Tried to snatch the dude’s camera and forced him to the ground. Attempted robbery and assault. Probably not very fair, but hey, it’s the law. Don’t get into confrontations with people. It’s not worth it.
Misleading ass thread title :mad: Though I guess its my fault for thinking he actually killed someone, its believable though. All them Illuminati rituals hahaha.
How much money you guys wanna bet that paparazzi could’ve gotten Kanye in a rear naked choke in 3 moves?
If you are the type of guy who acts out in public only to face plant a street sign, him getting his ass beat on video is already almost as good as truth. Its going to happen sooner rather than later and Kanye will cause the whole thing himself.
Maybe they’ll beat some good music back in to him?
I just find it ironic that celebrities will work so hard to build up their fame, but never seem to want to deal with the negative repercussions of everyone knowing who they are and wanting to be a part of their lives.
But they’ll sure as fuck milk that fame for all it’s worth on the way to the bank.
The point is, fame is typically something that is fabricated. Most people are not born into it. Most people choose to pursue fame. I can sympathize with unwanted attention, but fame is part of being a celebrity. It’s why studios are willing to pay you millions of bucks.
Being recognized and getting people up into a frenzy is part of your job. And for that you get shit like the paparazzi. And for that sacrifice you get the privilege of earning more in a day than most people will earn in an entire year.
So when a famous person complains about their fame, I have little to no sympathy. You created this lifestyle so you could benefit from it financially. If you didn’t want people up in your business, spend those millions of dollars others will never have and move the fuck away.