My Team Changes Quite a bit. I used to run Joe, Dante & Doom. and Way before that I ran Joe, Zero, Hsien-ko. lol
I Get so caught up in the matchs I oftenly forget Match-ups.
Here are more matchs
More matchs! These are each 10 minutes long.
I Rush in WAY to much. I think I should be a little more defencive.
(sorry for the low Quality)
Forgive me if this has already been posted.
Do those work midscreen?
Yeah. But I found a much better combo similar to it, which also works midscreen. Does more damage, too. And is a bit easier.
Goes into Six Cannon and Slow.
Oh you should totally let me know this combo :3
It’s in the main thread.
Watching through a bit of those, see what advice I can give based on what I know.
Which would be…not much. Seem pretty solid to me. You play on XBL or PSN?
I still feel like im lacking something though…
XBL, My gamertag is ShockingOwl
More Videos
I’ll add ya, we can practice sometime.
Definitly. But In all honestly I really hate Joe Mirror matchs. They have always bothered me.
These next 2 Videos you Have to watch. The First Video in not related to viewtiful Joe, but the 2nd Video Is definitly Worth a watch for joe fan’s. its not Anything to spactacular but it made my day winning that match with joe
love joe come backs:rock:
Gabu what was the input for the slow combo u did u upeer then j.h then ?? then red hot kick then u keep going
I got pretty damn lucky to be honest. He was pretty bad…Im im pretty bad too…lol
Glad I’m not the only one who gets hype over his own matches
Im ashamed of myself…I let the hype control me. Lmao!
Hopefully I know what your talking about but it’s:
Viewtiful Godhand -> F.m (overhead), Groovy Upper.M, J.h, Jump, J.m, J.h, Red Hot Kick.H, Jump, J.m, J.h, Red Hot Kick.H, Jump, J.m, J.h, Red Hot Kick.H, S, Superjump, J.m, J.m, J.h, Red Hot Kick.M, Red Hot Kick.M, Six Cannon
This is the strongest Slow combo I’ve come up with. Not sure if there is something stronger out there:
That combo was awesome!!!.
Though I never really use joe when the opponent is slowed. I usually raw tag akuma or Deadpool and use there infinite
Small combo i found after experimenting with V-dodge