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Yes. After a j.MK (Crossover) or a j.HK just hold b + LP, MP, LP, LP and you will get a free mix-up for j.MK, s.LP, s.LP, s.MP/s.MK.

Is there any reason to do that instead of a regular combo, though?

What are Julia’s best blockstrings? A lot of her crouching moves don’t have a lot of frame advantage and sometimes you aren’t close enough to do cr.lp xx cr.lp so what should I be doing from outside this range? Usually from outside cr.lp range I’ll do trickling stream, but people catch on to that. What else can I use?

You can do cr.lk xx cr.mk as a low poke. If it hits you have lots of time to confirm into cr.hp xx launcher or an ex move. It also feels very safe on block outside of some long reaching ultras. You can also do ff+mp (party crasher) and then st.lk or cr.lk right afterwards for a frame trap. If it trades you can usually combo off it as well.

I sometimes use crlp > b+mp - lp enough time for me to hit confirm and she moves forward. You can also try my current BnB.

cr lp > cr hp > PC > b+mp - mp > cr lk > qcb p. No 1 frames, safe on block, hard knock down and comes with with good utlity. I can do frame trapping after PC or can dash forward/backwards for baiting and mind games. I can also replace tiger strike with uppercut for tagging purposes.

This BnB is really good IMO and is working really nice for me.

Isn’t the b.:mp:-:mp: -9 on block?

There’s enough time for you to hit confirm before that. Just stop at PC if it’s blocked

Ah, fair enough

If they block the crossover, you can play mindgames with them.

Saw Combofiend did some cool Julia combos, I just started with her so does anyone kno what these combos are @ 1minute 18secs and 4minutes 1sec ?

1:18 combo: :d: :lp:, :f: :hp:, :d: :hp:, :d::db::b: :hp: (the :d: :lp: is not needed to land :f: :hp: )
3:56 combo: :b::db::d::df::f: :hp:, wait, :f: :hp:, :d: :hp:, :d::db::b: :hp: (you can do much more after hitting the stun move)
4:01 combo: :hcf: :lp:, :b::b:, :f: :mk: (whiff) > :mp: > :hp:, :hcf: :lk:, :d: :lp:, :f: :mp: > :lp:, :d: :lp:, :f: :mp: > :lp:, :dp: :hk:

For the 3:56 combo, I’d go with the following:
:hcf: :hp:, wait, :f: :hp:, :f: :mp: > :lp:, :f: :mk: > :mp:, :d::db::b: :hp:

or (from the combo thread)

Always do Mountain Crusher combo into Wind Roll before going into Baiyuan Sanshou. It does way more damage and you can cancel the first two hits of Baiyuan Sanshou into Rising Kick for actually more damage than most of her standard BnBs from jump-in.

Baiyuan Sanshou gives you fantastic spacing for a crossup jump-in, something you only really get from Julia’s back throw. It’s worth occasionally going for, in my opinion.

After launcher, I usually go with Kalda (f.HP) followed by cr. HP xx Tiger Strike. A harder combo would be Kalda followed by Raging Rapids followed by cr. MK xx Tiger Strike, but it’s difficult to make reliable.

Rising Kick is usually her best bet to tag out on. You can do most juggle combos off from it.

Always do Mountain Crusher combo into Wind Roll before going into Baiyuan Sanshou. It does way more damage and you can cancel the first two hits of Baiyuan Sanshou into Rising Kick for actually more damage than most of her standard BnBs from jump-in.

Baiyuan Sanshou gives you fantastic spacing for a crossup jump-in, something you only really get from Julia’s back throw. It’s worth occasionally going for, in my opinion.

After launcher, I usually go with Kalda (f.HP) followed by cr. HP xx Tiger Strike. A harder combo would be Kalda followed by Raging Rapids followed by cr. MK xx Tiger Strike, but it’s difficult to make reliable.

Rising Kick is usually her best bet to tag out on. You can do most juggle combos off from it.

kaida, not kalda :wink:

1:18 - After the King Tag Launcher, it looks like Julia is coming in and hitting, cr:lp:, f:hp:, cr:hp: xx tiger strike. Though you don’t need the cr:lp: I imagine combo just did it to make certain that he got the hit.

4:01 - After hit confirming off f:mk:> f:mp:>:mp: into a windroll roll to cr:lp:, b:mp: > :mp:, cr:lp:, b:mp:>:mp: into a DP :k: (I can’t tell which one, probably LK version, but HK version might work as well), tag cancel into Hugo into cr:lp: xx clap, and goes for the backbreaker but misses.

Hope that helps

Hey everybody, I have a short question. What do you do against cross-up pressure? I have a very hard time when someone goes like lp,lp,lp -> Cross-up-jump and again. Julias DP-Kick whiffs and she is open to get punished. And I dont want to mash the DP in the Blockstring lp,lp,lp (everytime I am dumb enough to do it I get punished for it :slight_smile: )

Thanks for some help

i’d recommend jumping back when you expect their jump - mp or mk are excellent air-to-air options in that situation. it’s punishable by some moves, so only use it from time to time. the rest of the time, just block.

Hmmm, never considered the backjump, sounds good. Nice, thanks :slight_smile:

I just started using Julia, and I’m struggling with the CADC PC.

Any have any tips on executing the CADC PC consistently?
I get it right 70% of the time, and the rest of the time it either doesn’t come out at all or the Tiger Strike (?) will come out.

I input it like this :qcb::atk: :f::f: :f::f::mp:.
Is this the only way to input it or is there some sort of shortcut like the DP one that I’m not aware of (asking because the input is fairly awkward to me)?

The best way to input her CADC PC is to negative edge, which is to let go of a button which counts as a button press if that makes sense.

Basically, you use :mp: for your:qcb::atk: and hold it down, :f::f:, and then release the :mp: right after your dash. This gives you the PC without the need to dash a second time.