Julia Q & A Thread - Ask a simple Question get an Answer

You don’t have to double dash. Just dash straight out of the tiger strike and press mp.

Akuma. How do you do anything in this match?

Trying to find info on this, but I guess I am the only one that can’t finish trial 16 for Julia. I can’t cancel her cr. mp into her tiger strike, ex tiger works fine, but regular never seems to work.

/edit: weird, finally got it.

How do you go from the CADC party crasher into cr. HP? I’ve seen people do it, is it just a hard link?

Yup, one frame, I believe, but plinkable.

Does Julia’s launcher launch lower than the rest of the cast?

Yes, quite a bit. You can compare it to Jin´s if you want to see the difference, I think he has the highest launcher of all characters.

Yes, seconded. I play Guile Julia, and Guile’s optimised tag in combo is damn near impossible off of Julia’s launcher. :frowning:

Really interested in playing Julia and im curious if someone could help answer some questions or give me some feedback:

What are Julias best get in options / what should I be doing in the neutral game with her ?

What does Julia struggle against?

In what way is Julia strong ? (aside from raw damage output?

is there ever any reason to do ______ xx windroll, as opposed to doing _______ cadc PC (on block / hit) ?

what are julias best mixup options when in close / how does she keep pressure applied ?

what character archetype does Julia fall under, and what sf4 character is she most like? as of right now I kinda feel like she is kinda like makoto or viper because of all her cancels, but I dont have much experience with her so I dont know honestly.

Thank you to anyone who is willing to take the time to answer some of these questions, I really appreciate it a lot.

why is it that when I try to do :b::mp::lp: xx :dp: I get wind roll instead =(

I’ll try my best

She has a decent walk speed and her wind roll is good for avoiding projectiles, just be wary of using it up close unless you’re gonna go into one of the follow ups. At a neutral game, you want to take advantage of her long reaching pokes such as cr.lk, cr.mk, and f+mk. On counter hit, f+mk causes a stagger that would allow you to jump in HK to continue a combo - the timings a bit weird, but just do the HK at the top of your arch and you should get it.

I’d say those with pokes just plain better than hers. In particular, Rolento and Dhalsim are a annoying pair to fight as you can’t wind roll past them.

great range on her normals, good normals in general, I see you’re familiar with her CADC PC ability. She’s just a good all around character.

Um… maybe for a juggling combo? ie. f+mp>lp, f+mp>mk xx windroll, cr.hp, tiger strike is a pretty decent 300+ damage combo. If you’re doing this on a grounded opponent, then cadc PC is probably the safer option (considering you can do it consistently). That said…

Windroll gives you access to one of Julia’s over head options, which can be used for a small combo, but my personally favorite mix up game is after scoring a Tiger Strike (whether it’s from cr.LK xx Tiger Strike, or one of the extended combos), use either swift Step (HCF+LP) or Step Step Explosion (HCF+HP) as SSE is an overhead that causes a crumple state and leads to a 400+ combo meterless. SS doesn’t nothing, but once you have your opponent training on blocking high, you go in and attack low… which currently meants cr.LK boost into your partner. Luckily in 2013, cr.MP will be able to link into itself (theoretically), so you’ll have a decent damaging low attack.

She’s not really Viper, but Makoto is probably more accurate. She’s a hard hitting female bruiser that can cancel some of her more unsafe attacks into PC. Alas, she has no Command grab. Some would say she’s like Yun with her lunge punch, but really that’s the only thing.

Glad to have helped. I don’t know how accurate my answers are, but these are merely based around my own experiences with Julia. If anyone has better answers or would wish to correct me. Feel free.

Probably just some execution issues. When doing the :lp: of the chain, put the stick to neutral and the try doing :dp:

Julia is a slow character ,you need to deal with hers dashes,hers differents range of wind roll and spécials move swift step(dash cancelable),just to go around…after that you can poke,use a lot of good target cancelable and make a lot of damage.
I think she’s fine in first or second position in your team…

what does cr.lk lead to ? is it just used as a distance check / boost starter ? I know you can do cr.lk xx tiger, but isnt that an unsafe buffer when playing footsies ? can she link anything off of cr.lk? like, cr.lk > something > one of her chains?

You are correct. Cr.lk can’t link into anything - so I personally just go into boost for my partner to do a combo

Gimme a few hours and I’ll do a full writeup to answer your question.

really? I cant tell if youre being sarcastic lol.

Nah I just had to go somewhere, was busy lol.

Julia’s best options to get in is via windroll imo, there is a big gap to interrupt it ofc, but on a hestitant opponent, you can use cr.lk/cr.mk etc. xx windroll to get in onto an opponent (can do the overhead followup as well to score a knockdown but there is a massive gap to interrupt her here). At the neutral game, you should be whiff punishing with her pokes, cr.lk, cr.mk and st.lk (st.lk to stop people trying to raw launch), her walkspeed is slow but she has the range and varieties of ways to get in.

Julia doesn’t really struggle much in general, I guess one weakness is your oppenent having faster walkspeed, fireballs can pose a bit of a problem for her (minor struggle as she can windroll through them). She doesn’t really have many weaknesses, she’s a top character.

Julia is strong for her neutral game, she has really solid pokes, good ways to get in on an opponent, a good DP, decent tag cancel opportunities, great frame traps, 1f super which stops a lot of stuff, a safe chain (cr.lk st.mp), she excels in a lot of areas.

Julia’s best mixups upclose is just her frame traps/throw game, this will be more effective in 2013 with faster throws, she can really keep on the pressure by cancelling into party crasher (+2 on block), she can windroll to close the gap upclose and frame trap or throw, she has nice normals to frame trap with, cr.lp, cr.hp, b+mp lp (+1 on block and easy confirm on backdashes), meaty f+hp to catch backdashes. She also has that swift step explosion mixup with high/low but it’s not really a solid mixup imo.

I would say Julia is a mixture of Chun and Cody from SFIV, she’s got a nice footsie game while having a lethal frame trap game.

Okay. Questions:

  1. Off of launchers, when I do f.mp, mk, windroll, cr.hp, I crossup and miss the hp sometimes, how do I stop this?
  2. what else useful links off pc besides cr.lk?
  1. the reason you’ll get the cr.hp crossup and miss is because you’re doing it too early, you can also cross under very reliably with hk windroll.
  2. off PC really the best thing you can do is cr.lk magic series, unless it’s counter hit, then you can go into f.mk mp mp xx lk windroll > magic series, or create a loop with magic series xx cadc pc (that’ll give you another counter hit to complete the loop).