Kenin, if you land EX MGB and are not in the corner, I would go into Jump RH, then c.RH, jet upper ender. I’ll try and answer the rest of your questions when I get to finally play 2013 a bit later today.
Edit: In the corner, do S.RH, RH Short Swing Blow, c. med punch, Fierce Jet upper
I’m not saying these are optimized, but it’s a decent place to start.
Midscreen - Jumping HP, Cr. HK, mp jet upper (not sure if heavy jet upper works)
Corner - I use Cr. mp X 3 to lp short swing blow (not sure if this is optimal now but its pretty easy to pull off)
Midscreen - Mp. Jet Upper,
Corner - Cr. mp X 3 to lp short swing blow
Combo into mgb or into one of the two ducking punches. You can also magic series into sweep or combo into right left combo.
Yup that is okay
theres a couple options. Ill list the two I use:1. f. mk f. mk cr. mp mp jet upper
st. hk ducking cr. mp cr. mp jet upper
If people have better combos I want to know also =)
Anyone know dudleys best combo off a launcher tag in? HK duck HK xx DP is wierd, because sometimes the duck will make you switch sides and it can be impossible to do the DP in the right direction sometimes.
Because DP+HP has 5 juggle points now, in the corner you can do c.MP, s.HK xx HCF+PP, s.HK xx HCB+LK, s.MP xx HCB+MK, DP+HP It does 424 but this combo is VERY hard and I would advise against it in clutch moments.
My corner combo is c.MP, s.HK xx HCF+PP, s.HK, s.HK, HCB+MK, DP+HP for 422 damage.
It actually isn’t all that difficult once you practice it.
I have Sagat on point with Dudley as my anchor.
I just started playing again after only playing it for a month when it first launched.
I gotta say I’m having a hard time though.
I’ve been playing Dudley/Elena. Elena is very scary now, she has the same kind of damage potential off of an overhead that dudley does. Elena has good pokes and a pretty good high/low game. Her combos take the opponent to the corner very quickly, then you can tag in as dudley to keep the pressure on them when they’re cornered.
I’m playing Paul x Dudley and I am not having too much trouble. I’ve been searching the interwebs like crazy to try and find some high level dudley play so I can steal some of the pressure tactics.The only videos I’ve really found are of Silphdk and random other people. If anybody has any videos they can link me to, that’d be great.
I started playing Dudley in vanilla with Cody x Dudley, and now I am really trying to get into him in this game. Something about seeing a really good Dudley who hits all of his links just makes him seem so cool lol.
Also I really wanna know if dudley’s charge can pass through hadoukens. . . . .that would be amazing
It can but there’s no real point to do it besides style. As soon as you let go, if it’s not fully charged super, you just sway back into the fireball and get hit [kinda funny lookin actually]. This game isn’t really about fireballs because you can just reaction jump over them as almost any character. Coupled with the fact that dudley already has a duck that gets through them, I would say that his strength lies in the fact that he is scary on wake-up and now since they’ve changed it so that opponents who roll are vulnerable before they can do anything, once we are able to time meaty hits and basically do timed option selects, opponents who roll on wake-up vs. Dudley are going to lose a lot of health.
Hey guys, I’m new to the forum and when I saw Dudley, I knew that was the guy for my team, i’ve been learning him little by little, but it seems like I’m problems landing super or Short swing blow off crouching HK. Is there something I should look for when going for it or is it just a timing thing I need to learn.
I’ve been trying to find a suitable partner for him. What do you guys think about Juri, Hugo, Heihachi, hworang. The new cast I’ve been having fun with Guy, Jack X, Bryan, Elena, and Christie.
-You can’t land BSB after C.HK midscreen (?) but in the corner if you land a C.HK, do S.MP, and cancel that into HK BSB (or maybe MK) and that will work. Midscreen I just do LK Dash Upper or MP Uppercut after a C.HK.
-Hugo got nerfed too much imo, Juri is more of a point character, and I like Dudley on point better. Dudley/Heihachi is probably good, I don’t know about Hworang or Guy, Dudley/Jack X is good. Dudley/Elena is good, the rest I’m clueless about.