So what kind of changes can we expect to see or what does Juri need in the arcade version?
Considering her influence in the game (one of the main antagonists, star of the latest film), it’s pretty safe to say that at the very least she won’t be receiving any nerfs. And unless the dev team thinks that people haven’t realised her potential, she should receive atleast something in order to make her more viable.
I think it would be ideal if her basic game plan didn’t change too much. I don’t have any issues with Juri’s normals. She doesn’t like to walk too fast (lol) but thats just how she plays.
-Fuhajins are fine at the moment and I don’t see any reason to change her U1 unless Capcom decides to bring in a broken Genei Jin, then we should receive the same treatment.
-Kaisen Dankairaku, hard to say really. I think it should atleast work better as an anti-air but no reason to make the juggle from ex-Shikusen any easier.
-Senpusha : Logically it doesn’t make any sense that this move wiffs if your opponent is on the other side so that should be changed. It wouldn’t exactly be a groundbreaking change either.
Now what would be nice if the ex version was also throw invincible, that would slightly improve her options since Juri would have that “GET OFF” - move like Chun with SBK on wakeup.
ps. If only Fuzzy guard set-up with would work with the whole cast but lets not be too greedy and ask Capcom to change all the hit boxes just for us. :karate:
real talk her walk speed is complete ass, please buff that up. and her ex pinwheel should have full start up invincibilty and make it not throwable either. it’s sad that other characters ex moves have these qualities but juri’s don’t. those are the only 2 buffs for her i would like.
I feel that her Kaisen Dankairaku needs to be fixed big time.
It should work as an anti - air in a similar way to Ken’s Ultra 1 where if the first hit misses but someone still ends up jumping into its target range, they’ll take damage, its completely and utterly ridiculous that someone can completely go through it if they jump into its target range while its active. They could also fix the hitbox for said ultra, I find it virtually impossible to follow up an Ex Dive Kick with Ultra 2. ( Trust me, I spent half an hour trying the other night! Can’t get the bloody sweet spot! )
Apart from that, a few buffs would be welcome as long as it doesn’t turn her into a broken character ( not that I wouldn’t like it but still. )
EX pinwheel should actually work as a reversal (so invincibility).
U2 timing can be learned off the EX dive kick where you really control everything, but is a whole lot harder if you want to use U2 as an all-purpose anti-air. More active frames and hitting behind her would make the ultra much better. I don’t see making the combo from EX dive kick easier as that unbalancing since it’s pretty dangerous to go for the dive kick in the first place.
Walk speed should be faster.
Her super feels like the most punishable one in the game. Perusing some frame data, it seems like it has slow startup and long recovery while most other supers (or the good ones anyway) only have one of those. HK version is generally safer, but barely hits, so I don’t think that makes up for anything. It also feels way too hard to juggle with; perhaps a fast high fireball in the beginning would fix that (but don’t change the first low one).
Ability for kasatushi to get reversal timing. It would give her another option on wakeup without burning meter and her counter doesn’t have so much potential that I think this would break anything.
Make fuhajin store a little safer. Shorter recovery probably.
6:46PM PST-Juri’s kick fireball combos more naturally (not sure what this means)(Anonymous Location Tester)
I wonder what this could mean. Fuhajin combo’s arent exactly unnatural at the moment? Maybe “kick fireball” = ex-senpusha somehow got improved? I have no idea.
Anyway :
6:43PM PST-Zangeif’s EX Green Hand no longer causes knockdown. (Anonymous Location Tester)
6:44PM PST-Blocked Blanka Ball distance is halved. (Anonymous Location Tester)
Blanka just became a bit easier, if the distance is halved that means one should be able to punish it with a senpusha right away lol. And EX hand doesn’t cause knockdown? I’ll take that, anything that decreases his knockdown options. Even if there’s a trade-off elsewhere.
-Short Senpusha seriously needs to be fixed. The last hit whiffing on crouching opponents renders the move useless as a pressure tool (leaving her very vulnerable on block).
-Make EX Senpusha have throw invincibility (Full invincibility might be asking for too much but then again, the move is -13 on block…)
-Increase her walk speed slightly.
That is all she really needs imo. Juri is overall accepted as a weak character and I do feel that she needs these buffs to stay strong in the future.
I agree with the throw invincibility on ex pinwheel.
QQ <-- Thats me, mind you. I want her Ultra 2 to be usable as an anti air. It’s completely asinine that an attack that has a circular motion does not hit on both sides.
@sylari, she can already combo her fireball off of cr. mk and most normals. That’s not what it means. It most likely means that her fireball kick is a natural combo now and the fireball will connect after landing the kick.
Senpusha needs to be considered in the air after the first hitbox.
Fix the last hitbox of light senpusha.
Dive kick is fine. Aim for the lower body and you are good. Maybe speed up the startup on it, but increasing the block stuff more than 5 frames would be too much I think
Increase Juri’s keep away game so that she doesn’t need a reveral, so that getting in on her and knocking her down should be a good reward and a reward earned. How to do this, well, her normals seem pretty great. I’d like to be able to link the first part of her fireballl kick in blockstring though. This is really difficult to implement based on her current frame data.
HK needs to be 0 frames on hit.
Let me link cr. HP from a landed standing MP by way of a tight link. This would require that either medium punch be plus 8 on hit, or that cr. heavy punch be lowered and medium punch have its frame advantage increased.
Lower the hitbox on jumping medium punch and extend it horizontally. let me get some ambiguous cross ups going like crazy, and let me hit all crouchers with fuzzy guard.
Increasing the walkspeed would be nice, as others have mentioned.
And one overpowered option- First hit of close range heavy kick is overhead.
Umm… dont use pinwheels as a pressure tool?? Jump and backdash beats throw?(and tech)
Id like Juri to be able to chain into weaker attacks during her ultra1. This would allow her to mix up throw much easier during the pressure. Also allow her to do her overhead after a MK like she can do after MP. It shouldnt be counted as a same attack since its a command normal. Let her build meter too.
I wouldnt mind if they took out recovery on a whiffed dive kick and maybe be able to cancel pinwheel after the first hit. Allow Ultra 1 activation in the air, probably wouldnt be too useful but it would look cool kinda like Alpha2.