Just Like In The Movies! - The Viewtiful Joe Video Thread

This is also a repost from the RR forums, but since these combos have a lot of Joe in them I figure it’d apply well here. I’m a kinda new gaming channel and I’m hoping to get bigger if I get some good responses. I use RR/VJoe and Ammy. People yell at me to get out of lobbies sometimes for my team choice alone >_>’


My friend Tbro plays a bit of Joe, his second main according to him. So I’m back again with a bit of gameplay for him.After part 1 he starts using Joe a bit more.


Not going to wait for someone to post here, ignore double post. More matches with my friend. Recorded a little bit of them, had 75 matches in total.


I can’t post anything now since I’m on my phone, but i do have a number of vids up from a small local tourney I went to.

If anyone would be so nice to look up the yt account egsrit and post them here for me that would be really cool. the first rounds of the tournament really showcase my joe skills. there some very good setup that I found out on my own that are in those videos. I played my finals match is very badly but I’m going to play those 2 people again at a tournament this weekend so I’ll try to get revenge





Even though UMvC3 wasn’t stream last WNF, StriderZer0 taped some matches toward the end of the bracket. Here’s the matches with RoyalFlush’s Joe, the one vs Infrit is especially awesome.



Is it just me or does flush seem…

not that good. I mean i cant speak on his thor or his modok, but i just feel like everything about his joe could be better.

He would do a lot better if he actually had a well-designed team.

One thing that impressed me about Flush’s Joe is his use of Air Joe. I forgot which match, but at some point he got a happy bday riding in an Air Joe for a long time… probably wasn’t able to convert much damage, but it looked sweet :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve also seen him up exchange into Joe, then ride a L Air Joe all the way to the ground unto a launch, something I haven’t really explored. Flush is also one of the only players to abuse crossover counters in this game. I think Thor’s and Modok’s incoming moves off a CC are safe and he can X-factor into a character death if he needs. Not sure how safe Joe’s bomb crossover counter is…

if its the same as his normal bomb pull, it only has like 4 frame of vulnerability after dropping the bomb… but it doesnt have a hitbox…

Also, after an up exchange, you can H air joe all the way down too. you can do it with any version. i looked into it a bit, but i never did much with it, because touching the ground basically ends the combo. and when youre in midair like that, you could cancel into a super and it would always hit, but its really hard to time because you cant tell how far from the ground you are

Spoiler: none of these are practical except for the first one maybe


ToD on thor starting no meter

I placed decently at a local tourney tonight, archive’s at http://www.twitch.tv/chibosempai/b/313280066, with my matches starting around at around 1:06:40. Please excuse the somewhat sloppy play and dropped combos.

Managed to pry myself away from Skullgirls long enough to do ok at another local. http://www.twitch.tv/chibosempai/b/316270385 with my games starting at around 27:00 with the rest at 52:00. Started experimenting with the 'Coon for some Kusoru shenanigans, enjoying the results. Also, I don’t know how to fight Nova.

Placed 3rd at local underdog tourney. First UMVC3 tourney, usually only play onlne. Was pretty nervous and dropped a bunch of stuff.


More videos! Placed 2nd this time; endless bad decisions and dropped combos cost me grand finals. I’ll be practicing a lot more now that the semester’s over. Shamelessly stealing BusterWolf83’s match time format:


Taste the salt. I love this team.

Good sets, but you could have done more damaging combos with Joe.

Also you look like Barack Obama. And I know a lot of people are told that, but damn you REALLY do.

And don’t worry, any woman (or “fancy” man if ya go that way) will tell you that’s a good thing.

But one thing I can suggest is that you easily have enough time to dash either forward or backward for that jumping Super at the end. Especially if instead of your combo, you use…

The main combo for Joe. It will definitely help you build meter for raccoon traps or armor.

(string/j.S crossup/dodge),
dp.M, H, doublejump, H, qcb.M, airdash, H, qcb.M, qcb.H, S, super jump
M-H, double jump M-H, qcb.M, qcb.M, air dash, H-S (or H-Air Joe L-S against most characters)
OTG super

I double tap the first H after the uppercut.

However this combo does not work vs. Sentinel, and will drop a lot against other large characters. So instead, in the section before the launcher, add some Ms:
dp.M, H, doublejump, M, H, qcb.M, airdash, M, H, qcb.M, qcb.H, S, super jump… etc.

Other than that, I must say you play better than me. I have no local scene whatsoever unfortunately. Good zoning!

Haha, thanks for the compliments! I’ll definitely try out that combo.

Soon people will realize how amazing Joe and RR are together, but not for the reasons Kusoru showed us. Those reasons are stupid.

In fact, due to my amazingness in the lab (I’m SO good at theory fighting and lab fightan), I found a retarded yet viable combo that uses 1 bomb, 1 charged voomerang and a raw tag (in a row, nothing in between), then the combo continues. Guess which order they hit in.

Vids guy.