Juri in SSFIV - arcade version

I really love these changes. The new Fuhajin Store opens a new world of possibilities, hit confirming into a Fuhajin > EX Pinwheel, releasing the fireball on wakeup and keeping a reeeeeeeeally cool pressure going assuming her walk speed buff is significant enough.

I am officially hyped.

I think the bit about the EX Focus Attack might be saying they’ve made it easier to do combos like L Senpusha xx EX Focus Cancel > s.LK. As for FSE, I’m hoping it will be possible to connect far s.MK after Fuhajin midscreen and dash forward to continue pressure. If not, it should at least work in the corner if you don’t feel like using meter on EX Senpusha.

As it stands its possible to juggle a high Fireball into Ultra 2 in the Corner, its hard and character specific and impractical but it works.

Its not impossible to assume you can hit confirm into: HK leg Raise > HK FB > U2 in the corner, because the juggle properties should remain the same. what i want to know is if u can do LK leg raise > LK FB > FADC > U2 mid screen hence making U2 not so bad and at the very least catching up with what Ryu can do with his U1 off a FADC SRK/ex-fb/ex-tatsu.

Fast walk speed, i could sort of see that coming and ill take it.

Dunno what they mean about less stun on charge kick, if anything that makes it unsafe on block? Will need to see where that goes.

Lets theorycraft some uses of this buff:

c.Forward xx forward/roundhouse.Fuhajin store > Fuhajin release > Ultra 2 (in corner)
c.Forward xx forward.Fuhajin store > Fuhajin release > ex.Pinwheel
c.Forward xx forward/roundhouse.Fuhajin store > Fuhajin release > ex.Fuhajin (mid/high)
c.Forward xx forward.Fuhajin store > Fuhajin release > short.Pinwheel
c.Forward xx roundhouse.Fuhajin store > Fuhajin release > j.Fierce

c.Forward xx roundhouse.Fuhajin store xx FADC (release) > Ultra 2
c.Forward xx roundhouse.Fuhajin store > j.Strong > cl.Fierce > ex.Senpusha

It’s unfortunate that the update didn’t say anything about a fully invincible ex.Senpusha =( Oh well.

I’ll bite.

Now. I’m curious about j mp juggle to fuhajin kick. As it stands now it’s a reset, will it continue to be? If it juggles then j mp > hk fuhajin juggle release will be sexy. In a corner that’s a guaranteed ultra 2.

This also should take care of the whiffed ultras off the j mp, even if it takes 2 bars to fadc.

Resets after fuhajin hit? This will make fse interesting.

man i don’t even want to play theory fighter. i just want to play it and test stuff myself. but until then, we’ll have to wait up.

This. But it’s okay. Honestly I would of been surprised if they fixed her reversal because I read the creator’s wanted Juri’s defense to be her weakness… but uh… don’t they already got that going with her low health? ._.;;

Soooooo, I was feeling silly and tried to translate the Juri changes in their entirety. Take my translation with a truckload of salt and feel free to point out any errors in case you understand japanese better than I do :china:

Translation Notes

like d_dollars said, we’re all gonna have to wait it out, its unlikely that these are the only things they’re gonna make to the roster, maybe a few more additional things will come out later on, lets hope this is juris case. if we get that invincibility on her ex pin, and get her U2 hitboxes fixed, we’d be set.

The unblockables may be referring to fuzzy guard?

But that’s not unblockable :o

Maybe Juri has some unblockable setup we are unaware about?
Or maybe they are giving her unblockables on purpose?

Let’s not get ahead of ourselves with the theorizing.

What we know is that Fuhajin store now knocks the opponent higher, and it is possible to combo it into the Fuhajin release (or the low version, at least). They also said it’s possible to combo it into Senpusha. This either means that Fuhajin store now causes a free juggle state on grounded opponents, or the Fuhajin release has increased juggle potential. There is no reason to believe that it will stop being a reset when hitting airborne opponents.

If they actually did make Fuhajin store cause a free juggle state, then that means anything can connect, as long as it reaches. It’s hard to predict what might work midscreen, but in the corner, it would be possible to reset using something like s.MP or s.MK without even activating FSE. I don’t think she should be able to do this, and I doubt the devs would allow it.

Otherwise, here’s what could be possible:

Fuhajin (store) > Fuhajin (release)
Fuhajin (store) > L Senpusha > low EX Fuhajin
Fuhajin (store) > EX Senpusha
Fuhajin (store) > close s.HP > mid EX Fuhajin [corner only]
Fuhajin (store) > j.HP [corner only?]
Fuhajin (store) > EX Fuhajin
Fuhajin (store) > Fuharenjin
Fuhajin (store) > Kaisen Dankairaku [corner only] (negative edge might actually be useful for once)

My roommate says they’re fixing the bug that allowed her to do an unblockable. What confuses me is that I didn’t think such a bug even existed.

Yea, I’ve been playing juri for months and I’ve never seen anything about that.

As for doing leg raise to kaisen: Ive noticed that negative edge will not work if you are storing a fireball. Upon releasing the button, juri will just shoot the fireball.

going to pick back juri in in arcade version now shes got some extra stuff

Only unblockable she ever had was the ultra unblockables which was fixed in super iirc.

Juri was released in super.

So what are you going on about?

It was fixed in the Patch of June.

I’m curious about these “Hitbox ajustments”. I wonder, is it her own hitbox or the hitbox of her moves?
If is the latter, could this mean they might’ve fixed LK Sempusha on crouchers and U2?