Kansas City Gaming: Hype for No Reason

No he won’t, I shall take it before then!

Nick, Tuesdays are at John and Le’s right now right? I might make it out but I 100% need to get out of there by 11-12pm, I have a bad habit of staying out too long during weekdays and that makes the next day at work hell.

Tuesday is back on at kevins.

AC fixed, electricity fixed.

bring yo sticks.

Final stop before evo.
from what i know, Me Axiom and Eugene are sharing a room, Jessurugi and Warden will be there too. midwest represent!

Cool, I will show up for a bit then. I think Kevins is slightly closer to me than John’s anyway.

So Nick, you and me FT5 for the #1 spot. I’m not even on the list yet, haha. Although I did say I didn’t want to do ranking matches anymore…and not being on the list is kind of funny. Maybe FT5 for a 6 pack next Friday? (I dont know if Le still wants to have a hookup for us not going to EVO). Oh and my Cammy is always evolving even without me practicing her or saying she is my main (Yeah I’m better with her, what of it). I have way more tricks up my sleeve than 3 weeks ago so don’t get too confident. My prediction, 5-3 me…prove me wrong!!!

And I would like to play kevin, I have never played him except once during the team tournament he was at where I edged out his Rog.

Yeah I can’t think of a reason why we wouldn’t have a hook up this Friday even with EVO around the corner. I mean if you guys just wanna stay home and watch matches all day long that’s cool by me but if John, Jon, and Jessie are going then no doubt they are going to level up big time. I gotta do what I can to keep myself sharp so Fridays are still a go.

About Tuesdays I will probably announce that I will have a hook up if Jon is not able to make Tuesday at Kevin’s happen.

On a side note fucking rain made my 4th suck ass.

Yeah, saw this earlier, got all hyped up, came home from work to tell my wife about it and found out I have some prior commitments (Jennie’s company picnic is that same day). Damn the bad luck… if I can make it, it’ll be later in the day…

Edit: Trying to figure out times and such… Might be able to work around this after all???

Edit again: Yeah, can’t make Maxout… Blargh!!! :frowning:


Edit 3: electric bugalooo: Kevin’s Address and directions for those who need it:

806 NE 42nd Street
Kansas City, MO 64116

Take I-35 to Parvin rd exit.
Head west on parvin.
Continue on Parvin until it forks. The fork on the right goes uphill, the one on the left goes straight.
Take the fork on the right that goes uphill, you are now on 42nd Street.
806 is a yellow house on the right.

Ok so before I posted earlier Kevin called me and told me to post that Tuesday was on. I just received a phone call from his wife nhu saying that we can’t because her dad will be remodeling the basement all week.

So good news / bad news. No Tuesday up north but were closer to a Spicy TuePoint0.

Le if you can host it would be awesome. Give me a call or text if you need me to bring anything.

Also I’m not going to announce next week till Tuesday. I don’t trust when I’m told things will be good to go next week.

Sry to everyone, but hey let’s make it work.

Damn I was actually looking forward to playing with Kevin too. Well I guess since nhu is remodeling the basement I can only wish that nothing goes wrong for us next week then.

Games will be on at 6 tomorrow fellas. We have 2 PS3 setups ready to go plus my prize paperweight the 360 on the other setup. We also have an extra Asus monitor so all we would need is one extra PS3 plus a XBox copy and sticks for both systems.

Anybody who is free should really come tomorrow so that we can give our boys their last minute ego boost before they get wrecked at their respective pools.

I can bring my PS3, I just don’t have the colors and shit unlocked. I can also bring my copy of Super for the Xbox. I don’t have any sticks, though. T_T

I just learned how to plink, I feel like the proest pro of the pros right now.

I’ll try to make it tomorrow, and if not, I’ll definitely be there Friday (I’ll bring my 360 stick, T6 and SSF4 too). I wasn’t there last Friday cuz I was at Lake of the Ozarks for the whole weekend. Fireworks at the lake are nice

Also, I’ve been messing around w/ a couple of different characters in Tekken, currently working on Yoshimitsu

WHAT? Man whenever I’m away I miss out on the BB action. Even though I’m rusty as hell I’d enjoy just messing around in CT. Which reminds me: this next Max Out is the last one before BBCS’s release :rock:

And speaking of BBCS, the other 2 DLC characters (besides Makoto) are unofficially confirmed to be Platinum the Trinity and Valkenhayn. I’m hype for Valk, but not sure about Plat

And their themes are on the disc too. It looks like everything but the character’s sprite data is done w/ each (character art, and even emblems are done for the characters apparently)
and I guess I’ll add

Megaupload link for the songs ripped off the 360 version

I can’t play a 6 pack match, Boxy. I literally have 0 dollars. If you’re really that opposed to playing for rank maybe you’d take a beer IOU lol. Anyway, see you guys tomorrow.

Finally a Tuesday that isn’t conflicting with work, gotta work at 6 but get off and don’t gotta work tomorrow, I can bring a 360 hard drive, ssf4, and TE stick, I DO NOT HAVE HDMI cables though!! See you guys tonight.

“So in conclusion, if you’re leaning toward cobalt flux drop the extra money and get the ‘arcade mod-kit’. But you played in arcade, I played in arcade, and in the end you’re just going to compare it to an arcade pad, and nothing is as good.” ~Roblox

oh so true.

I’m not gonna be able to make it tonight. I hope you guys will have the setups you need…O.o

Yo go find out what EVO pools you’re in, EVO people.

Also, have a tier list. The first list is what they’ve compiled from talking to players. The second is their (Mago and Nemo’s) personal opinion. Enjoy!

“Global” Ranking (Through discussions on forums)
Guile, Abel, Chun-Li, Dictator, E. Honda, Boxer, Rose, Blanka
Ryu, Dhalsim, Claw, Ken, Rufus, C. Viper, Akuma, Fei Long, Cammy, Gouken, El Fuerte, Cody, Sagat, Ibuki, Zangief, Seth, Guy, Adon
Sakura, Dudley, Juri, Dee Jay, Hakan, Makoto, Dan, T. Hawk, Gen

Arcadia Ranking (Mago and Nemo’s personal list)
Balrog, E. Honda, Guile, Fei Long, Cammy, Rufus
Abel, Dictator, Blanka, Chun-Li, C. Viper, Ryu, Dhalsim, Akuma, Sagat, Rose, Ibuki, Zangief, El Fuerte, Claw, Gouken, Ken, Seth
Adon, Dee Jay, Juri, Dudley, Cody
Gen, Sakura, Guy, Dan, T. Hawk, Hakan, Makoto

POOL J… how fitting

GGs tonight guys.
Boxy is now #1 in KC (At least till Kong returns, then god knows what’ll happen.)
I think I leveled up, lost a lot of matches, but most were close. Enjoyed battling GetThere before I left. Rufus is a fun match for Cody, due to the amount of things that can just randomly occur. As always Spots, I’ll eventually get you, you FA spammer. No battles with BBRob, though battling Roblox, I forgot that I needed to watch the tick throws and when I did, he just did something else. So much crap you need to keep in your head when you’re trying to not die quickly.

Also, good luck to all you guys who are going to EVO. Spots, remember the plan for those prizes meng. Axiom, I expect you to at least see the semi-finals in Tekken with the way you play. Pity Kong isn’t going, he’d probably get that Cowboy Hat if he stuck with Mr. Masters. All in all, Good Luck, Don’t Die and Have Fun.

Yo GG’s tonight,

@Deron, My ryu is unstoppable, just face facts.

@Nick, didn’t get a chance to play you disappointing

@nick, blargh: was winnin the first few matches but got careless later throughout and started playing your chase game.

@ Lee, guile is always gonna be a challenge for me, still not used to playing him yet.

@Jspot, deem yourself lucky for not playing me. Hate to lower your morale before EVO.

@Boxbros, finally got a chance to play you, not used to cammy match up but still think i did somewhat “decent”, Idk what the hate is for bison, you make him sound like he is unbelievably easy to pick up and play…i’m going to try to play more like you, when i say this i mean, troll.

@Roblox, only got one game in with you, was in the beginning of the night but you were not doing as well as you did at the RR when i played you. still solid boxer though,we need to get more games in, won’t feel satisfied with just one win.

@everybody else i didn’t get to play, we’ll get some matches in next hook up

Evo people good luck, Esp. for Jspot keep an eye on him he was already talking about asian prostitutes being 2 for 1.

Will see you guys Friday.

Props to Boxy. He played well. I think I needed to be humbled anyway. I was feelin myself a little to much after the RR. I’m frustrated at myself more than anything. I’ll be back for my spot on Friday.

Simsar - You pissed me off tonight, dude. You need to understand that while being hype and saying silly shit is fun and funny, that there’s a time and a place for it. When people are having a match and you’re saying shit in their ear, you’re going to irritate them. Sometimes it seems like you’re trying too hard to fit in and that you’re more enamored with the concept of a fighting game scene than actually wanting to be an active part of it. Try not to take offense to this because I know you can be an interesting guy to bullshit with and I know you mean well. We don’t need you to be a pro SF player or a hype man or anything like that. Just chill and be yourself. Better someone told you now rather than later.

Chad - We never seem to get any games in, man. I’ll make it a point to play you on Friday.

Le and John - If you guys find an extra pack of smokes laying around could you save it for me? Money’s a bit scarce for me right now and about half a pack of cigarettes fell out of my pocket while I was there. I just hope its not outside.

Good luck at EVO, EVO guys. Pools are lookin crazy.

Sean - I’ll agree that out of all the characters I tried and picked up Guile and Bison were the easiest to figure out. And although Bison’s EX PC is pretty beastly it’s really just a good tool that is in his game that he has, similar to how other characters have other tools I don’t have. SF has a bunch of characters with allot of different play styles. That’s just what makes the game fun and trying to figure ways out to beat it or to use it to your advantage is what gives this game depth. Its easy to blame your character for not having the best tools for every situation or others for having better tools than you in certain situations. When that happens I like to think why did this happen and how can I not put myself in this situation and put the other guy in a place that he is weaker at. Thanks for the tips on Cammy though I’ll be sure to work on my habit of using cl.mp combos and practice allot with cannon strike setups. Oh and congrats on beating Nick.

Chad - Yeah man Guile is a pretty good character since his buffs in vanilla. I mean the guy went from being one of the worst to one of the best like a real Cinderella story. The match is mainly bout being patient and turning it around by pressuring him when you could. Not really good advice to give but watch some Guile match vids and you’ll see my point.

Nick - Your lucky I found them on my way home from work and figure they were yours. Lol was that you I heard yelling at Sim to shut up cause I swear that was Sean. Thanks for keeping me honest bout my jumpins I felt I was doing them to much in other matches and nobody was punishing me for it so I figure I go for broke and I felt the fat mans fist face.

GGs to everyone else and GL to all the bros going to EVO.