If you’re close enough, cr.MP will link, but this is like jump in j.mk cross up, cr.hp xx CADC PC close. Can’t do cr.lp for confirming purposes, but if you can get the CADC PC reliably, you should still be good.
You guys got any advice on dealing with Chun-Li? I feel like she tops Julia in every way: she’s fast, great pokes, every thing she does is safe, and she can both pressure and zone. And she has one of the best alpha counters in the game… It just feels like such an uphill battle: can’t get in cause of dem pokes and frame trapping her is risky cause of the alpha counter and that crazy cr.lk
So what are Julia’s best normals / Tc’s to use to cancel into PC or windroll when trying to get in and keep pressure applied…like…what are her relatively safe strings to use? And what can I do after a blocked PC ?
Could someone give me a few strings / options that are practical / could be seen in a match and explain wht is going on in each string? Right now I’m trying to decide between Julia and Lars for my anchor. My point character is cammy.
Any help would be amazing
I know there is a stigma attatched to the word “flowchart”, but in this case I guess what I’m asking for is a common tool she has to help her get in / start offense ( target combo, whatever), then what some of my options could be on hit or on block. If someone could create a string like that of options on hit and block and why said option is being suggested, I would appreciate it a lot. I’m just trying to get an idea of how Julia goes about a match and the thought process. I find it easier to have someone explain it than for me to just watch videos and try to piece it together when there are other possible options the player in the video could’ve done but didnt. Anyways, thanks
cr.HP, and f.MK > MP > P at least I would say
That’s just asking for punishment.
try b.mp > lp instead. or you can go for lp > lp > mk ( I think it’s this one…) xx stuff if you wanna try catching the opponent blocking high.
Those are probably safer on their own, but to cancel into PC or Windroll, you want more block stun, right?
Even then the cancelling is punishable, unless you backdash instead of going for the PC.
Red Orchid is -15 on block, and even with cadc PC at the end, you’ll have another 13 frames to wait before the PC is even active. That leaves the opponent with more than enough room to squeeze a jab or low foward in, Windroll is also punishable, it’s 20+ frames of movement in which you cannot attack, the follow up moves are also punishable in between on block.
Overall, just don’t throw Red Orchid out there like it’s the thing to do, that’s all I was getting at- in fact, don’t commit to a PC if your opponent has been hasty to counterpoke you.
I’d say it’s best to use any sort of these cancels when you’ve established the respect to keep your opponent blocking, if they continually knock you out of your pressure, it becomes more and more obvious how unsafe those strings are.
Don’t get me wrong though, with proper spacing, it’s very easy to catch an opponent walking fwd with Red Orchid, I guess what I’m really trying to say is:
Don’t become predictable.
I don’t think you understand how frame data works. It really is only a 3f minimum gap between cr.HP or Mountain Crusher to Party Crasher on block.
Jesus christ, if only id known this before last night…fml for not checking frame data sooner.
I’m looking to pick juila up in this game so what should I do to get started learning her?
<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/22642/Supast4r">Supast4r</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>I’m looking to pick juila up in this game so what should I do to get started learning her?</div>
I’m picking her seriously myself, so let me share what is useful for me. First off, I think it’s important to know that this character is not fully explored yet, so some of your most valuable tools may come from your own experimentation. That having been said, here are some notes.<div><br></div><div>-Some people think she has the best cr.MK in the game and they may be right.</div><div>-CADC Party Crasher(QCB P(hold) dash+MP) is absolutely essential to her overall gameplay. Besides what it gives you in meterless combos, the PC is + on block and allows you to begin her frame trap game</div><div>-She has four great jump in attacks: j.HK, j.HP, j.MK, J.LK(really fast for jump in/throw because of low blockstun)</div><div>-Low MP is great. Links all over the place</div><div>-Low LP links to Low FP which starts a lot of her combos</div><div>-Low FP is GREAT</div><div>-LK DP is GREAT</div><div>-Easy BnB off jump in or punish: J.HP/HK, cr.FP, EX QCP LP+HP, j.HK, cr.FP, DP HK (474 for one bar w/ tag cancel options for 2 bars)</div><div>-The above combo can be applied to cross up or low jab punish(link to FP) for less, but still good damage</div><div>-Blow up raw tags w/ QCF HP</div><div>-Oki w/ QCF HP/LP. LP gives you feint to dash back, jump in or low off of knockdown</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>I think the above is universally understood info. If someone disagrees, they can feel free but frame data and match footage agrees with the above tools.</div><div><br></div><div>For my personal notes: </div><div>-low MK CADC PC seems like a good way to get in to start your frame traps</div><div>-in most instances where you can Wind Roll for mixups, you can also CADC. You’re vulnerable during windroll, but CADC leaves you at advantage</div><div>-Julia is a frame trap character with several moves that leave her at +2 or better. Terrify your opponent into blocking ot capitalize off of the new throw buffs. This is not a game where taking throws is an option.</div><div>-Trickling Stream(back MP, LP) is really good. It leaves her at +2, hits low and is counter hit bait. I think it’s underused. Links from from cr.LP</div><div>-at certain ranges, cr.FP xx DP is your optimal anti-air damage</div><div>-as an overall note, so many moves leave Julia at advantage, I think her gameplay should be focused on this. Check the Brady guide or other sources for yourself and experiment. A lot of Julia play I see is unsafe, which is ridiculous considering the properties of her moves. She excels in pokes, frame traps, pressure, jump ins and tick throws. Her overheads and wind rolls should only come into play after you’ve frozen the opponent. Before Julia pushes herself out of pressure range with jab strings, she has a nice ambiguous cross up range.</div><div><br></div><div>There is more to her, including some shenanigans, but this is what I think is the foundation of the character. Her low jab links to everything useful and I think that going forward, big damage off of a jab punish will be important in this game. </div>
<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”>Double post.</div></blockquote>