Keepin' it Classy - Dudley v2013 Changes/Combo's thread

Dudley Paul is a pretty mean team damage wise. They can go back and forth fairly well and clear over 500 damage with one bar reliably. Both get solid damaging boost launcher enders as well. I am just glad Dudley seems strong so far in this game. His walk speed is ridiculous and is a strong strong tool.

I have had trouble landing the EX MGB -> s.HK -> HK BSB -> -> bleh

Some reason I have not got the to hit. Must be hitting the s.HK a little to late.

Normally for my corner combo now I do: ex mgb, c.hp,, bsb, hp dp

and midscreen: ex mgb, j.HK, c.HK, MP DP into paul or nothin.

I’m going to make a tut for SFxT Dudley to help people start him early.

East. That corner combo you said.
in Vanilla Dudley could do more than that meterless.

What do you guys need most for Dudley tutorial?

Combos are covered and simple, but what else is there besides Oki, OSs, and Safe Jumps?

Humbug, you are correct in your assumption. If you are missing the, then you are hitting too late. You want to hit them as high as possible and cancel into hk ssb immediately. It took me a little while but once I got it down I can hit it consistent. Just keep at it.

Thirt- Er, Donald Duck. Those three things would be great right now just to get people started. I’d rather have less immediately while I’m learning the game new. Thanks.

i would love some help with block strings and frame traps.
the range his pokes also seem really short, so i’m having a hard time playing footies with him.
also would like to know what his anti-air options are.

Duck - I echo these requests:
-any OS, Oki, safejumps u may have found good success with
-block strings and frame traps
-pokes seem really short, best footies?
-best aa options and handy followups if any?

We can figure out combos pretty much the game engine is great for that so I think mostly the things above are what would help best.

I’m going for only Max damage combos in every situation
Max damage from overhead,, a jab 1 meter 2 3
mainly solo and how to tag in and out dudley.
Dudley’s safe jumps are godlike in this game

I don’t think we need a tutorial. We really need frame data. I think that would be the biggest help

Im tryin to pick him up but I have trouble figuring out how u get in without jumping

They took some of the bricks out of his glove in the update : (

Also #Tut2016.

I’m supportin.

Two options.

  1. Teammate
  2. Practice buffers and footsies.

tut still applies for sfxt Dud with the addition of MP xx EX/HP MGB.

go to training mode > pick player 2 as a character that has moves you have problems with > record the character doing said move > find out if you can land bufferable normals vs said moves > ??? > tut

Any one have frame data on Dudley’s moves? Been looking. Is lp machine gun safe on block?

As far as I know lp mgb is safe and so is EX. Someone feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

Both LP MGB and EX MGB are safe.

I feel like MP and HP MGB’s are 0 on block, this is me just guessing from observations though.

I kind of found a corner combo that’s kind of easy to hit and does 420 - 450 damage for a bar, it goes something like this:

TC 5, St. MP or Cr. MP xx EX MGB, St. HK xx LK SSB, St. MP or Cr. MPxx MK SSB, HP Jet Upper

I’m trying to see if I can connect a Jet Upper after the last SSB, but to no avail, but my execution isn’t the best.

Hope this helps

Good combo. Lot of damage for a TC starter. I don’t believe the jet upper is possible though tbh. Might be easier to simply go into HP Jet upper after the LK SSB though if the height doesn’t seem perfect. Nice find.

Thanks MascotRay :slight_smile:

Messing around more, I think I found a more damaging version, timing is kinda tricky and height is tough to get at first, but here it is

TC 5> Cr. MP xx EX MGB> St. HK xx MK SSB> St. MP or Cr. MP xx LK SSB or HP Jet Upper for 454 dmg.


St. MK> St. HK> St. HK xx EX MGB> *St. HK xx HK SSB> St. MP or Cr. MP xx HP Jet Upper for 458 dmg.
*To hit the St. HK xx HK SSB, you gotta hit the HK high enough where the opponent is high enough where it looks like the St. HK is fully out to where the HK SSB will connect and then the MP xx HP Jet Upper is easy to hit

TC 5> Cr. MP xx EX MGB> *St. HK xx HK SSB> st. MP or Cr. MP xx HP Jet Upper for 462 dmg.

How to get in with Duds in this game? Walk forward…seriously.

His walk speed is on crack. Coupled with c.MP I feel getting in is much easier than in SF4. Plus no focus attacks!

I know everyone does x3 jet upper off a mid screen tag in. But I’m curious what the highest damage corner tag in we’ve found is?

I’m using Ken and Chun Li, off a tag midscreen, I’ve been doing dash up St. MK > St. HK > St. HK xx EX MGB > J. HK > Cr. HK xx HP Jet Upper off of Hurricane Kick or Lightning Legs.

That’s pretty sick man. Nice tag combo.