Juri in SSFIV - arcade version

I’m also content with Ultra 2.

Here’s my wish list:

Like BeaM said, her normals should produce more advantage on block, most of them don’t and leave her at minus advantage, which is annoying.

EX Senpusha to be throw invulnerable. Juri’s already poor enough on wake-up as it is, having a move that requires meter, is unsafe and can’t be FADC’d is just bad. Before, I was like, “well, I’ll just block and tech lol, leave the move as it is” but I quickly changed my mind after a few more bouts online lol.

This is probably bad of me to ask, but I’d like Fuhajin store to recover quicker too. Also agree on a bigger hitbox for Fuhajin store.

And better walkspeed. That’s it really.

As far as buffs go, I would like:

  1. +1 more frame of advantage on hit for close st.lk
  2. +1 or +2 more active frames on cr.mk
  3. Some other difficult but rewarding links (Not sure how this would be possible.)
  4. Her throws to not throw them to such awkward distances.
  5. Slightly faster sweep.

Faster walk speed would be super nice too.

As far as nerfs, she doesn’t need many.

Maybe she should actually have to absorb stuff when she counters it (Gouken status.)

I guess I’ll join the Wishlist:
More forward movement at startup for Senpusha (all versions) so they don’t whiff at far distance.
ex.Senpusha full invincibility.

Unrealistical Wishlist:
c.Forward to be faster, farther, more active, and less recovery.

Edit:^ Wonder_Chef, they can’t give her any more +frames on normals 'cause then that would mean she would be able to link normals in FSE.

I kind of wish Juri had some sort of new ability during Feng Shui Engine, like the ability to run (like in Guilty Gear), or fireballs not fading out. I doubt it’ll happen though.

:lol: Or if her fireballs didn’t need to store and she could shoot them regularly like Gouken? XD

Too broken but I like the idea =)

It would just give her the same frame advantage on a hit close st.lk that you would get from a close st.lp so it really wouldn’t change much, the only difference is that st.lp doesn’t hit crouchers.

I might as well write down my wish list, so I can name myself prophet if they come true (especially considering the actual changes are already set in stone):
[]Make dive kick an overhead like it was in early beta :encore:
]Throw invincibility to EX Senpusha.
[]I like eiSH’s idea of more forward motion for Senpushas.
]Faster walk speed.
[]Better combos through Fuhajin store / release.
]Can’t think of much else.

Aside from the basics everyone wants (Faster walk speed, throw invincibility on EX Sempusha, etc) here are my thoughts:

  • Increased damage/stun on Fuhajin Releases; It’s slow, doesn’t go fullscreen and you need to lose a button in order to use it in a combo, there’s no reason for it to be 50/50. Something along the lines of 70/70 would make her zoning/corner game scarier, and also would increase her overall damage output. EX Version stays 100/100, like Rose.
  • EX Low Fuhajin doesn’t knockdown and can be FADC’d into U2;
  • Fuhajin Store > Release made into a blockstring.

I think her feng shui should actually increase her speed. I think her walk animation should change. It should be faster. She should be faster with FSE on.

Look. I’ll accept her walk speed, throw range, normals having poor frame advantage, dive kick not being safe crap if when FSE was on her walk speed was increased, throw range was increased, normals are already better with FSE on, and dive kick was safer. It makes sense honestly. Isnt her FSE on during her counter and shes able to move faster? If its on constantly she should be a beast. Storyline wise at least.

Now in competitive play this would be broken imo.

Her ex fireballs should knock down. All of them. My gripe is that her specials dont juggle when they should. In a corner I should be able to Kaisen Dankairaku off of an Ex fireball. No question about that! In a corner I should be able to Kaisen off of a ex sempusha.

A little quicker overhead please. Some of her normals are silly. Her close hp and far hk whiffs crouchers. Silly all the way. Her far mp with feng shui should be cancellable to specials. Why this isnt the case is silly.

Capcom has a lot on their plate. If they make one part of her game better, it makes her jump WAY up quickly. Shes a very balanced character, just…not fun to play as because she doesn’t do well in anything really. I think she would do well with just having a meterless uppercut, then I think she would be on ryu level.

I agree, I’ve gotten used to the various quirks assoicated with Juri such as her slow walk speed, downright odd move properites ( such as her ultra 2 not being a true anti - air, which is something I don’t want changed as I’d feel they’d nerf her normal AAs to compensate and I don’t want that! ) and will be happy if the buffs move her up a spot or two in the tier.

What I ( and am sure others here too ) don’t want to see is the buffs turning Juri into a completely broken character, the last thing I want to see is scrubs hugging onto to her like they did with Sagat in vanilla!

Here is what I realistically see happening to Juri in AE

Faster Walk Speed
The Fireball Juggle
Ex Pinwheel being fully invincable

Juri loses between 50 - 100 health, any more would disasterous.
Takes focus damage when you do her parry.

Thats all I can think of.

This. 'Cause then EX Pinwheel could be a viable anti-air, in which case, I’d start using her again. Her wake-up game is pretty bad imo, since her best “get off me” move would be EX Pinwheel, and that gets stuffed or trades with absolutely everything it seems.

Counter is good as well, but if you use it too much then you’ll get thrown or they’ll empty jump-in -> Combo. D=

Like I said, I hated the fact that when I got knocked down there was practically nothing I could do on wake-up to get them off of me. :frowning:

lol, i hope her parry don’t get nerfed. i use it to mix up vs sagat, ryu, guile.

Empty jump on counter? Are you trying to use it as an AA or something? :o EX Senpusha as well, wat.

If the cr.hp could have just a smigin less knockback on block, that be great, you’d be in a pretty big danger zone as Juri can karathrow you providing a great mixup between normal/tiger dive kick/throw. This could also be done by increasing her grab range a bit.

I want close range, standing medium punch to be able to hit opponents in juggle. This could provide great reset options.

That’s the area of Juri I’d most like to see buffed, her resets. Turning Juri into a mini-Akuma would add an interesting dynamic to her playstyle.

Juri will NEVER be a mini Akuma with that walk speed, lack of wake up, and chargable fireballs.

I was referring to resets only with that comment.

Oh, so you didn’t mean a mini akuma. Gotcha :3

if I could get a 1f link into any normal that is cancelable from far standing mp
I’d be in heaven ^.^
anything easier than a 1f I don’t think would be fair with how good it is imo

Thats a good idea. I dont personally mind her walk speed but a lot of people want her to walk fast. So if her walk speed were to increase with FSE, i think that would be pretty good.

They need to give more invincibility to ex senpusha so that you cant get thrown out of it. That would make it a better to use as a reversal wake up.

Increasing the damage just a hair and the distance of the fireballs would be a nice add as well

I would be extremely happy if just these alone were possible.

ediT:nvm, i clearly misread.