[Jun 9, 2012] East Coast Throwdown 4 - EVO 2012 TS $3K UMVC3 Bonus + GamerBee! (Morristown, NJ)

Welcome to New York! The venue will open up at 8am. Casuals will be available until 11:30am and tournaments will start at 12:00pm on Saturday. After this time, there will be no more casuals.

Thanks!! You just motivated me to register. I guess I’ll end up registering, and trying to represent France the best I can with my average level :smiley:

You should DEFINITELY hit up Big Two tonight at Next Level and start practicing!

Do you think I would’ve missed that? I already went there last week haha =)
I was supposed to go tonight, but I got stuck at work, so it’ll be for next week anyway :smiley:

I posted up a general information page on the website. If there’s anything else you think should be on that page, PLEASE let me know!


Registered, and my room’s booked.

ECT’s gonna’ be too hype.

We would like to have both ST Tournament of Legends (ToL) qualifiers on Saturday. Does anyone object to this?

That is preferable.

Just entered and ready to go. Somebody hook me up with some room space, I’m flying in from Japan, I’ll be mad jet lagged.

Is parking free or any free parking spots nearby the hotel?

Hi guys,

I live in Queens and would like to join the tournament. Do you think I can use public transports to come on the morning and go back home by night or should I try to find a room? Looks like the NJ train doesn’t run that late :frowning:

You can get there via NJT, but like you said, it doesn’t run that late. There is a train station within 1 mile of the hotel so the cab ride would be pretty cheap and fast.

The parking at the hotel is free. Just take your parking ticket to the front desk and ask them to validate it for you. When you leave the garage, you just go to the booth and insert your parking ticket and the bar will raise.

That’s for people staying at the hotel or can anyone in the tournament get parking validated?

Is there anymore rooms left? For the last 3 weeks I haven’t been able to book anything.

Or is there at least another place within reasonable walking distance to the venue?

I don’t have a car anyway :smiley:
What is the train station 1 mile away BTW?

There is no chance of any more rooms opening up right? If so I’m afraid I’m gonna have to skip out on this event. Pretty crazy that I can’t get a room booked.

I’ve never been to a full on tournament before and this is really close to my house so this may be a great opportunity for me to at least watch high level players. I’m kind of interested in the blazblue tournament.

wont running both tournaments for st on saturday be alittle bit excessive?

I’ll have information for the other hotels up in about an hour. Just setting up the last two PS3’s for the tournament right now.

Let’s go NE step up and support.