that is the stupidest shit i have read in a while :tup:
Guys, I’m having trouble baiting Variable Counters.
I try to mimic the pressure that guys like Marn and Kubo do. My opponent just plays safe. Once he builds just a little meter, he can VC into his Ippatsuman for a big 60% combo. He VCs out of anything I do with 2 or 3, and Ippatsu hits very far.
He also does that with Chun for 100%, but Chun is more easily baited if I keep my distance (her VC doesn’t go that far).
Ippatsu isn’t infinitable, so even if I hit a huge Megacrash combo, then I lost enough lifebar to get killed once he VCs Ippatsu or even gets a simple hit with any other character.
Well, that’s whats happening. What I need are ways to avoid getting VCed to death. Any help?
When you see a VC, you baroque and block then rape.
Thanks, man. I’m not having any success with it right now though. When I see the flash my character seems to be already flying in the air. I’ll try to get more practice and see what I can do.
This can be done on reaction, right?
I’ve seen some youtube vids about setups for karas (b-f B, cr.C) infinite and comments like “getting the characters in the right side of the screen / stage.”
It’s right, infinites works always only in the right side of the screen, but I’ve seen some nico nico fights where Karas users do the infinite in the left side of the screen. I can’t get them to work in that way, so what gives?
P1 Karas can infinite on the right side. P2 can infinite on the left side. If you search this thread you’ll find a post listing against each characters you can do infinites and under each conditions.
On my own doubts, I have an extremely hard time infiniting another Karas if my 1st hit is already on the corner. I’ve seen japanese players miss it too. It seems that the hitbox positions get way different when you start the infinite already in the corner. Is it really doable? Are you guys able to do it consistently?
Also, when it’s Kara’s 623A not safe on block?
The 623A really varies depending on the range u use it and the reach of the opponent but if u get AGed and he can reach u with a fast poke or something ure gonna get punished, a good way is to do the 623A and barouqe to try and crossup :3
slide infinite seems much easier to me when u carry your opponent to the corner rather then starting in the corner. this combo seems the help when starting in the corner, after stagger 1A 1B 1C 6B -> infinite
It seems this is kind of dead everytime I check…anyways, some useful info (if it’s not known by now):
Have you peeps being using 236+A for countering rushdown? I ‘m asking since I didn’t find info about it in Karas topic. It’s godly, trust me, counters almost EVERYTHING, it messes projectiles, it can beat IAD attacks while wiffing B or C, it has even more priority than Karas’ srk.
Maybe this is well known by now, but 4 -> o + B it’s also good for countering some projectiles like Jun’s yo-yo, I haven’t confirmed yet but I think he doesn’t take any damage while just going through it, I’ll try if it also goes through more fireballs.
I’ve been watching matches from Karas / Ryu players and they usually calling Ryu’s assist before going for the corner launcher into megacrush combo, instead of getting the umblockable C setup, I think the last one is way better, plus, you always get Baroque life after Megacushing in mid air.
first time poster, i was reading the move list, umm what does it mean by charge, in that Kasha move? i cant seem to get it right, cuz the thing keeps registering me as 5C
You hold back (or down back) for a little while, then hit forwards and a button at the same time.