duckstraight/Upper (same damage 100) or a chain into c.HK for a knockdown
Partner assist is similar to partner tag in but you use launcher to get right back in. It’s sometimes the best way Dudley does damage for example.
f.HK {s.MP MK HP} c.MP s.HP Launcher > (generic partner combo into launcher juggle jab jab launch) (344 dmg)
vs f.HK s.HK xx LP Jet > Max Bnb 341 dmg
This is all midscreen and meterless.
If you tell me your team I’ll make short video of your midscreen/meterless bnbs.
midscreen the best damage dudley can do meterless is.
s.MK>HK>HK, s.HP xx Launcher > partner relaunch back into Dudley. (jab jab raw launcher usually)
LP Jet Upper, f.LP>MP xx LK Duck c.MP xx MK Short Swing Blow
if you charge the ssb you will whiff.
if you’re afraid of dropping the juggle at the end then just c.mp xx MP jet upper or c.MP, MP Jet
I’m thinking instead of making a long video I’ll just make a series of short videos with explaining Dudley’s staple combos / pros / cons / mix ups.
Would be easier to get out, less waiting