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Don’t forget that the HCF+HP overhead becomes a meaty if you execute it immediately after the Tiger Strike hit animation finishes. Mix it up with HCF+LP into d. LK/MK xx Tiger Strike for a low that will put them right back into the same guessing game. HCF+LP > d. LK/MK xx Tiger Strike still reaches anyone who rolled forward too. You can always bait reversal DPs or backdashes from empty HCF+LP’s too.

To keep rollers at bay, you can backdash out of the HCF+LP at the earliest moment to cross them back up (and, though you won’t get the meaty, you might screw up their inputs), or start mixing in HCF+LK or HCF+HK into whatever for the left-right mix-up (again, on rollers).

So, why not end combos with Tiger Strike if you’re not looking for 18 more damage or a tag cancel? It’s easy and leads to the mind games above. Hell, incorporating a d. LK xx Tiger Strike option-select (which has the startup and range of Ryu’s d. MK, but recovers 7 frames faster on whiff) into your footsies makes starting this quasi-vortex a piece of cake.

The thing its you need hit your opponent a little more high than normal(lp,mp,hp,change) heres some basic examples hope this helps


Does anyone know some tricky moves or setups that can catch the opponent off guard?

Hey guys…
Is there a way to extend the reach of part crasher? I am having trouble connecting it after dash cancels. The most successful attempts I got after delaying the dash cancel.

Maybe there is a more reliable way?

When do I use my HLF+kick movie I see people do it during combos and when they have frame advantage.

Are there any when do I use party crasher I feel like i should be using it way more when since its +2 on block.
Do I do it after strings?

Are there any target combos I should not be using, which ones should I be using?

After what normal are you trying to link party crasher? The move needs enough hit stun for it to work.

I use it after cr HP. the problem is the range she travels. Sometime it’s too short, another time it connect.

If you do it as soon as possible it should always connect. When it falls short does it get blocked or does it whiff completely?

First time Julia user last night and her DP, even the LK version, seems slow. The main goal is to stop jump-ins and cross ups. Cammy has the fast back dash and LK Cannon Spike which seems to mostly work just wondering what Julia has as an equivalent.

Maybe you weren’t reacting fast enough? I could use it pretty consistently against jump-ins. I tried using her c.HP as an AA, with some success. If you buffer c.HP into windroll, you can cross under opponents on landing for left-right mixups. Though I don’t know how consistent it is yet…

Against crossups, I really like her nj. MK. Most time it registers as a counterhit, which leads into c.HP > Tiger strike for damage and a free mixup.

Julia’s lk dp is 8f startup instead of Cammy’s 4f lk.dp so you’ll have to react more quickly. It’s still her most reliable anti air with at least 9f of strike invincibility. She also has a very long distance backdash.

What attack are you guys using for air to air?

Also what combos are you using when Julia runs in after a launcher? Sometime my Red Orchid into tiger strike seems to whiff.

Also what move do you usually cross tag out of to continue the combo? After her DP? Can you continue to juggle after it?

I use j.:mk: as it looks like it has the most horizontal distance but I could be wrong in that regard.

I do b.:mp:-:mp: chain (The vertical reach on b.:mp: is amazing!) linked into cr.:mk: xx Tiger Strike

Yea, I use her DP and yes you can continue juggling after it.


Are the combos on the first page of the combo thread still relevant? They seem decent enough but starting with f.MP doesn’t seem very optimal. If they’re not, what are her BnB combos?

Also what are you guys using for whiff punishing? Her backdash seems really good and currently I’m wasting it by not punishing whiffed stuff.

For easy whiff punishes, if I’m at the tip of range and I think they will recover quickly, I just do Red Orchid into her dragon punch for no meter combo. f.mk, mp, hp, (dp+HK). I’m sure there are more damaging combos, but that one is very easy. If they whiffed something huge like a dragon punch up close, then I’ll do the full combo. hcf+hp, f.hp, f.mk, mp, hp, dp+hk. The hcf+hp takes a long time to come out though, so it’s only on a missed srk usually. You can also add her Iron Mountain Rush attack to the end of anything if you want to use 2 meters and get big damage. That’s a start, and I know there is more damaging stuff. Will post up more when I get more used to it.

Wow - you get enough time off a whiffed srk to do hcf+hp?

If I was next to them and there was enough frames off a whiffed normal. I’d try to do f+MP > LP, f+MK > MP xx Tiger Strike if only for consistency. If your timing’s good (I can only get this half of the time), you can do f+MP > LP, f+MP > MK xx WR, cr.HP xx Tiger Strike/HK DP. If you do the DP, you can tag cancel for more damage if you like.

Thanks for the help guys, I appreciate it!

How do i beat rufus dive kick pressure?

Does Baiyuan Sanshou (LP, b + MP, LP, LP) have any use?