Just Like In The Movies! - The Viewtiful Joe Video Thread

Sick, that dodge made me squeal

Joe has way too much style and swag. Those 2 things of all things need to get nerfed.

someone playing some online matches with Joe

I saw that earlier. I couldnā€™t watch it. It doesnā€™t feel right watching someone do ranked matchā€™s with my main. lol!
Im alright with Player matchs and casuals but not Ranked D:

Doing some Online matchs. they are uploading atm but here is one That has finished!

-Will edit when they are all done uploading-

Now that ultimate is out and stuff if you guys wanna show whose the greatest joe we can duke it out online.


Here are some from me. I tend to record videos that I lose. (And I was talking during these matchs. which is awkward)
-Note- My Team is Viewtiful Joe, Rocket Raccoon, & Vergil.

For some reason I get nervous when im recording matchs.

hey have anybody notices Joe can dash twice forward in the air now? When i was messing around in training mode i was pressing 2 attack buttons plus mashing forward and it lets him double dash forward (yes i know he could double dash but in vanilla i never saw him or knew he was able to dash forward twice)its kinda a weird little thing I found

I think, if im right, Joe can Air-dash Twice in the air if you press M+H Then Immediatly press M+H+S

thats exaxtly right, this could really trick people that you play seeing how most people are only use to seeing one air dash from a character.Oh and to some degree this can be delayed been messing with it all day, so say if some sees your dashing >they block you go for a second one and use his air S and wham free hit.:pleased:

holy crap dude on ur last video of of matches i was facing that guy all day me and him was having some excellent battles very close stuff, so gabu you play on psn?

I do not have psn sorry. thats weird though he was on XBL how did you fight him O.o

I guess he has both lmao cuase I definitively did fight that guy same team and everything.

Iā€™ll give my friend some exposure here.

first match

and skip to [ 4:00 ]


I recorded Joeā€™s BnB as well as a bunch of bomb otg combos for people to look at and try out.

Joeā€™s BnB:

Voomerang Spam:

Bomb comboā€™s gallore:

when you put the MH before the S after the H RHK, can you do that into the normal bnb ender or will it make them fall out of the super jump combo somehow?

Well in MvC3 when I ended the combo with a :m: RHK airdash :h: Air Joe into Super, I donā€™t think it worked. But :l: Airjoe is a completely didnā€™t animal since Joe has more + frames on hit than an :h: air joe so maybe you can. I also found out that you can connect a j.:s: after an :m: Airjoe as well. My starter however was c.:m:, c:h: so I donā€™t know if it will work if I start with a j.:s: or :l:

Hey guys, Iā€™ve been looking into a Joe/Vergil team and I was wondering if I could get some feedback from the more experienced Joe players here on this combo. Any tips are a big help!


WIth joe I always play keep away so when I get close a combo like this would probrably kill without the last super

Repost from the Rocket Raccoon forums, but itā€™s still relevant here.

Matches with my Viewtiful Joe. Make of them what you will. Thought Iā€™d share.